[Latest] Volleyball History | Rules | Measurements 2024

Last updated on July 14th, 2024 at 04:48 pm


Volleyball is one of the most popular sports in the world. Objective of this game is to make the ball land in opponents court or to make the opponent team commit mistakes.

It is very easy and a relatively inexpensive game that can be played on very small levelled ground. Volleyball is a sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net.

History of Volleyball

The game of Volleyball, originally called “mintonette, ” was invented in 1895 by William G. Morgan after the invention of basketball. It was only four years after this. Morgan, a graduate of the Springfield College of the YMCA, designed the game to be a combination of basketball, baseball, tennis and handball.

In 1907, Volleyball was presented at the Playground of America convention as one of the most popular sports. Volleyball rules were framed in 1928 by the United States Volleyball Association (USVBA).

In 1947, the Federation International De Volley-Ball (FIVB) was founded in Paris. It conducted the first World Championships which were held in Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1949. Later it was included in the 1964 Olympic Games.

In the 1960s, new techniques added to the game included : the soft spike (dink), forearm pass (bump), blocking across the net, and defensive diving and rolling.

FIVB added a Beach Volleyball World Championship Series in 1987 and later in 1996, 2-person beach volleyball was added to the Olympics.

In India, volleyball came into vogue through YMCA and later Volleyball Federation of India (VFD was formed in 1950. India won the gold in the very first Asian games.

Latest Rules of Volleyball

  • Volleyball involves two teams of 6 players each who try to send the ball over the net to touch the ground on the opposing team’s side.
  • The team that wins a rally wins a point, moreover wins the right to serve at the same point.
  • A set is won by the team which first scores 25 points (except the deciding 5th set) with a minimum lead of two points.
  • To win a match, the team has to win three sets.
  • In a 2-2 tie of sets, the deciding 5th set is played to 15 points with a minimum lead of 2 points. 
  • The ball is put in play by the back-row player on the right, who can serve anywhere along the 9 meters width of the service zone.
  • The player has 8 seconds to make service in a single attempt to get the ball over the net (it may touch the net).
  • The rally ends when the ball touches the ground or when it is hit out of bounds or when the player does not return it legally.
  • When a team wins service, the players rotate one position clockwise. This rule was instituted so that players would have to play in both the front and back zones.
  • Each team can touch the ball a maximum of 3 times in addition to the block, before sending it into the other team’s court. Once a player has touched the ball, he cannot touch it again until it has been touched by another player in either team.
  • The ball can touch any part of the body and it must be hit (not held or thrown). 
  • It is illegal for a player or players to form a screen to keep the other team from seeing the server.
  • A team can make a maximum of 6 substitutions per set. 
  • The service touching the top border of the net is a legal service.
  • A player cannot be substituted again on the same position, if already been replaced. Warming-up of the time period in the playfield for both teams is 3 to 5 min. before the match. The area of warming-up extends 3 m to sides or on a nearby playing field.

Measurement And Specifications

Volleyball court
  • Volleyball Playing Field = 18 m x 9 m 
  • Free Zone Area = 24 m X 15 m (minimum 3 m on all sides)  
  • Length of Service Line = 9 m  
  • Size of Net = 9.5 m x 1 m (width)
  • Height of Net = 2.43 m (Men), 2.24 m (Women)   
  • Pole to Pole Distance = 10 to 12 m  
  • Height of an Antenna = 80 cm above net (over sideline), (total length of Antenna is 1.80 m whereas 80 cm is about net) 
  • Circumference of the Ball = 65 to 67 cm 
  • Weight of the Ball = 270 g ± 10 g  
  • No. of Players — 12 (6 Playing and 6 Substitutes including Libero)
  • Width of Line = 5 cm  
  • No. of Points in a Set = 25 points with lead of two points, except 5th set of 15 points.  
  • Officials = 1 Referee, 1 Assistant Referee, 1 Scorer, 1 Table Official, 1 Commissioner of match, 4 Line Judges   
  • Timeout = 1 Timeout in each set and 2 Timeouts in final set (of 30 seconds)  
  • Tie-Rule = At 24 point or 14 point (two consecutive points)

Also Read: Football History, Rules, Measurements

Volleyball Referee Signals

Volleyball signals


Libero : A specialized defensive player (wears different color kit) who plays in rear half to provide rest to certain player. He can be substituted anytime during a match from rear row player. He cannot serve, block and smash (he can smash behind the attack line).

Players’ Position : The players take positions in two rows, where no. 1 position is server; no. 2, 3, 4 positions of players stand in the front/attack zone; 5, 6 positions of players are in the rear or back zone.

Positional-Fault : During service the players must stay in their positions, i.e., diagonally opposite players must be in the same manner as in the beginning. Otherwise, positional faults are given to opponent.

Service Faults : These are the faults committed during service like : violates the service order, does not execute the service properly, faults after the service hit, ball goes out, passes over a screen.

Rotation : After every change of service, the players of the serving-side rotate in clockwise, othenvise, it may be a foul.

Rotational-Fault : A fault in which a wrong positional player performs the service.

