[Latest] ISC Class 12 Physical Education Ch.6 | Sports Injuries And First Aid 2024

Last updated on July 14th, 2024 at 05:33 am

Sports Injuries And First Aid

Meaning of Sports Injuries

Every sports person is prone to accidents or injuries irrespective of preventive steps or physical fitness level. The injuries may be due to incorrect movement, hitting or colliding with equipment or aggressive sporting actions like diving and sliding, overtraining or lack of conditioning. 

All these injuries caused due to different reasons may not be of the same type, which means it may need different remedies and specific understanding towards each injury to avoid and prevent such injuries.

The injury in sports and exercise refers to the physical damage caused to tissue, bone or any other organ of the body while in action and further leading to withdrawal from participation or experience pain while performing movement/actions.

According to Morris : “An athletic injury is defined as some physical damage or insult to the body that occurs during athletic practice or competition causing a resultant loss of capacity or impairing performance.”

Sports medicine is also known as exercise medicine. It is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of injuries related to sports. It includes the assessment and management of patients with musculo-skeletal injury and medical problems arising from sporting activity.

Sports physician possesses the expertise in general medicine and rehabilitation along with nutrition, biomechanics, exercise physiology, psychology, etc.

The International Federation of Sports Medicine (FISM) is the body that provides guidelines for sports injuries. Its function is not only curative and preventive but also rehabilitative. The primary focus of sports medicine is rapid and full recovery of patients from injury.

According to Thesaurus, “It is the branch of medicine concerned with the treatment of injuries or illness resulting from athletic activities.”

According to Webster College Dictionary, “It is the branch of medicine concerned with athletic conditioning and nutrition, the treatment and prevention of athletic injuries and the improvement of athletic performance.”

Classifications of Sports Injuries

Sports Injuries are those types of injuries that occur during participation in sports or games training or competitions. In sports, injuries are common and it can occur to anyone at any time. 

Injury causes damage to any part – external or internal, which affects the health of an individual. Injuries can be classified as:

(i) Soft Tissue Injuries: It is further of two types:

(a) Skin Injuries: It is an injury over skin like Contusion, Abrasion, Laceration, Incision, etc.

(b) Muscle Injuries: In this injury the muscles, tendons and ligaments are affected like Sprain, Strain etc.

(ii) Hard Tissue Injuries: These injuries involve damage to bones of skeletal system like Fracture and Dislocation.

(iii) Direct Injuries: They are sustained from an external force causing injury at a point of contact like Contusion, Incision.

(iv) Indirect Injuries: It usually involves the athlete damaging the soft tissues such as ligaments, tendons or muscles of the body through internal or external force like Abrasion. 

(v) Overuse Injuries: They are sustained from continuous or repetitive stress, incorrect technique or equipment or too much training like Strain.

Injuries are further categorized as Minor injuries and Serious (Major) injuries.

Minor injuries: These injuries do not affect much to the fitness of a player. They are less painful. The pain vanishes after some time. In minor injuries, there is localized inflammation caused due to some damage over skin or muscles tissues. 

These injuries are caused by overuse of the affected part. The patient getting treatment is also required. The patient gets relief by taking sufficient rest. In some cases, specific treatment is also required.

Serious Injuries: These injuries causes lot of pain and localized inflammation around the affected part. In these of a player. In serious injuries skin, muscle, tendons, ligaments injuries, the health is affected and it declines the performance and bones are or nerves etc.

Causes of Sports Injuries

Every sportsperson is prone to accidents or injuries irrespective of preventive steps or physical fitness level. The main cause of accidents or injuries in sports are:

(i) Lack of Fitness : Lack or less of physical fitness may cause injury or accident.

(ii) Poor Concentration: Poor concentration or lack of mental readiness leads to injuries.

(iii) Overstress or Tension: Overstress, tension or unbalanced psychological behavior is one of the causes of an accident.

(iv) Not Performing Warming-up: Not performing proper warming-up before the activity is the main cause of injuries during sports.

(v) Equipment Failure: Equipment fault or failure of equipment can cause accidents in sports.

