Last updated on July 14th, 2024 at 04:51 pm
History of Basketball
Basketball was invented by Dr James Naismith who was a physical education teacher in YMCA Training School at Springfield (USA) in 1891. Initially, a bladder ball was used to put into the basket which was hung at the end lines of the court. A ball could be moved either by bounce or by passing, to score a basket.
This game gained popularity after some years when it was played as demonstration game in 1924 at Paris
At world level its rules and technicality were regulated by “Federation Internationale de Basketball Association” (FIBA) in 1950.
In India the development of Basketball is regulated by “Basketball Federation of India” (BFI) after it was constituted in 1950. At first Asian Games, it was also competed in 1951 at Delhi.
Today, this is a very popular game among Europeans and Americans as it requires high fitness standards. Americans have developed a new form of basketball named as NBA (National Basketball Association) with fast paced rules and dimensions.
This game is popular among tall individuals as they gain height advantage. In India also, UBA (United Basketball Alliance of India) has been started in 2016.
Latest Rules of Basketball
- Two teams of 5 players each try to score points by tossing the ball into the opposing team’s basket.
- They may use only their hands to control the ball and are not allowed to run while holding it.
- A field goal counts for 2 points or 3 points (if it is thrown from outside the 3-point line). A free-throw is worth 1 point. This is indicated by raising one or two or three fingers (as per score) of the right hand by the Referee.
- The team with possession of the ball must launch an attack within the following time limits. After taking possession of the ball, it has 8-seconds to move the ball forward across the mid-court line; 24-seconds to take a shot at the basket.
- ‘Throw-in’ is given to the opponent team if the ball lands out of bounds during play or touches the player who is standing out of bounds. Opponents are also awarded with throw-in if foul or violation is committed outside the restricted area.
- In the case of common ball, teens are also given throw-ins from the side in alternate ways.
- There are two officials inside the court (Referee and Umpire) who regulate the rules of the game. Other assisting officials are Scorer, Assistant Scorer, Timekeeper, 24-Seconds Operator and Table Commissioner.
Time Rules :
Playing Time : The playing time period is of 40 min duration which is extended into four quarters. The rest period in-between I to Il and Ill to IV quarters is 2 min whereas, in half (between Il to Ill quarter) it is 5 min to 10 min, i.e., 10 — 2 ; 10 – 5/10 ; 10-2 ; 10. The game clock starts when the ball reaches the highest point on a toss, during a jump ball is tapped by the first player.
Extra Time : In case of tie during normal time period of 40 min the game is extended for 5 min play. It can further be extended up to break of tie.
‘24′-Seconds Rule : Whenever a team gains possession of ball, they are supposed to attempt the basket within 24 seconds.
8 Seconds Rule : After the score or due to foul or any other reason if the team gets possession of the ball they are supposed to move the ball in the front of court (from the rear half of court) within ‘8’ seconds. (Earlier it was the 10 second rule).
5- Seconds Rule : A player cannot hold the ball (without bounce) for more than ‘5’ seconds.
3- Seconds Rule : Any offensive player cannot stay inside the opponents’ restricted area consecutively for more than ‘3’ seconds, (apart from attempts, rebounds or tries for making baskets).
Charged Timeout : Each team can take one timeout maximum in I, Il, Ill quarters and can take two timeouts in IV quarter. The duration of timeout is 1 min maximum. It is only granted when the ball is not in play. Game is continued from side pass (as per possession before the timeout).
Fouls :
It is an infraction of rules involving personal contact, with the opponent or unsportsmanlike behavior. These obstructions are committed to the opponent to get the possession of the ball or overpower the opponent or misconducts or misbehaves with the officials in the playing field. Fouls are noted over the score sheet by the table official. In case of fouls the opponents are awarded throw-in or free-throw (as per attempt for scoring).
Personal Foul : It is a player’s foul which involves illegal contact with the opposing player whether the ball is live or dead. A player is eliminated from the match if he commits 5 personal fouls.
They are further penalized with throw-in or free-throws if their team has committed more than four fouls in each quarter. These fouls are charging, illegal blocking, guarding from behind, holding or pushing opponents, illegal-screening, etc.
Unsportsmanlike Foul : This foul is also known as intentional foul. It is a personal foul of a player with or without the ball. It has been deliberately committed against an opponent , like intentionally hitting the opponent player who is going for a scoring basket.