Ball out of Play : When the ball is out of play at the moment of a fault, which is whistled by one of the Referees.

Bump-Pass : It is the forearm or underarm lift made on the low level coming ball.

Carrying the Ball : If the ball rests momentarily in the hands of the player, i.e., it is held for a short duration in the action, it is illegal.

Side Band : Two white bands are fastened vertically to the net and placed directly above each sideline. They are 5 cm wide and 1 m long and are considered as part of the net.

Service-Zone : An area behind the service line from where the service is performed. It extends 3 to 5 m   behind the service line,

Substitution-Zone : An area 3 m away towards the sideline from where the substitution is allowed to move for SUbstitution, otherwise, they sit over the substitution bench.

Consecutive-Contact : A legal contact of ball with two or more players consecutively, i.e., if two or more  players contact the ball together,

Substitution : Replacement of one or more players from the listed substitution apart from Libero. The coach  Of the team requests for substitution to the assistant referee. An area 3 m away towards the sideline (substitution area) is allowed to move for substitution. When Referee signals for substitution the player should move out and substitute player should enter.

Dink : A soft push to ball by the fingertips whilc faking, i.e., instead of spike the soft push by the fingertips.  Setter : A player specialized to lift the ball for the smash. It is performed over the coming ball from o

Collective-Block : A block executed by two or more players in an attempt to block the coming ball.

Side-Out : When the active ball touches or contacts the floor outside the boundary line.

Spiker : A player specialized to hit the ball down towards the opponent’s court. Ile is also known as smasher. Attack-Linc : An extended line behind the centre line which restricts Libcro to smash from front area of court. It is 3 m away from the net.

Bock-line : A line at the back of court at 9 m front net. It is aléo known as the service line.

 Floating-Service : A technique of performing service in which the ball is hit hard and it makes a steep landing in the opponent’s court.

Service-area : An area behind the backline which is used for performing service.

Free-zone Area : An area by the sides of the court which can be used during the game. It is 3 m on all sides of COUrt. 

Antenna : An extended upright over the net which gives the idea of sideline. It is 180 cm in length Whereas

 80 cm is above the net.

Ace : A point scored over service which is unreturned.

Dig : A hard smash near the attack line in the opponent ‘s court.

Catch : The ball is caught and/or thrown; it does not rebound from the hit.

Double Contact : A player hits the ball twice in succession or the ball contacts various parts of his/her body in succession.

Screening : A player of the servicing team must not prevent the visibility of the service player. The collective screening, from seeing the server or the flight path of the ball is illegal.

Technical Timeout : It is given for 60 seconds in the final set when the leading team reaches the 8th and 16th points. It may be requested by each team.

Timeout : It is a temporary interruption asked by the coach during the game. Each team may request a maximum  of two timeouts. All requested timeouts last for 30 seconds.

Four Hits : The team is entitled to a maximum of three hits (in addition to blocking), for returning the ball. 

 more are used, the team commits the fault of “Four Hits”.

Delays in game : During substitution, time out, ball goes away, injury to player, improper request to  

Blocking : It is preventing the coming smash or ball over the net so that it lands in the opponent court.

Blocking-Fault : When the blocker touches the ball in the opponent court either before or simultaneously with  the opponent’s attack hit; back-row player or a Libero completes a block or participates in a completed block.

Ball Out : When the part of the ball which contacts the floor is completely outside the boundary lines; i  touches an object outside the court, the ceiling or a person out of play; it touches the antenna, ropes, posts or the net itself outside the side bands; it crosses the vertical plane of the net either partially or totally outside the crossing  space; it crosses completely the lower space under the net.

Faults during Playing Ball : A team hits the ball four times before returning it, Assisted Hit, Catch, Double Contact.

Penalty area : A penalty area, sized approximately 1 Xl m and equipped with two chairs, is located in the control area, outside the prolongation of each end line. This may be limited by a 5 cm wide red line.

Misconduct : It is illegal action or offence or behavior by the player or by the team member including coach; warning at first instance and recorded over the score sheet.

Penalty : After the first warning the second misconduct is a penalty. In this, the team is penalized with the loss of a  point or a rally.

Expulsion : A player or coach is expelled and not allowed to play further, if he repeatedly performs misconduct. He is not even allowed to sit over the team bench.

Change of Court : After each set the ends are changed. In the final set it is changed at 8th point.

Penetration-Fault : A fault given when the opponent player enters into the opponent area in air; by crossing center line by foot or by hands over the net during smash, block or lift.

Warming-up Area : It is an area by the sides of the playing field where the player performs warming-up. The warming-up areas, sized approximately 3 X 3 m are located in both of the bench side corners, outside the free zone. 

Assisted-Hit : A player takes the support from a teammate or any other structure or object in order to reach the ball within the playing area.

Sanctions Imposed by Referee : According to the judgment of the 1st Referee and depending on the seriousness of the offense, the sanctions to be applied and recorded on the score sheet are: Warning: no sanction Stage l; Verbal Warning; Stage 2: symbol Yellow card; Penalty: sanction – symbol Red card; Expulsion: sanction – symbol Red + Yellow cards jointly; Disqualification: sanction – symbol Red + Yellow card separately.


