[Latest] 20+ CBSE Social Science Sample Question Papers Class 10 | 2024

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Social Science Sample Paper Class 10


1. Find the correct statement regarding ” The Act of Union-1707″ from the options below.

(A) The British monarch surrendered the power to the British Parliament.

(B) The British Parliament seizes power from Ireland.

(C) Establishment of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

(D) The country of Great Britain was created as a result of the war with Scotland and Wales.

2. Mahatma Gandhi had come from South Africa where he had successfully fought the racist regime with a novel method of of mass agitation.

According to the above mentioned statement, choose the correct year in which Mahatma Gandhi returned to India

(A) January, 1916

(B) January, 1915

(C) March, 1921

(D) April, 1917

3. Arrange the steps in the correct sequence:

Resource planning in India involves:

India Resource Planning consists of:

(p) Create a planning model with appropriate technology, expertise and infrastructure. Establish it in the organization to implement the development. plan.

(q) Identify and store equipment in various regions throughout the country. This includes surveying, mapping and estimating, surveying and measuring resources.

(r) Matching the resource development plans with overall national development plans.


(A) p,q &r

(B) p and q only

(C) q,p & r

(D) q & r

4. India has different characteristics, habitat, climate and vegetation types. These encourage the development of different types of soils.

On the basis of the above given statement identity the most likely states in which the various types of soils are found

Column-l Column-ll
(i) Black Soil(a) Western
(ii) Alluvial Soil(b) Himalayan Region
(iii) Arid Soil(c) Northern Plains
(iv) Forest Soil(d) Maharashtra

Options :

(A) (i)-d), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(a), ( iv) – (b)

(B) ( i)-(c), (i)-(d), (iii)-(b), (iv)-(a)

(C) (i)-(a), (ii)-(b), (ili)-(c), (iv)-(d)

(D) (i)-( b) (ii)-(a), ( iii)-(d), (iv)-(c)

5. A belief that BEST believes in that the majority community should be able to rule a country in whichever way at wants, by disregarding the wishes and needs of the minority is:

(A) Power-sharing

(B) Central Government

(C) Community Government

(D) Majoritarianism

6. Which of the following pair is incorrect?

(A) State Government – List of States

(B) Central Government – Union List

(C) Central and State – Concurrent List Government List

(D) Local Government – Residuary Powers

7. Examine the information below and consider one of the correct options below:

Mohan is a farmer. He was unemployed for several months of the year and needed a loan to cover his daily expenses. He relies on his employer (the land owner) for a loan with a monthly interest rate of 5%. Mohan was paid in return for working for the landowner on his land. As the years go by, his debt will likely

(A) increase due to interest and unpaid monthly payments.

(B) Stays the same – because he works for the employer but pays less.

(C) Decrease – Because the amount equal to his salary is considered the monthly payment.

(D) Be totally repaid- as he is repaying the debt in the form of physical labor.

8. When and where did Ford Motor Company establish a large factory in India?

(A) 1975, in Pune

(B) 1985, in Gurgaon

(C ) 1995, Chennai

(D) 2005 , in Mumbai

9. Mining sites are abandoned after excavation work is complete leaving deep scars and traces of over-burdening.

Identity the Indian states which have been deforested due to mining and overgrazing activities:

(A) Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh

(B) Karnataka, Kerala

(C) Ladakh and Kashmir

(D) Lakshadweep

10. Study the picture given below and identify it:

Social Science sample paper class 10

(A) Ramagundam plant

(B) Sewage Treatment Plant under Yamuna Action Plan

(C) Cable manufacturing facilities at HCL

(D) None of the Above

11. There are two statements marked as below

Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Mark your answer as per the codes provided

Assertion (A): Iron ore is the basic mineral and the backbone of India.

Reason (R): India is rich in good quality iron ore.”

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong.

(D) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct.

12. A fast-spreading disease of Cattle Plague or Rinderpest had a terrifying impact on the African local economy.

Arrange the following statements in sequential order based on the information given above:

(i) Indentured Labour was abolished.

(ii) Rinderpest (Cattle Plague) had a terrifying impact on livelihoods of the African people and the local economy

(iii) The First World War was fought.

(iv) Potato Famine in Ireland.