This is a serious foul in which the opponent gets two free-throws along with a side pass from the center-line.
Technical Foul : When a player or coach performs an unsportsmanlike act or misconduct or violent act deliberately. In this foul opponent gets two free-throws alongwith throw-in from center.
Multiple Foul : When two players are involved in the foul at almost the same time. Throw-in taken from the sideline is taken in an alternate manner.
Team Fouls : These are total fouls of the team. If the team fouls exceed more than four fouls in each quarter then the opponent team is awarded with two free-throws on each foul.
Violations :
It is an infraction of rules of game, i.e., illegal actions for controlling or dribbling the ball during the game (without obstructing the opponent). These violations are not noted over the score sheet but the opponent gains possession of the ball.
Traveling : Illegal movement of the ball like running without bounce or passing while running.
Caring : A Player with the ball dribbles the ball with the shifting palm rather than the finger.
Double-Dribble : A player while drü)bling the ball cannot use both hands simultaneously for dribble. He can use both hands only while receiving or while passing the ball.
Out of Bound : Ball hits the boundary line or it bounces out of play-field.
Back-Court : If the ball is passed from the front court to the rear court to the own teammate.
Measurements And Specifications
Playing Field And Equipments
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(i) Total Players in Team = 12 (Five field players and seven substitutes)
(ii) Chest no. of Player = 4 to 15 (FIBA rule); any two digits (NBA rule)
(iii) Area of Court = 28 x 15 m (excluding lines 5 cm) [2 m safety zone on all sides
(iv) Radius of Circles = 1.80 m
(v) Height of Board = 2.90 m from surface
(vi) Backboard = 180 cm x 105 cm (120 cm inside the end line)
(vii) Diameter of Ring = 45 cm
(viii) Circumference of Ball= 75 cm +1.5 cm (M) size No. 7; 72 cm + 1.5 cm (W) size No. 6 (made with rubber or leather dust covering)
(ix) Weight of Ball = 600 g ± 25 g (M); 550 g ± 25 g (W) (bounce should be above 1 m if dropped from I h m to check air pressure)
(x) Duration of Game = 40 min in four quarters (10 minutes each)
(xi) Extra Time = 5 min
(xii) Rest Time in-between= 2 to 5 min (between I to Il and Ill to IV) 5 to 10 min (in half)
(xiii) Timeout = 1 min duration
(xiv) Officials (seven) = 1 Referee, I Umpire, I Scorer, I Assistant Scorer, I Timekeeper, One 24-Seconds Operator, I Table Commissioner.
Basketball Match Equipments
- Two or three standard specified basketballs
- One game clock for overall game duration of playing time
- One stopwatch for small breaks in-between the playing time
- One 24-Seconds alarm device; alarm or bell or whistles; two team foul indicators
- Number markers and two free-throw flags
- One to five number personal foul cards
- Throw-in indicator (Jump-ball replacement)
- Score sheet
- Scoreboard
Blocking : It is illegal personal contact which impedes the progress of an opponent player with or without the ball.
Charging : It is personal contact, with or without a ball, by pushing illegal guarding. It prevents the defense from being behind the player or backside of the player.
Illegal-Screening : It is an illegal attempt to delay or prevent an opponent player who does not control the ball from reaching desired position.
Holding : It is personal contact to the opponent player that interferes with the freedom of movement (by body contact).
Double-Foul : A situation in which an opposing player commits contact fouls against each other simultaneously.
Dead-Ball : Ball lands out of bounds, official blows the whistle, in case of violation, fouls, etc. It is a temporary stoppage of the game.
Live-Ball : During jump-ball if the ball is legally tapped or officials place the ball for play or at the disposal of free throw or throw-in.
Lay-Up-Shot : A shot executed by a player while moving two steps with the ball and attempting a shot.
Three Point : The basket or goal scoring which gives an addition of three points in the score. It should be thrown behind the three point line or arc.
Jump-Ball : A jump ball is a technique of starting the game in the beginning, from the circles. It takes place when the official tosses the ball between the two opposing players — with new rules only one time the jump-ball is done and next time it is done with throw-in.
Cut-In : The fast movement of the player towards the basket through two or more opponents to receive the ball.
Traveling : It is a violation in which illegal movement of the ball by dribbling, i.e., player moves without the bounce; passes or collects the ball while running.
