[Latest] Hockey History | Rules | Dimensions 2024

Last updated on July 14th, 2024 at 04:50 pm


Hockey, also called field hockey, is an outdoor game played by two opposing teams of 11 players by using sticks curved at the striking end to hit a small, hard ball into their opponent’s goal. 

History of Hockey

Hockey has been played since 2000 BC. The Persians, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans all left evidence of an activity, playing a game with a ball and sticks. The game evolved in different ways in various European and Asian countries. At some places, it was played on horseback (polo); at other places, it was played on ice (ice-hockey).

The rules for modern field hockey were first codified in England, where ‘Shinty’ (Gaelic sport played by two 12-player teams on a field, more than 150 m long, was very popular in the late 18th century). The Blackheath Club in London was the first to be formed in 1861 and the official matches were played.

Men’s field hockey was an event in the 1908 London Olympics, women’s field hockey became an Olympic event only in 1980.

The International Hockey Federation (FIH) was formed in 1924 to govern the game. Today, it has 119 member nations. Besides Olympics, the World Cup is the main tournament started in 1971 for men and in 1974 for women.

In India, it started from Gwalior in 1924. The Indian Hockey Federation (IHF) was formed in 1925 at Gwalior. Now it is named as Hockey India which regulates its development in India.

India participated for the first time at the 1928 Amsterdam Olympics where it won the first-ever gold medal in Olympic Games.

Hockey is the national game of India and very popular in Punjab and other parts of India. Sansarpur (a village) near Jalandhar is famous for producing hockey players.

India has also gained many Olympic medals in this game. (8 times Olympic, 2 times World-Cup, 5 times Asian Championship). Pakistan also has a good hockey status in their country. 

Latest Rules In Hockey

  • Two teams (11 players each) play two halves of 35 minutes for men and 30 minutes for women, with a 5-10 minutes rest in half-time. Using the front face of the sticks, they try to get the ball into the opposite team’s goal, each goal is worth 1-point.
  • According to new rules (on trial basis), the hockey game is of 60 minutes duration played in four quarters of 15 minutes each; with rest of 2 minutes in each quarter and 15 minutes in half time.
  • According to new rules (on trial basis) in knock out tournament; in case of tie then no extra time is given. The winner of the match is decided by ‘penalty-shootouts’. 
  • In penalty-shootout, only one opponent is permitted to score the goal in less than 8 seconds whereas the goalkeeper defends him.
  • Substitute players can enter at any time (except during penalty corners).
  • The Referee blows his whistle to signal the start of the play. Players touch the ball with the face or front of the stick. A player can take part in the game only if he has his own stick in his hands.
  • The ball is put in play with a center pass to own half of the field, during which all players must be in their own half-field.
  • There are two Referees who regulate the rules of the game.
  • The goal is only scored from the inside of Shooting Circle (D).
  • The goalkeeper can use hands and legs (protective wear) but cannot hold the ball.
  • If a foul is committed by a defender in the Shooting Circle, then a penalty Corner is given to the opposing team. Penalty stroke is awarded when the defending team commits a serious foul in the shooting circle.
  • If there is Tie during regular time, then two halves of 10 min each are played as extended time. If there is still Tie, then ‘Sudden-Death’ is followed, in which five players of each team åttempt to push the ball while the opponent goalkeeper defends the ball. This is performed alternatively by each team, afterward one-to-one attempt is followed to break Tie.

Measurements And Specifications

Hockey field
  • Length of the Playing Field = 100 Yards (91.4 m) including lines of 5 cm width 
  • Breadth of the Playing Field = 60 Yards (54.85 m) including lines of 5 cm width
  • No. of Players in a Team = 16 (11 Field Players and 5 Substitutes)
  • Duration of the Game = 2 halves of 35 min (Men), 30 min (Women)
  • Substitutes Allowed = Rolling Substitution, any number of substitutions
  • Weight of Ball = 5½ Ounce (156 g)
  • Weight of Sticks = 16 to 32 Ounce
  • Stick Specification = Pass through 2 Inches Ring (otherwise Manufacture Foul)
  • Penalty Stroke Position = 7 Yards (6.40 m) from Goal Line
  • Dimension of Goal Post 12 Feet (3.66 m) x 7 Feet (2.14 m) of 5 cm thick wood ‘D’ (Shooting Circle) – 16 Yards (14-63 m)
  • Type of Surface = AstroTurf (Synthetic surface grass), Grassy, Clay 
  • Officials = 2 Referees, 2 Linesmen, 1 Commissioner, I Timekeeper 
  • Free Space Area = 2 to 5 Yards on all sides of playing field

Hockey Referee Signals

Hockey referee gedtures


Free-Hit : It is a hit performed by player without interruption (before 5 yards). It is given to the opponent team when some foul or violation has been committed outside their own shooting circle or D.