(vi) Faulty Skill Actions: Player performing faulty skill actions or unbalanced movements while playing or uncoordinated movements causes injury

(vii) Not Following Rules: Player, not following the rules and regulations of the activity, can cause injury.

(viii) Aggression or Violence: Aggression or violence during game is also the cause of accident or injury.

(ix) Poor Playfield: Poor maintenance of playfield or playfield not as per rules of the game can cause injury.

(x) Not Considering Safety Means: During game if we do not consider the safety means may get injured.

(xi) Not Wearing Protective Guards: Players not wearing protective guards or not considering the safety equipment is one of the causes of injury.

(xii) Wrong Training Methods: Poor or wrong training methods; overtraining or overexertion muscles may cause injury.

(xiii) Wrong Treatment of Injury: Player not fully recovered from injury or incomplete treatment of injury or ignoring the previous injury may cause further injury.

Prevention From Sports Injuries

In games and sports, the hundred per cent prevention is never possible but it can be prevented or minimized by considering these steps like:

(i) Proper Warming-up: Proper warming-up (general and specific) is a must for player before participating in any physical activity. It tones-up body muscles and prepares the player psychologically for the coming activity. Thus, it prevents them from accidents or injuries.

(ii) Medical Check before Activity: The proper medical check-up of the players should be done before any physical activity related to previous injury disease, physical fitness level, etc. They must be fit to participate in the activity.

(iii) Proper Concentration : Player should play with full alertness and proper concentration the activity. Player should not have any stress or tension; moreover, must be mentally ready for the activity.

(iv) Safety Guards and Check Equipments: Player should check his equipments and their condition regularly. Players should use good quality equipment along with safety measures. Players should wear proper dress or kit along with proper shoes (according to surface as per activity needs).

(v) Regular Conditioning and Proper Skill: Regular conditioning improves various abilities of player like proper skill action, develops specific physical components, strengthens weak muscles and joints, etc.

(vi) Sufficient Physical Fitness: For the activities of physical education, player should have sufficient level of physical fitness. Thus, players should develop them through regular conditioning.

(vii) Consider Safety Means: Player should consider safety means, proper training equipments and sufficient free space around the playfield while performing sports activities.

(viii) Proper and Safe Environment: Safe environment prevents accidents whereas unsafe environment may cause accidents or injuries.

(ix) Activity Under Expert’s Observation: Player should participate in physical activity under expert’s observation like coach, teacher, instructor, trainer, etc.

(x) Good Coaching Skills: Good coaching skill helps to improve sports performance, moreover, it prevents player from accidents or injuries.

(xi) Follow Rules and Regulations: Player should follow rules and regulations of activity with true spirit.

(xii) Consider Sports Ethics and Sportsmanship: Players should develop and consider sports ethics and sportsmanship. It improves the social qualities of players, thus the friendly attitude of players.

(xiii) Controlling Aggression and Violence: Players should control their aggression; moreover, violence during games should be prevented and checked.

(xiv) Proper Training Methods: Player should follow proper training methods during practice, whereas overtraining or overexertion of muscles should be avoided during training.

(xv) Follow Training Principles: Player should follow training principles in a progressive manner. These principles help in preventing accidents and injuries.

(xvi) Balanced Diet and Good Posture: Player should take balanced diet according to activity needs. Moreover, they should maintain good posture.

(xvii) Knowledge of Health Education and First Aid: Players should have sufficient knowledge about health education and healthy habits. Moreover, they should be practically trained to give first aid to injured players.

(xviii) Training Regarding Safe Escape: Players should be well-trained and guided properly regarding safe escape from disasters or accidents like line movement, knowledge about using fire extinguishers, disaster management techniques, helping the drowning person, etc.

First Aids And Its Objectives

First aid is the immediate and temporary care given to the victim. The first objective is to save life. This guides us what to do and what not to do which can further help us to avoid injury or damage. First-aid was used by St. John Ambulance Association in 1879.

Objectives of First Aid: 

There are some general principles of first aid. If these are followed properly, the worst situation of the victim can be avoided up to some extent. These objectives are given below:

(i) Immediate Aid: If possible, the first aid should be provided immediately. At this time, we should not think about useless things. Time is very precious at that moment. So, without wasting any time the decision should be taken, so that the life of the victim can be saved.