(A) (iv)-(ii)-(iii) – (i)

(B) (iii)-(i)-(ii) – (iv)

(C) (i)-(iv)-(iii) – (ii)

(D) (ii)-(iii)-(iv)-(i)

13. Consider the following statements and choose the correct answer:

Statement (i): More than 5,000 square kilometers of forest have been cleared for the River Valley Project since 1951.

Statement (ii): Large-scale construction has caused the loss of forests.

(A) Statement (i) is true, (ii) is false.

(B) (i) ) is false, (ii) is true

(C) Neither (i) nor (ii) is false

(D) (i) and (ii) are both correct

14. There are two statements labeled Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Mark your answer according to the following rules

Assertion (A): India has a Federal system.

Reason (R): Under a unitary system, either there is only one level of government or the sub-units are subordinate to Central Government.

(A) (A) and (R) are true and (R) is true for (A)

(B) (A) and (R)) ) both true, but (R) is not the correct definition of (A)

(C) (A) is true, but not (R)

(D) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct

15. When we talk about gender discrimination we usually talk about:

(A) Physical differences between men and women.

(B) Unequal roles given to men and women in society.

(C) Inequality in the sex ratio of the child.

(D) In ​​democracies, women did not have the right to vote.

16. Let’s say there are four families in your area and the per capita income is 10,000. If the income of three families is 6,000, 8,000 and 14,000 rupees, what is the income of the fourth family?

(A) 5,000

(B) 10,000

(C) 12,000

(D) 15,000

17 .Which of the following is not a limitation of barter system?

(A) Lack of double coincidence of wants.

(B) Certain products cannot be divided.

(C) Most often double coincidence of wants is not available.

(D) None of the above

18. Which of the following countries possessed a huge bureaucratic system which recruited its personnel through Civil Service Examination?

(A) United Kingdom

(B) Japan

(C) ) China

(D) South Korea 

19. Rihand Dam is located on the Rihand river a tributary of

(A) Sutlej

(B) Son

(C) Godavari

(D) River Brahmaputra 

20. The most common expression of Communalism is in:

(A) everyday beliefs.

(B) religious prejudices.

(C) stereotypes of religious communities.

(D) All of the above.


21. Identify the script and tell when it was produced.

Social Science sample paper class 10

22. Why is conservation of minerals important?

23. Income is the most important component of development.’ Analyze the statement.


Money in your pocket cannot buy all the goods and services that you may need to live well. Analyze the statement.

24. How can the problem of underemployment be solved in India?


25. Alluri Sitarama Raju was an Indian who participated in India’s freedom struggle. Justify the above statement by describing the role of Alluri Sitarama Raju in Andhra Pradesh during 1920s

26. Name the National Political Party which espouses secularism and welfare of weaker sections and minorities

Mention any four features of that party.

27. How have intensive industrialization and urbanization posed a great pressure on existing freshwater resources in

India? Explain.

28. “Democracy embraces social diversity.” Support this statement with an example.


Describe any two outcomes of democracy.

29. The chart below shows the division of labor in our business. Review the information provided and answer the questions below.

Social Science sample paper class 10

(i) What was the share of the primary sector in employment in the year 1970-717

(ii) What was the share of primary sector in employment in the year 2009-107

(ii) Which sector has the lowest share in the employment in 2009-10?

Section- D

30. The printing revolution was more than an improvement, more than a new way of making books; it changed people’s lives.

Examine the impact of the printing revolution in Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries.


Print not only stimulated the publication of conflicting opinions amongst communities, but it also connected communities and people in different parts of India.” Examine the statement.

31. “The 33 per cent of area should be under forest.” Justify the statement highlighting the advantages of forests. 


The conservation projects are now focussing on biodiversity rather than on a few of its components.” Justify with proper examples.

32. Describe the elements of Belgium model for accommodation.


How did the idea of power-sharing emerge? Explain different forms that have common arrangements of power-sharing

33. “Workers are exploited in the Unorganised sector”.

Do you agree with the statement? Explain reasons in support of your answer.


Compare the economic activities of the private sector with that of the public sector.

34, Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

The use of money spans a very large part of our everyday life. Look around and you can spot many money related businesses in a day. Can you write these? In most of these markets, products are bought and sold using currency.

In some industries, services are exchanged for money. For some, it may not be an actual exchange of money now, but a promise of payment later.

