[Latest] Taekwondo History | Rules | Measurements 2024

Last updated on July 14th, 2024 at 06:07 am


Taekwondo is a Korean martial art which was developed to fight against unarmed Japanese invaders in 50 BC.  The word Taekwondo has been derived from two Korean words ‘tae’, which means to strike with foot and ‘kown ‘,  which means to strike with fist. Thus, this combative martial art has various types of techniques for kicking and punching.

History of Taekwondo

Modern development of this game started in 1952 when it was displayed at a public function in Korea. After the formation of the Korean Taekwondo Association (KTA) in 1961 this game became popular all over the world. 

In 1988 at the Seoul Olympic Games it was introduced and became an official event after the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. The World Championship of Taekwondo started in 1973. Koreans dominate in this game.  

In India Taekwondo is regulated by Taekwondo Federation of India (TFI) formed in 1979.

Latest Rules of Taekwondo

Taekwondo points
  • The competitors are grouped into different weight categories in which they compete.
  • Each competitor has to fight against an opponent or defeat the opponent in a maximum of three rounds.
  • Each round is of 2 minutes duration with 1 minute interval in-between.
  • In case of tie or equal points they have to play for ‘sudden death’ to decide the result.
  • The target area for kicking is in front of the body, i.e., head to trunk over the protector guards
  • Points are awarded for correct hit whereas penalties are also levied for incorrect kick or kicking below waist or foul.
  • Winner is declared on point basis or the one who scores a 4 point lead.
  • Players can also be disqualified for unsportsman conduct, and if he misbehaves with officials, etc.

Measurements And Specifications

Taekwondo area
  • Contest Area : 10 m X 10 m (square) with 1 m, safety zone.
  • Players’ Dress:  Dobok (loose jacket and pant worn by player)
  • Players’ Guards : Head guard, trunk protector, Abdominal guard, forearm guard, shin guard.
  • Playing Time :  3 rounds of 2 minutes duration.Interval : After each round 1 minute interval.
  • Official : 1 Mat Referee, 4 Corner Judges, 1 Recorder, 1 Timekeeper.

Fundamental Skills

Ready Position : Players stand in slightly crouch position in the contest area and are ready for fight (Jumby). Fighter moves quickly over toes and changes the leg position very often whereas hands are slightly flexed.

Dodging Movement : Players often change their positions and make dodging movements and fake kicking actions.

Kicking : Players use variations of kick techniques like front kick, back kick, rollback kick, jump kick kick, sidekick, etc.   

Punching: player uses variation of punching techniques like, straight punch, side punch, hook punch, curve punch

Blocking: about from kicking and punching player uses variation of blocking and defensive techniques like face block, kick block, left block, right block, leg block


Dobuk : Players’ dress comprises loose jacket and short pants comfortable for fighting. Red belt and guards over the dobok are known as ‘Chong’. Blue belt and guard over the dobok is Known as ‘Hong’.

Jumby : Ready position of players for fight at their positional marks over playing area.

Shaijack : Start of fight indicated by Mat Referee at beginning.

Kaiso : Restart of fight after short break or interval.

Diagi : Kicking an opponent which brings points to the player. Joagi : Punching an opponent which brings points to the player. 

Kuman : End of match or fight.

Important Tournaments And Personalities

Important Tournaments

Olympic Games, Asian Games, World Taekwondo Championship, National Games.

Important Personalities

Choi Yeon-Ho, Lim Su-jeong, Son Tae-jin, Hwang Kyung-seon (KOR), Wu Jingyu (CHN), Guillermo Perez, Maria Espinoza (MEX), Hadi Saei (IRN).

Also Read: Cricket History, Rules, Measurement

Final Words

From the above article you learnt about rules, history, measurements and many more about Taekwondo. We hope that you will get success by giving exams based on Taekwondo.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who was the founder of Taekwondo?

Answer: Choi Hong Hi, was the founder of tae kwon do,

2. When was Taekwondo Federation formed

Answer: Taekwondo Federation of India (TFI) formed in 1979.

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