Obstruction : It is a hindrance to the opponent against the rules.

Back-Stick : A player uses the backside of the stick while dribbling. It is also a violation. 

Center-Pass : It is termed as back pass. It is a push or hit in any direction behind the center-line from the center of the field, while all players stay in their own half of the field. It is used for starting the game in the beginning or after the goal scoring.

Carried : When the ball touches the leg or feet of the player, it is a violation.

Rolling-Substitution : According to new rules any player can be changed from reserve players or substitutes without intimation to Referee. No extra time or stopping of game is given. There can be any number of rolling substitutions from the substitute player, except during penalty corners.

Manufacture-Foul : It is given when a player or players are found that they are not using the specified stick as per rules. In this stage, a penalty corner is awarded to the opposing team.

Sideline Hit : If the ball goes out from the sideline, then the opposite team gets a sideline hit from the point where it has gone outside.

AstroTurf : It is the artificially made surface (synthetic surface) providing the feeling of grass surface (artificial grass surface), water is also sprinkled over it for reducing the roughness. This AstroTurf is used to conduct all International matches.

Dribbling : It is tackling the ball with the stick work. The movement of ball is controlled by rolling stick around it, while maintaining constant control of it with the stick.

Stick : It is equipment used to play hockey and control the ball. It has a toe, blade and heel at lower end; handle and grip in middle and top edge. A standard hockey stick has to pass or go through a two inch ring. The weight of the stick varies from 16 ounce to 32 ounce. It may be made of wood or fibre. The length of the stick is usually four feet. 

Flag-post : Four flags are placed at four corners and two are placed at a distance of 1 m from the sideline over  the center line. The height of flag post should be 4 to 5 feet,

Bully : This method is used to start or restart the game after interruption. In this method two opponent players  try to gain control over the ball by dribbling on the Referee’s signal.

Tapping : This skill is used to stop the fast coming ball by carefully stopping with a stick. In this skill the stick is kept in between the fast coming ball so that it stops close to stick. There is a lot of variation of tapping, like lying stick tapping, blade tapping, reverse stick tapping, etc.

Advantage : A penalty is awarded only when a player or team has been disadvantaged by an opponent breakin the Rules. Referee extends one arm high from the shoulder in the direction in which the benefiting team is playing. 

Shin-Guard : This is the protective equipment used by a player to protect the shin-bone and ankle. Shin is the area between the ankle and the knee. It is a fibre-made flat curved guard which is worn under the long stocking to protect the lower leg and ankle.

Full-Back : It is a position given to the player who plays as a defender. These players are also termed as sweepers. They stay close to own goalkeeper and save the attack from the opponent.

Strokes : It is the stick work over the ball to make reach to the desired point. There is lot of variation of strokes like push-pass, hit, flick, scoop, etc.

Fouls in Shooting Circle : If attacking team commits foul/violation in opponent shooting circle, then opponents are rewarded with 16 yards hit Gust outside from shooting circle); if defensive team commits foul inside the shooting circle then opponents are awarded penalty corner (short corner).

Long-Corner : ball goes outside from the end line (intentional) by the defending players. It is awarded to the attacking team after the ball goes over the end line (not between the goalposts) from the stick of the defender. The ball is placed five yards away from the sideline over the end line.

Penalty Corner : A penalty corner is awarded for an offense by a defender in the circle which does not prevent the probable scoring of a goal; for an intentional offense in the circle by a defender against an opponent who does not have possession of the ball or an opportunity to play the ball; 

For an intentional offense by a defender outside the circle but within the 23 area they are defending; for intentionally playing the ball over the backline by a defender.

Penalty Corner Procedure : When serious foul is committed (intentional or unintentional) , dangerous play, misconduct, argument with Umpire by player. 

It is taken from end line (10 yards away from goalpost) with push and while remaining attacker stops the ball outside the D to continue. Only five defenders are allowed inside the shooting circle during penalty corner.