Have you ever wondered why business is all about money? The reason is simple. A person who has money in his hand can easily exchange it for any good he wants. That’s why everyone likes to get paid and then exchange the money for whatever they want. Take shoe manufacturers, for example.

He wants to sell shoes and buy rice in the market. Shoe manufacturers first traded the shoes they produced for money, and then exchanged the money for grain. Imagine how difficult it would be for shoe manufacturers to replace shoes directly with grain without spending money. 

So, both parties must agree to sell and buy from each other. This is called the double coincidence of needs.

How someone wants to sell is exactly what they want to buy. In a barter system where goods are exchanged directly without spending money, two different needs are important.

In contrast, in a business that uses money, money eliminates the need for both needs by providing an important step in between. Shoe manufacturers do not need to find a farmer willing to buy their shoes and sell their grain at the same time. All he had to do was find a buyer for his shoes.

When he trades shoes for money, he can buy rice or other products from the market. Since money plays a neutral role in exchange, it is called a medium of exchange.

1.State the reasons why money should be used for business?

2. What does double demand mean?

3. How can shoe manufacturers replace shoes directly with grain without paying?

35. Read the following text and answer the following questions:

Can democracy bring peace and harmony to its citizens? Freedom should create harmony in life, which is a fair expectation. In the previous section, we saw how the democratic system differs.

In Part 1 we saw how Belgium has been successful in dealing with the diversity of its people.

Most democracies have rules on how to play. This reduces the potential for these stressors to explode or escalate into violence.

No nation can resolve conflict between different groups. But we can learn to respect these differences and create a framework for dialogue. Freedom is the best way to create such results. 

The ability to resolve social differences, divisions and conflicts is therefore a good outcome of democratic governance. But the example of Sri Lanka reminds us that democracy must meet two conditions in order to achieve this result:

– It is necessary to understand that freedom does not mean following the majority. to decide. The majority always cooperates with the minority and wants the government to represent the agreement. Neither the majority nor the minority opinion is permanent.

– It is also necessary that the rule of the majority not be the rule of the majority group such as religion, race or language group. Majority rule means that different people and groups can form the majority in every decision or election.

Democracy is democracy only if every citizen has the opportunity to form a majority at some point. If a person’s birth is prohibited by the majority, the democratic process is not tolerated for that person or group.

1. Which society can resolve conflicts between different groups? If not, how?

2. Using Sri Lanka as an example, how do you decide that most decisions are not easy?

3. What is the general order? What does majority mean?

36. Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

After Napoleon’s defeat in 1815, European governments adhered to the spirit of conservatism. Conservatives believe that the traditional institutions of state and society, such as the monarchy, the church, the social class system, property and the family, should be preserved. 

But most conservatives do not want to return to life before the revolution. Instead, they saw that modernization from the reforms initiated by Napoleon could bolster traditional institutions such as the monarchy.

It can make the state strong and powerful. A modern army, an efficient economy, a strong economy, and the abolition of feudalism and serfdom could support Europe’s democratic revolution. In 1815, representatives of the united European powers that had defeated Napoleon met in Vienna to formulate a European solution.

This meeting is chaired by Austrian Chancellor Duke Metternich. Representatives wrote the Treaty of Vienna in 1815 with the aim of undoing many of the changes that had occurred in Europe during the Napoleonic Wars. 

The Bourbons, deposed during the French Revolution, returned to power, and France lost the countries it had annexed during the Napoleonic era. A province was established on the border with France to prevent future French expansion.

1.What was the purpose of the Congress of Vienna in 1815?

2. What did observers observe at the Congress of Vienna?

3. How will the Congress of Vienna ensure peace in Europe?


37. (A) Two places A and B are marked on the map of India.

Identify them and write their names correctly in the table next to them.

(i) 1927 Indian National Congress was held here.

(ii) The place where the movement of Indigo Planters started.

Social Science sample paper class 10

(B) On the same map of India, find any 3 of the following items and mark them with appropriate symbols.

(i) Software Technology Park in UP.

(ii) Nuclear power plant in Tamil Nadu

(iii) Ramagundam thermal power plant. 

(iv) Coal Mines in Jharkhand

Final Words

From the above article you have learnt CBSE Sample Question Paper Social Science Class 10. By solving this Social Science sample question paper class 10 you will certainly get good practice for your board exam.

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