(ii) Think about ABC: The person, who provides first aid to the victim, should think about ABC, i.e. Airway, Breathing and Circulation. So, first of all he should check the throat of the victim. 

He should unbutton the shirt of the victim. Then, he should check his respiration. If the victim’s respiration is not running well, he should give him Artificial Breathing (AB).

After that the person giving first aid should check his blood circulation. For this purpose, he should check his pulse rate. If the pulse is not felt by the first-aider, he should use Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) technique immediately. 

In this process, artificial respiration is given and after that chest is pressed for artificial blood circulation. This process must be repeated at least 15 times.

(iii) Stop Bleeding: If there is bleeding from any organ of the wounded person, it should be stopped at once. The wounded person’s life may be in danger in case of excessive blood loss. If his and horlick is bleeding it should be raised up above the heart level in case of a cut on any main artery it should be kept pressed with thumb or bandage till the arrival of the doctor.

(iv) Crowds should be Kept Away: It is usually seen that people gather immediately when there is any accident. They gather in the form of a crowd. Every individual wants to see the injured person. Ine Sach condition the injured does not get fresh air and their food. The person giving first aid should also try to keep the crowd away from the injured person.

(v) Wrap the Injured in Cloth or Blanket: At such times, victims should be kept warm. So, it should be wrapped in a cloth or blanket.

(vi) Sympathetic Attitude: The person giving first aid should have a sympathetic attitude. When an accident happens, the wounded or injured person feels fear and terror. 

He should be treated politely and sympathetically so that he may come out of his fearful situation. He should also be assured and reassured that nothing serious has happened and he would be all right. The first-aider should not be rash. He should perform his duty with calmness and patience.

(vii) Fluids should not be given to the unconscious person: If a person becomes unconscious due to an accident, he should not be given any liquid because liquid substances may enter into his windpipe and that may create further problems.

(viii) Medical Aid: The first-aider should call the doctor or expert immediately.

Soft Tissue Injuries And Their Prevention And Treatment

Bruise or Contusion

It is the crushing of soft tissues by a violent external force without breaking the continuity of skin. It causes collection of blood over the skin. It is a type of Hematoma. Contusion is the injury of skin caused by severe blow or impact by external objects without breaking the continuity of skin. 

Generally, contusion is caused due to hitting a blunt object. It causes acute pain and sometimes loss of function of the affected part and swelling over that part.

There may be pain, swelling and discolouration of skin, e.g. there may be red or bluish marks over the skin. This is caused by hit or blow from extreme objects.

Prevention, First Aid and Treatment of Bruise or Contusion:

(i) Wear proper safety guards while playing. It should consist of proper sports kit according to activity, like gloves, gaurds, helmets, shoes etc. Player should cover it as per activity needs and consider safety means.

(ii) Contusion should be treated immediately with ice application (Cold compression) for some duration (after short intervals). Later repeat it after every six hours.

(iii) Apply Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory creams or ointments after one day to reduce pain and swelling.

(iv) After two days massage should be done over the affected part to reduce swelling.

Graze or Abrasion

Abrasion is an injury on the surface of the skin. In this injury, skin is scraped or rubbed by friction. It causes severe pain and sometimes bleeding over the affected part. It rubs the upper layer of skin (epidermis). It exposes the blood vessels and the superficial the layer of skin is scraped off. 

This injury is commonly caused by sliding, slip over surface, friction, etc. Abrasion is common over the knee, elbow, palm, etc. It tears the tissues in the body with a sharp object. It may be external or internal.

Prevention, First Aid and Treatment of Graze or Abrasion:

(i) Wear proper safety guards while playing. It should consist of proper sports kit according to activity, like gloves, guards, helmets, shoes etc. Players should cover it as per activity needs and consider safety means.

(ii) Avoid further friction.

(iii) Clean the part with some antiseptic cream and wash it properly with soap to prevent infection.

(iv) Anti-Tetanus injection to be given.

Cuts (Lacration And Incision)

Laceration is a type of wound that happens when soft tissues (skin and muscles) in the body are torn. It is often caused by blunt objects and is deep. It results in the outlet of internal organs.