The Penalty Corner is completed : When a goal is scored, a Free-hit is awarded to the defending team, the ball travels more than 5 metres outside the circle, the ball is played over the back-line and a penalty corner is not awarded, defender commits an offence which does not result in another penalty corner.

Penalty Stroke Procedure : It is also known as 7-yard push. It is given when some serious offense is committed by the defending team in their shooting circle which probably has interrupted the goal scoring. 

Time stops during penalty stroke. Only goalkeeper and the player taking stroke is permitted inside shooting circle. At the whistle player pushes or scoops or flicks the ball towards the goal scoring whereas goalkeeper defends it. It is done from the penalty spot 7 yards in front of goal post.

Penalty Shoot-out : A penalty shootout is a method used to decide the winner or the winner of the tournament in ase of tie. In this method only one attacker player runs with the ball in one-on-one situation against the goalkeeper. 

After the whistle from the Referee the attackers start on the 23 meter line with the ball and the goalkeeper starts on the goal line. ball moves outside the field of play or 8 seconds elapse before the ball crosses the goal line, then it is not considered. Fouls for 

Penalty : It is awarded only when a player or team has clearly been disadvantaged by opponent’s offense tentional offense by defending player in circle which deprives attacker for the ball possession or unintentional foul during defense by defenders in circle or defenders intentionally plays the ball over backline. 

In these cases, a penalty corner is given. Penalty stroke is given when a serious foul is committed by a defending player in the shooting circle, which deprives attackers of an attempt for goal scoring or persistent early breaking off the backline by defenders during penalty corners.

Field-Goal : It is a goal scored by dribbling or passing within the shooting circle in a strategic move by the ncking players.

Sudden-Death : After tie of score in extra time period of 10 min (in two halves) then sudden-death is followed. In dlis, five players of both teams take penalty strokes alternatively to break the tie. If tie still exists, then one to one sudden death is followed to break the tie to decide the winning team.

Misconduct : It is a rough or dangerous play, any delay which amounts to time waste, intentional offenses, or any bad behavior by the player, etc.

Dangerous Play : It is any action which is dangerous to the player or could lead to a dangerous situation due to raised ball, tackling from wrong position, etc.

16-Yard Hit : It is a method of restarting play by a defender, when the ball crosses the goal line, last being touched by the player of the attacking team. This free hit is permitted from outside the shooting circle.

Caution : Oral warning to the player for playing fair game.

Warning/Green Card : A player is warned by the Umpire if he has committed a foul unintentionally. It can also be given if player indulges himself in foul play or wasting time. Player is temporarily suspended for 2 minutes.

Warning/Yellow Card : It is a temporary suspension to a player for a minimum of 5 minutes of playing time indicated by a yellow card.

Suspension/Red Card : It is permanent suspension from the current match (indicated by a red card). A player is SUSpended if he commits serious foul (intentionally or unintentionally), like dangerous play, misconduct, or argument with Umpire. Second yellow card is also suspension of the player from the match. 

Players cannot continue playing matches; moreover, the team will play without filling the suspended player.

Equipments of Player : Proper kit, hockey shoes, long stocking, shin guard and stick. Goalkeeper wears a helmet with a face guard, neck guard, chest guard, elbow guard, gloves blocker, abdominal guard, thigh pads, leg pads, kicker and stick.

Also Read: Basketball History, Rules, Dimensions


Duties of Captain 

To toss for choice of start or side. To nominate a player as captain if he is substituted or SUspended from the game and informs the Referee of the change made. He will be responsible for the conduct of his players on the field.

Duties of Referee 

Two referees are there (one in each half). They judge fair play in their halves and give decisions. They ensure the time of play (start and end of each hall). 

They signal fouls and enforce penalties: start and end’ corner, penalty corner, penalty stroke, signal goal; restart game after a goal or restart after the suspension of play’ check the equipments of players, etc. Referee applies the advantage rule and wisely anticipates what will happen In next few seconds.

Equipments carried by Referees 

Whistle, Watch or Stopwatch, Small diary and pen, Green, Yellow and Red 

Fundamental Skills of Hockey

Holding the Stick : (For right handed player) Left hand holds the stick firmly from the top edge of the grip. Right hand supports the stick from the middle of the grip. The right hand adjusts the grip according to the skill. Like for pushing the gap between both hands is more, for hitting the right hand is closer to the left hand.  