Throw-In : It is passing the ball from sideline or end line (after the dead-ball) to restart the continuity of the game. Personal-Foul : A foul committed by a player with illegal body contact to the opponent.
Dribbling : It is pumping of the ball with your hands so that it bounces back by which the movement of ball takes place by a player.
Free-Throw : It is attempting an unhindered shot (basket scoring) from the position behind the free throw line, it is without interruption by the opponent player. It may be one, two or three free-throws according to officials.
Shooting : An attempt to score a goal or basket.
Rebounding : It is an attempt to recollect the ball if it fails to score a basket. It is bounced back off the ball after striking the ring or backboard (in unconverted shot) which comes for play.
Board-Shot : It is an attempt to goal (score basket) by bounce from the ring board, i.e., ball to hit the board first for scoring basket.
Man-to-Man Marking : It is a defensive skill where each player checks or guards or screens the opponent player (during opponent ball possession).
Zone-Defence : It is defense in their own half, where the player covers a particular area for defense.
Fast-Break : Ball is quickly passed to (after rebounding or after score or from throw in) own teammate for scoring goal, who is Placed close to opponent ring. It is moving the ball quickly down the court in order to score before the defence can set-up.
Fake : It is dodging or deflects to opponent in another direction. It is deceiving opponent in other directions.
Extra-Time : It is the addition in the playing tilne, if score is equal during normal playing time period of 40 min. Then 5 min additional time is given for play to break the tie.
Team Fouls : It is the total number of fouls committed by the team during one quarter. It is marked by raising a red flag or by a team foul indicator.
24-Seconds Device : It is the apparatus used to count 24 sec which raises its alarm after 24 seconds. It starts the possession of the ball to each team.
Charged Timeout : It is an interruption of the game requested by the coach. It lasts not more than one min. It can be taken one time in I, Il and Ill quarter; and two times it can be taken in IV quarter.
Held-Ball : It occurs when two opponents have firmly gripped the ball, and neither can gain possession without undue roughness. With new changes, throw-in (by turn) is taken from the nearest side or end line (earlier jump-ball was performed under this condition).
Goal : A credited basket scoring which raises score or points.
Substitution : It is replacing a player by a reserve player. It is given on demand to officials; moreover, the ball is dead (not alive). The player to be substituted should be entered only when the other player has moved out of the court boundaries.
Violation : An infringement of rules where the opponent is awarded with throw-in from sideline or end line closest to infraction.
Penalty : A foul committed by the defending player while the opponent is very close and in action for a goal attempt. Here opponents are awarded with two or three attempts for scoring baskets from the free-throw line.
Number of free-throws is judged by the Referee according to the player’s position while attempting a goal (during foul).
Duties of Scorer
(i) He shall make a chronological running summary of points scored and shall record the field goals or basket scored made along with free-throws.
(ii) He shall record the personal and technical fouls of each player.
(iii) He shall indicate the number of fouls committed by each player by using number marker.
(iv) He shall record the team fouls and raise the free-throw flag in case of more than four fouls in each quarter.
(v) To see the chest number of goal attempting player, to observe the match carefully, to see the chest no. of the player who commits foul, to fill every detail of the score sheet, to notice the replacing player with chest number.
Duties of 24 Seconds-Operator
To check the 24 seconds-rule, i.e., starting the time of teams with ball POssession and alarm it when time is over or finishes. To notice every time when possession of the ball changes.
Duties of Timekeeper :
(i) He shall note when each quarter is to start and notify this to Referee more than three minutes before this time.
(ii) He shall keep record of play and stoppage of time.
(iii) He shall indicate with bell the expiry of playing time in each quarter or extra time. (iv) Timekeeper shall start timeout watch for charged timeout.
Duties of Referee and Umpire
(i) There is one Referee and one Umpire to conduct the match.
(ii) They observe and whistle for fouls and violation and indicate this to the table official.
(iv) They keep the ball for free-throw or throw-in to the opposing teams. They assist each other for smooth conduct of the game.
Fundamental Skills of Basketball
Passing: Chest-pass, bounce-pass, long-pass, one-hand pass, one-hand side-pass and underhand pass
Dribbling : Low-dribble, high-dribble, behind the back-dribble, under the leg-dribble.
Shooting : Jump-shot, set-shot, hook-shot, lay-up-shot, dunk-shot, and tip-in shot.