Incision is a type of wound which is caused by sharp edged objects such as knives, razors, etc. Sometimes the arteries or veins may be cut. Blood usually comes out freely from incision. The Laceration and Incision injuries are considered as wounds. In Laceration and Incision injuries, there is bleeding from the affected part.

Prevention, First Aid and Treatment of Cuts (Laceration and Incision):

(i) Wear proper safety guards while playing. It should consist of a proper sports kit according to activity, like gloves, guards, helmets, shoes etc. Player should cover it as per activity needs and consider safety means.

(ii) Stop bleeding at the earliest by compression or by pressing or put compression bandages

(iii) Clean the surface of the affected part by antiseptic such as Neosporin.

(iv) Cover the affected part with medicinal cotton bandage or apply band-aid.

(v) Repeat dressing or padding over the wound.

(vi) If the injury is deep, go for stitches at the earliest.

(vii) Avoid infection by putting medicinal cream over it.

(viii) Care should be taken till the injury is totally healed up.


It is a painful skin condition where fluid fills a space between layers of skin. They sometimes form when there are too tight shoes; repeatedly rub against your skin. 

They are usually formed over palm or sole of feet. Most blisters are filled with a clear fluid (serum), but may be filled with blood (blood blisters) or pus if they become inflamed or infected. 

Blisters can be caused by friction to the skin; heat, sunburn or a scald; contact with chemicals; medical conditions such as chickenpox, etc.

Prevention, First Aid and Treatment of Blister:

(i) Wear proper and comfortable clothes or shoes. It should not be very tight. Wear gloves when handing chemicals; use sunscreen while going out in sun

(ii) Avoid further friction over the affected part.

(iii) Wash the area gently with a mild soap. A cold or ice pack may help reduce swelling and discomfort.

(iv) Cover the blister with a bandage or gauze.

(v) Keep the area clean and dry. Apply antibacterial cream or ointment. Once a day

(vi) Blisters generally heal up on their own within a few days. Be sure to change the bandage at least once a day.

(vii) Pop or break a blister or peel it off after it has healed. Safety measure should be considered over affected part


Cramp is inability of muscles to contract properly causing severe pain over the affected part. In other words, this is an unbalanced contraction of muscles. 

The causes of the cramp are due to overstraining mascles (over working of muscles without rest); loss of body water by sweating: physical activity during sickness loss or lack of body salts or minerals; physical activity during extreme bad weather or climate, not performing proper warming-up, etc.

Prevention, First Aid and Treatment of Cramp:

(i) Wear proper safety guards while playing. It should consist of proper sports kit according to activity, like gloves, guards, helmets, shoes etc. Player should cover it as per activity needs and consider safety means.

(ii) Preventing overexertion of muscles in excessive hot or cold climate.

(iii) Complete rest to the affected individual.

(iv) Drink sufficient water (preferably salty lemon water or juices) during prolonged activity.

(v) Massage over the affected part after some time.

(vi) If pain is more, apply ice or cold compression for some duration.


Strain injury is also named as Muscle Pull. In this injury the muscles or tendons are overused or overstress or overstretch due to violent pull. 

In other words, this is caused by the violent stretch of muscles beyond its normal limit. In strain injuries, muscle fibers get damaged or ruptured. It causes acute pain around the affected part, loss of function of injured muscles, local inflammation and swelling over the affected part. 

Mild strain is also known as cramp. It can be prevented by performing proper warming-up and avoiding jerky movements or actions.

Prevention, First Ald and Treatment of Strain Injury:

The treatment and management steps of strain injury is referred to as ‘RICER, L.e. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation and

Rehabilitation (Referral for appropriate medical treatment). It is also referred as PRICER where ‘P’ stands for Protection.

(i) Wear proper safety guards while playing It should consist of proper sports kit according to activity, like gloves, guards, helmets, shoes etc. Player should cover it as per activity needs and consider safety means.

(ii) Rest to the player and completely restrict the movement of the affected part.

(iii) Immediately apply cold compression or ice over the affected part to stop internal

Repeat this process for several times after some intervals.

(iv) Compression bandage should be applied over the affected part to reduce the swelling

(v) Elevate the affected part above the level of heart by splint or support.

