Top 5 Best High Paying Computer Online Courses After 10th And 12th 2024

Last updated on July 14th, 2024 at 04:52 pm

Computer Online Courses

Below are some most important computer online courses after class 12th, computer online courses with certificate, computer online courses in India, computer online courses for beginners, computer online courses free with certificate.

Nowadays every small and big business relies on computers. For every small and big job, the demand for digital skills related to computers is increasing tremendously.

If you do not have computer skills, then it is very difficult for you to get a good job. If you have recently completed your 12th standard and you want to start earning by doing computer offline or online courses, then you are at the right place.

We have brought top 5 such computer online courses, which can easily provide you with a handsome salary job. All you have to do is complete the course thoroughly and keep practising.

It is a myth that you cannot get a well-paid job after passing 12th.You can get a highly paid job or even you can do your own business.

Most important thing is that you choose the right course. Although you can find thousands of free and paid courses online, the right course plays a major role in training you professionally. 

There are a variety of computer courses offered all over the world, but you should choose the course that is in demand. So we would suggest such highly sought and vocational courses that will help you make a handsome income too. We have picked advanced and high paid skills for you from the world of computer online courses. Choose it wisely keeping in mind the future trends.

So let’s get started.

1. Graphic Designing:

Graphic Designing is the most popular course in terms of popularity, the reason being that every brand or business wants its online presence to be unique in the form of website, advertisement, app, video, brochure, etc. everywhere graphic designing is present.

To increase the interest of their audience, companies pay a lot to the graphic designer. Instead of reading the long text people pay attention to the graphics or appearance and within a few seconds an impression of the company or product is made in their mind, even if it is an advertisement or a company’s app or website. 

In India, you can secure an entry level job with a salary of 30 to 35 thousand per month. Within a year if you are a talented designer then you can earn up to 100000. You will also be able to do UX and UI Design with ease of Graphic Designing.

After acquiring some projects in the beginning by doing freelancing, you will be able to acquire so much work that you will earn more than one lakh rupees monthly. The reason is that the work of graphic designers is decided according to the quality of their work.

If you build an excellent portfolio by learning Graphic Designing, then companies will hire you at a high rate. So if you are interested in this field then the most suitable course for you would be Graphic Designing.

2. Animation Course:

If you are a creative person and have out-of-the-box thinking, then you must opt for this course. Today not only TV and movies but animation has become popular on every platform. In the field of gaming, the demand for animation and VFX experts is also on boom. You see daily advertising campaigns on social media where animated visuals are presented.

With the help of VFX, even impossible things are brought to the screen in a realistic way. Everything is done by animation and VFX specialists. So by gaining knowledge of VFX and Animation, you can club your creativity with professional learning.

If your work is unique and lucrative then you will get many more paid opportunities than you imagined. You can become a freelance or full time expert as per your choice. Most people today do freelancing in this field, it gives you variety as well as many projects.

3. Web Development Course:

This field has gained a lot of popularity recently and its popularity is not going to go downhill in the upcoming years. As long as there is internet there is demand for the web. Take anything related to the word.

The concept of a website is not limited to big companies only, if you live in a small city then you will be able to see that many businesses have started making their own websites.

The whole world is the power of the internet. People have been taking their business to great heights by using it. That’s why today any company must have a personal website.

Whenever we hear any good or bad about any company we google this name almost immediately. A website is the face of any brand and that’s why everyone likes to have at least one.

4. Digital Marketing Course:

The demand for this skill will continue for at least 7 to 10 years, if the studies are followed. Every business is going online but is it enough to just have an online presence or a website?

No, if your product-service is to reach every person, then it is equally important to have online promotion in the right way. Every brand is updating according to its marketing strategy.

And this is possible with the help of digital marketing experts. In digital marketing, as the name suggests, any product has to be promoted through digital medium. In this, product promotion has to be done in all digital platforms.

Companies are hiring digital marketers at great rates to prove themselves better than competitors in front of their target audience. If you are able to increase the sales or rank of the company, then your company is ready to pay you even more.

Quite a few young students are trying to learn these skills because in social media and all the digital platforms they stay in touch on a daily basis. So digital marketing is another such computer course that you can pursue after 12th class.

 5. App Development Course:

This free service we use on a daily basis. We like to install  apps every day instead of doing it from the browser. There are many problems while using browsers like ads, limited features, time consumption etc.

Our experience with the app is simple, hassle free and personalised. Some innovative apps have come in the industry, with the help of which our daily work becomes easy.

Games, music, cab booking, shopping, fitness, etc. for all kinds of needs we use apps.. Due to the interesting features or versatility of mobile applications, the demand for app development has become very vast.

Researchers say that in today’s date, the app has become more than the website used. Thousands of new apps are being launched daily. About 200 billion app downloads were recorded last year. App developers handle the appearance, functionality, features, design, and everything of any app. 

Android phones are an integral part of almost everyone’s life today. By just typing some words on the screen of our phone, we can do our complex tasks easily.

By the end of the next five years, that is, by 2027, the demand for app developers is going to increase by 24%. It is a prediction of the US Bureau of Labour Statistics. So obviously if you learn the skill now you can take advantage of the increasing demand by gaining the expertise.

So, friends, these are the 5 best lucrative computer courses that you can pursue after class 12th with ease. You do not need much investment to learn these. In fact, with the help of thousands of free courses on Google and YouTube, you will be able to learn these for free too.

If you want, you can also do paid courses with certification. The most important factor is how much you do on your own skills. One important suggestion would be that you have to do some of your own projects on your own to get experience.

This will give you a professional level and build a high-quality portfolio because your first job or first project will greatly increase your chances of being highly paid.

International Platforms To Learn Online Computer Courses With Certificate

Get certificates from the University of Michigan, Google, AWS, MIT, IIT Bombay, Stanford University, IBM etc.

Computer online courses
Computer online courses
Computer online courses

Also Read: Top Courses After 12th Commerce

Final Words

From the above article you got the idea about Top 5 computer online courses with certificate which provides you high paying job. You can also do freelancing or you can set up your own business. For doing online courses I personally recommend Coursera is the best platform.

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