Duties of Coach 

Throughout the match, the coach conducts the play of his/her team from outside the playing court. He/She selects the starting line-ups, the substitutes, and takes timeouts. 

The coach records or checks the names and numbers of his/her players on the score sheet, and then signs it. Prior to each set, he gives the 2nd referee or the scorer the line-up sheet(s) duly filled in and signed. Coach requests for timeouts and substitutions.

Duties of First Referee 

He is responsible for the conduct of match under rules and regulations from the start until the end. He is the final authority as far as the decision of the match is concerned. 

He can replace other officials who are not performing duty properly. Referee controls all the situations of the match under rules. Referee performs a toss before the start of the match. 

He whistles for service. He can overrule the decisions of other officials if required. He gives fault, warning, etc.

Duties of Assistant Referee 

To provide assistance and help to the first Referee. He looks after rotation faults, positional fault, line cut, etc. He helps match referees for substitution and timeout. He checks scorers and other officials. He checks the fouls and faults at the net. His position is in front of the match referee by the sideline. He indicates with signals and does not use a whistle.

Duties of Linesman 

There are 4 to 6 linesmen for each match. They signal their judgment regarding ‘in’ or ‘out’ of the ball bounce. During service, if the ball touches the outer edge of the service line it is signaled as out whereas all other bounces off the ball over the line are considered as ‘in’ during the game. The first Referee has the right to overrule the decision of linesman.

Fundamental Skills of Volleyball

Service (Tennis) 

There are various types of service like underhand service, round arm service, jump service, and tennis service. Most common attacking service is Tennis service. In this the server can stand anywhere behind the 9 m service line. 

The player executes it as a spike behind the service line. If it is hit well, the serve is a powerful offensive skill. Tennis serve has variations like, topspin, reverse spin floating serve. 

Spike or Smash 

It is a powerful attack. Players who execute the spike have an excellent sense of balance in the air and can perceive and anticipate the actions and positions of the opposing team members. Contact with the ball takes place above the net.

A player specialized in smash LIFT is known as Spiker, Sometimes a Dump (a fake smash) is also practiced by spiker to dodge the opponent’s blockers.

Tip or Lift 

It is a rally technique used during the match. The tip is a transitory move between reception and attack. It is made with an upward movement of the arms and legs. Contact with the ball is with the fingertips without touching the palm. A player specialized in lifting is known as Booster or Setter.

Bump or Underarm-Lift

Bump is a defensive skill keeping the ball from falling; receiving serve and offensive skill as it provides a good chance to tip the ball for the spiker. Bump is the first contact of the ball (service reception). The bump provides the transition between defense and attack.


This is an advanced technique to lift the far away falling ball towards the side. In this a player has less chance to move to the place where the ball is falling towards the side of players. Then, he extends one arm to lift the ball. Thus, ball can be raised up for further play.


It may be executed by one, two or three players and it is the first line of defence against the

Blockers are not expected to block all spikes but to do as a screen, reducing the floor space that must be covered by the players behind them. To block, a player has good anticipation of the play (the tallest player is usually the main blocker).

Dive-Lift : In this, the players dive to lift the fast coming ball as there is less time to move forward or sideward. Thus, the player dives to lift the ball with underhand.

Important Personalities, Tournaments And Venues

Important Personalities

(a) Arjuna Award Winners : A. Palanisamy (1961), Nripjit Singh (1962), Balwant Singh “Ballu” (1972), G.M. Reddy (1973), M.S. Rao (1974), R. Singh, Km K.C. Elamma (1975), Jimmy George (1976), A. Ramam Rao (1978), Kutty Krishnan (1978), S.K. Mishra (1979), G.E. Sridharan (1982), R.K. Purohit (1983), Km saley Joseph (1984), Cyril C. Valloor (1986), Abdul Basith (1989), Daiei Singh Ror (1990), K. Udaya Kumar (1991), Sukhpal Singh (1999), P.V. Ramana (2000), Amir Singh (2001), Ravikant Reddy (2002), K.J. Kapil Dev (2010), Sanjay Kumar (2011), Tom Joseph (2014).

Dhyan Chand Award Winners : 0m Prakash, T.P. Padmanabhan Nair.

Dronacharya Award Winners : A. Ramana Rao, M. Shyam Sunder Rao, G.E. Sridharan.

Important Tournaments 

Olympic Games, World Championship, Asian Games, World League, National Games, Federation Cup.

Important Venues 

Indira Gandhi Stadium (N. Delhi), NIS (Patiala), PAP Campus (Jalandhar), Sports Complex (Hyderabad), Tata Sports Complex (Tata Nagar), Railway Sports Complex (Mumbai), Sports Complex (Chennai).

Final Words

From the above article you learnt about rules, history, measurements and many more about Volleyball. We hope that you will get success by giving exams based on Volleyball.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When was FIVB founded?

Answer: In 1947, the Federation International De Volley-Ball (FIVB) was founded in Paris

2. Who was invented the game volleyball?

Answer: The game of volleyball originally called Mintonette was invented in 1895 by William G Morgan of USA

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