(vi) After two days apply inflammatory cream to reduce swelling and give gentle massage

muscles or perform contrast bath (hot and cold bath) to reduce swelling.

(vii) After the treatment, the complete recovery is gained by Rehabilitation (Referral for appropriate medical treatment). Perform rehabilitation exercises or physiotherapy to regain strength to the muscles. This should be performed in progressive manner 


Sprain is the injury of ligament. In this ligament around the joint is torn or overstretched or twisted. In sprain injury, there is rupture of ligament or tendons. 

Sprain is very painful and it restricts the movement of joint. There is swelling as there is a lot of internal bleeding. Sprain injury is common to knee, ankle, wrist or elbow joints. It can be prevented by proper warming-up and avoiding jerky movements.

Prevention, First Aid and Treatment of Strain Injury:

The treatment and management steps of strain injury is referred as “RICER’, i.e. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation and Rehabilitation (Referral for appropriate medical treatment). It is also referred as PRICER where ‘P’ stands for Protection.

(i) Wear proper safety guards while playing. It should consist of proper sports kit according to activity, like gloves, guards, helmets, shoes etc. Players should cover it as per activity needs and consider safety means.

(ii) Rest to the player and completely restrict the movement of the affected part.

(iii) Immediately apply cold compression or ice over the affected part to stop internal bleeding. Repeat this process for several times after some intervals.

(iv) Compression bandage should be applied over the affected part to reduce the swelling.

(v) Elevate the affected part above the level of heart by splint or support.

(vi) After two days apply inflammatory cream to reduce swelling and give gentle massage to the muscles or perform contrast bath (hot and cold bath) to reduce swelling.

(vii) After the treatment, the complete recovery is gained by Rehabilitation (Referral for appropriate medical treatment). Perform rehabilitation exercises or physiotherapy to regain strength to the muscles. This should be performed in progressive manner (Referral for appropriate medical treatment).

Hard Tissue Injuries (Bone Injuries) And Their Management

Bone injuries are considered as hard tissue injuries. These injuries are considered as serious injuries and they are very painful. If bone injury is not handled properly, it may lead to permanent disability, thus to be handled by an expert doctor. 

The first aid steps are to immobilize the part and stop bleeding (internal or external bleeding) by applying ice.  In this way, further damage can be avoided.

Bone injury can be classified as dislocation or fracture. It is again of various types, like simple and complicated, in which blood vessels or nerves are damaged.


It is an injury of the joint in which the adjoining bones are displaced from their original position. It may be associated with sprain or fracture. It is also referred to as subluxation.


Dislocation is mainly caused due to direct or indirect impact over the joint like fall,

accident, weakening of muscles and tendons etc. It may be simple dislocation, fractured dislocation or complicated dislocation. Dislocation is common in throwing, jumping events and contact games.

Symptoms: Pain, swelling, bruising, instability of joint, loss of movement of joint, deformed joint etc. Deformity may arise if treatment is not given properly. A dislocated joint can be treated through medication, manipulation, rest or surgery.

Prevention of Dislocation: It can be prevented by strengthening muscles; performing proper warming-up; controlling the excessive range of movements of joint and avoiding jerky movements.


In this injury, bone breaks up by some external pressure. There may be slight breakage or complete breakage. Fracture may be simple or complicated. Incomplete or wrong treatment of fracture is very dangerous, thus to be handled by an expert.

Symptoms of Fracture :

(i) Severe pain around fractured bone.

(ii) The bone will look deformed and swelling around the affected part.

(iii) The bone will appear fixed with no movement being possible.

(iv) Local temperature rises.

(v) Fractured part is deformed.

Types of Fractures

(1) Stress Fracture: A stress fracture is also known as hairline fracture. It is caused by repeated stress over time. It mostly occurs in jumping events. Bone is pressed from corners and it causes partial damage to bone. 

Treatment consider is Rest, cold therapy ice packs, cold compresses, apply ice to the injured area, anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen, aspirin etc. and a recovery time of 6 to 8 weeks is required for healing.

(ii) Greenstick (Hairline) Fracture: When bone is bent with mild cracking, the bone does not break completely. Treatment considers removable splints result in better outcomes than casting.