Dribble: It is tackling the ball with stick work. The movement of the ball is controlled by rolling the stick around it, maintaining constant control of the ball with the stick. This prevents opponents from getting possession of the ball. The player also adjusts his body accordingly. 

Push : This stroke is used to send the ball to shorter distance. Right hand is placed low on the stick and push the stick forward when the left hand holds the top of the handle. This kill is mostly used to pass the ball to own team player when he is close.

Hit : This is a powerful stroke for ball with full swing of the stick whereas hands hold the stick from top.

Flick : This technique is used for penalty strokes. It is similar to push but the ball which is lifted at a low height.

Scoop : It is similar to flick but ball is lifted higher. This skill is generally used for penalty strokes from 7-yard points.

Dodge : It is the technique of dribble, in which the coming opponent is deceived in another direction by fake body movement. It prevents the opponent from interfering or get possession of the ball.

Corner Push : This is a kind of push used in penalty corner (short-corner) or from long corner. In this skill the player pushes the ball with power so that it should quickly reach his own teammate.

Tapping : This skill is used to stop the fast coming ball by carefully stopping with a stick. In this skill the stick is  kept in-between the fast coming ball so that it stops close to the stick. There is a lot of variation of tapping, like lying stick tapping, blade tapping, reverse stick tapping, etc.

Important Personalities, Tournaments And Venues

Important Personalities

Arjuna Award Winners : P. Singh, Km Ann Lumsden (1961), Sardar Singh (2012), Saba Anjum (2013), Sreejesh Ravindran (2015), V.R. Raghunath, Ritu Rani Rampal (2016), S.V. Sunil (2017), Savita Punia, Manpreet Singh (2018), Chinglensana Kangujam (2019), Akashdeep Singh, Deepak Thakur (2020).

Dhyan Chand Award Winners : Ashok Diwan, Dharam Singh Mann, Charles Cornelius, Hardayal Singh, Rajinder Singh, Baldev Singh, Ajay Kumar Bansal (2010), Gundeep Kumar (2012), Syed Ali (2013), Gurmail Singh (2014), Romeo James (2015), Shankar Lakshman (2016), Salvamus Dung Dung (2017), Timrai Tete (2017), Bharat Chettri (2018), Manuel Frederick (2019), Ajit Pal Singh.

Dronacharya Award Winners : Gurdial Singh Bhangu, M.K. Kaushik, Rajinder Singh (Sr), Baldev Singh, Ajay Kumar Bansal, Rajinder Singh, Harendra Singh, Narinder Singh Saini, P.A. Raphel (2017), Clerence Lobo (2018), Merzban Patel (2019), Jude Sebastian (2020), Romesh Pathania (2020).

Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Winners : Dhanraj Pillai, Saradara Singh (2017), Rani Rampal, P.R.Sreejesh (2020), Manpreet Singh (2021).

Important Venues 

Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium (Delhi), Shivaji Stadium (Delhi), Surjit Singh Stadium (Jalandhar), Railway Stadium or Dhyan Chand Stadium (Gwalior), NIS (Patiala, Gandhi Nagar), S.A.I. Hockey Stadium (Chandigarh), Nehru Sports Complex (Chennai), SAIL Sports Complex (Ranchi), Mayor Stadium (Chennai), KD Singh Babu Stadium (Lucknow), Gachibowli Stadium (Hyderabad).

Important Tournaments 

Olympic Games, World Championship, Azlan Shah Cup, Indira Gandhi Gold Cup, Surjit Singh Memorial Trophy, Champions Trophy, Agha Khan Cup, Federation Cup, Commonwealth Games, Premier Hockey League (PHL), Dhyan Chand Trophy, Lady Ratan Tata Trophy, Scindia Gold Cup.

Final Words

From the above article you learnt about rules, history, measurements and many more about Hockey. We hope that you will get success by giving exam based on on hockey.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When did IHF formed?

Answer: The International Hockey Federation (FIH) was formed in 1924 to govern the game. Today, it has 119 member nations. Besides Olympics, the World Cup is the main tournament started in 1971 for men and in 1974 for women.

2. What are India’s achievements in Hockey?

Answer: 12 times Olympic medal (8 golds, 1 silver, 3 Bronze)
2 times World-Cup
5 times Asian Championship

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