Defense : Zone defense, man-to-man defense, match-up defense (blocking, screening), press defense.
Body Techniques : Fake or dodge, dodge by signal, dodge by screen, pivoting. Rebounding : Offensive-rebound and defensive-rebound.
Jump-Ball : To start the game in the beginning, the ball is tossed and players jump for the collection of the ball. They are not allowed to push or hit the opponent player, usually performed by a tall player. For the next time it continues with throw-in (as per new rules).
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(i) Chest-Pass : It is a direct pass to own teammate at chest level. Ball is passed with initial momentum depending upon the distance to pass. It is passed with both hands which are flexed initially and later extended towards passing.
(ii) Bounce-Pass : Player passes the ball with a bounce to his teammates after faking defender. It should reach normal height.
(iii) One Hand Pass : After faking an opponent, the player passes the ball to his own teammate. It can be done by one hand or both hands.
(iv) Overhead Pass: The two hand overhead pass is used for taller players. This pass keeps the ball away from defending players that is why it is more safe.
(v) Baseball pass: This pass is given with one hand and is used for long passess. For making an accurate baseball pass the ball should be taken just behind the head with a support of the upper portion of the palm and fingers while keeping one foot in front of the other. The ball should be thrown with the swing using fingers.
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Low-Dribble : It is a defensive dribble to keep the control over the ball (when the opponent is close). The ball is bounced at low height up to the knee and body shields the opponent, body is slightly crouched.
High Dribble: It is an offensive dribble. The bounce is high at twist height to provide fast running movement, Hands perform the pumping action over the ball by pressing it.
Double Dribble: Dribbling the ball with two hands at the same time is known as double
Crossover Dribble: It is a basketball Movement in which the player possessing the ball rapidly switches the ball from one hand to the other to make a change in direction
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Dunk : After faking an opponent, the player reaches near the ring and pushes the hall inside the ring with hand.
Jump-Shot : This is the most conunon shot for 3 points. In this one hand is used to push the ball and the other directs the hall towards the basket with the jump. Hand extends over the head with full accuracy.
Lay-up-shot : After faking an opponent. The player takes two steps to reach near the ring and places the ball inside the ring.
Pivot-foot: It is a restricted motion with the ball. A player rotates around keeping one foot stationary. It is changing the direction of the body while one foot maintains contact with the floor.
Important Personalities, Tournaments And Venues
Important Personalities
Arjuna Award Winners : Sarbjit Singh (1961), Khushi Ram (1967), Gurdial Singh (1968), Hav. Hari Dutt (1969), Abbas Moontasir (1970), Pilot Man Mohan Singh (1971), S.K. Kataria (1973), Anil Kumar Punj (1974). Hanuman Singh (1975), T. Vijayaragavan (1977), 0m Prakash (1979), Radhey Shyam, Ajmer Singh (1982), Km Suman Sharma (1991), Sajjan Singh Cheema (2000), Parminder Singh (2002), Satya (2003), Geethu Anna Jose (2014), Prashanti Singh (2017), Vishesh Bhriguvanshi (2020).
Dhyan Chand Award Winners : Aparna Ghosh, Raj Kumar.
USA- Michael Jordan, Karim Abdul-Jabbar, Magic Johnson, Ms. Sheryl Swoopes
France- Tony Parker, Toni Kukoc, Sheryl Swoopes, Kareem AbdulJabbar, Magic Johnson, Kobe Bryant, Steve Francis, L.B. James, Ray Allen, John Wizards.
Important Tournaments
International: Olympic Games, World Championship, NBA (League), Asian League, Oceania Championship, European cup, Services Trophy, American cup, Africa Championship, Asia Cup, Thomas Cup
National: Federation Cup, National Games, Baba Farid Invitational Tournament, 0m Prakash Memorial Tournament, Prithvi Cup.
Important Venues
Guru Nanak Stadium (Ludhiana), Talkatora Stadium, I.G. Indoor Stadium (Delhi), Tata Sports Complex (Tata Nagar), Railways Sports Complex (Mumbai, Varanasi), Nehru Sports Complex (Lucknow), Indoor Sports Complex (Hyderabad), NIS Complex (Patiala, Bengaluru), Katoch Stadium (Jalandhar).
Final Words
From above article you have learnt history, rules and regulations, dimensions and fundamentals of basketball. We hope that above article will certainly help you to gain knowledge about latest basketball rules.