(ii) Comminuted Fracture : Bone is broken up into many small pieces at the site of fracture. Treatment considering an X-ray is important for diagnosing the condition. 

An open reduction when the bone fragments are jammed-together using surgical nails, wire plates etc. is required for commutated fracture.

(iv) Transverse Fracture: This type of fracture is caused due to breaking of bone at right angle with the axis of the bone. It can be treated at home along with rest and medicine. 

A back brace (called TSL) or abdominal binder may be prescribed to reduce the pain by limiting motion at the fracture site.

(v) Oblique Fracture: An oblique fracture is that in which the bone breaks diagonally. Oblique fracture tends to occur on longer bones. Treatment depends upon the severity of the crack or break. Anti-inflammatory medication reduction (Resetting the bone) can also help to some extent.

(vi) Impacted Fracture: The broken bone is driven into another broken bone or when the broken ends protrude into another bone or part by sudden impact. In an impacted fracture the bones get broken into fragments. 

Therefore, a sling or a splint may be required to keep the broken bones in place, so

that movement of the sharp ends of the broken bone is prevented. This is essential to prevent further damage to the bone.

Fracture can be categorized as:

(a) Closed Fracture: In this fracture, the broken bones remain inside the covering of skin, i.e. there is no open cut over the skin.

(b) Open Fracture: In this fracture, there is cut over the skin by the sharp edges of broken bone/bones or by external objects along with broken bones / bones.

First Aid and Management of Hard or Bone Injuries (Dislocation or Fracture):

(i) Do not move the joint. The victim should be kept at a comfortable position.

(ii) Apply cold packs or ice packs to reduce pain, swelling and internal bleeding.

(iii) Provide support by using string or splint bandage or sling to prevent further movement; moreover, it gives relief to the victim.

(iv) Patient should be handled by an expert doctor and X-ray and other diagnosis should be done properly. The expert should manage immobility by applying plaster so as to enable the joint to take its real position.

(v) This immobility should be to 6 weeks as per expert advice.

(vi) After full treatment of the dislocated joint follows the progressive rehabilitation exercises or physiotherapy to regain strength of the joint or bone under the observation of an expert.

First Aid For Accidental Problems


Any person may get burns or other injuries during fires or from electrical shocks or from thermal or chemical radiation. Usually, ladies while working in the kitchens get burns. If more than 35 percent body gets burnt then it may be dangerous. According to the condition of burns, it can be divided into three parts:

(i) First Degree Burns: In first degree burns, the surface layer of the skin is damaged. Skin becomes red and swells up. Pain is felt in such types of burns. These symptoms vanish after two or three days without any treatment.

(ii) Second Degree Burns: In second degree burns, blisters are filled with yellowish fluid. These blisters are formed either immediately after the burn or a bit later. When these blisters break, a painful wound with a bright-red surface is exposed. If the burn is not infected, the blisters may dry up in four or five days.

(ili) Third Degree Burns: In third degree burns, muscles and internal organs are damaged. In such conditions, blood pressure of the victim decreases and there is a marked reduction in the urine which may be dark in color and have a scorching smell.

First Aid Steps: First of all, the fire, hot water vapors, electricity and other such substances must be separated immediately from the victim’s body After that following points should be followed for the purpose of providing first aid to the victim.

(i) A person whose clothing has begun to burn should not be allowed to run. If he runs, the flames of fire will be more dangerous. He should not stand in a vertical position because it will also encourage the spread of burning to the face and hair. 

So, it is better to make him lie down on the ground. Efforts should be made to remove the clothes or beat out the flames as early as possible. The burnt part of the body of the victim should be wrapped properly with a blanket. 

If the clothes stick on the body they should not be dragged or torn off, but if it is necessary cut them. The remaining clothes should be left in the same position if they are not burning.

(ii) If heartbeat stops due to electric shock, the heart should be pressed again and again i.e., to provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).

(iii) For reducing the pain at the site of burns, cold water should be poured for 15 to 20 minutes or ice should be applied on that spot.

(iv) In a cold climate, the victim should be kept warm. If he feels thirsty, the salty and alkaline water should be given to the victim.

(v) If an individual is burnt with chemical substances, the burnt part should be cleaned with water repeatedly. Then the doctor should be immediately called or the victim should be sent to hospital.

Snake Bites

Snake bites are common in the Indian subcontinent. Farmers are usually bitten by snakes. All snakes are not poisonous (only 5% of all varieties of snake can be said to be dangerous such as Cobra, Rattle and sea-snakes). Snake is a shy animal and bites only for the sake of defense. The first aid steps for the snake bite are :

First Aid Steps:

(i) Suck Out the Blood: The person giving the first aid should try to suck out the venom at the earliest from the bitten marks of the snake. Suck the bitten area forcefully so that blood should come out of it and then spit out the sucked blood.

The person should also raise his/her mouth two to three times. Note that the first-aider himself should not have any mouth injury or soreness.

(ii) Apply Tourniquet: Tourniquet is the tight binding of strips or sleeves to stop the blood supply (limbs) towards the heart. The first-aider should make two tight tourniquets over the bitten marks. By this way, the poisonous venom does not get mixed with fresh blood.

(iii) Remove Blood: After the Tourniquet make slight cuts or wounds over the bitten marks. By this way infected blood is removed. It should be done carefully to avoid deep wounds; after sometime put bandages or cloth to stop bleeding. Do not apply anything over the wound like medicine, cream, etc.

(iv) Motivate: The victim should be motivated to keep their eyes open. At the same time, take the victim to hospital at the earliest moment. Do not go anywhere else – such as tantric, hakim, priest, temple, etc.


Choking is obstruction of the windpipe by some foreign objects like food. In this, the victim cannot breathe and he may be coughing or clutching his throat. The victim may collapse and look blue. The

a child may die within five minutes if it is not removed, so immediate help is required.

First Aid Steps:

(i) Slapping at Back: The first-aider should firstly confirm whether the victim is a heart patient. If not, then go behind the victim and bend the victim forward and try to cough him out. Perform a slap firmly (with palm) over the back of the victim. Heart patients should be slapped slowly at the back.

(ii) Heimlich Maneuver : This is the technique in which first-aider holds him tightly from the back. He pushes him hard with jerks with the help of palms. This technique should not be done to heart patient.

First Aid to Choking:

(i) Carry the person to dry, shady place.

(ii) Remove any foreign body from the mouth and remove any obstacle in the respiratory passage.

(iii) Loosen the clothing from the chest, neck and waist.

(iv) Lay the person in a pro-line position and open his mouth. Take a deep breath.

(v) Now fix your mouth tightly over that of the patient, close his nostrils by your fingers and blow air into his mouth.

(vi) Now remove your mouth and place your ear to hear any return rush of air indicating air exchange.

(vii) If there is no return rush, then administer a few quick blows on the shoulder blade to remove any obstacle in the respiratory passage.

(viii) Continue the process of Artificial Respiration (AR) till normal breathing is restored. 

Various Types of Artificial Respiration (AR):

(a) Schaffer’s Method 

(b) Sylvester’s Method 

(c) Holger-Nielsen Method 

(d) Mouth to Mouth Resuscitation 

(e) External Heart Compression


When a person is drowned in the water, his lungs and stomach are filled with water. In such a state, the victim may die in 5 minutes. In such conditions, firstly, pull the victim out of the water and make him lie face down, i.e., in a pro-line position.

First Aid Steps: 

Loosen his clothes. Press his chest firmly from the back so that water in mouth, lungs and stomach should come out. Slightly raise the legs higher at an inclined position and repeat it till water is removed from the chest. 

Artificial Respiration (AR) should be continued if the victim does not start breathing. The victim should be kept at rest for half an hour till the victim gets up himself. Then make him vomit out the water by himself.

Nose Bleeding 

It is a common injury in which the nose starts bleeding. It may happen due to an unbalanced diet, impact over the nose or maybe during the summer season. Make the person sit with head placed in an upward position.

First Aid Steps: 

Firstly, give a handkerchief or towel to the victim to clean the bleeding nose. Pinch the nose tightly with fingers and thumb for 10 minutes. Try to cool the nose by putting an ice or water dipped towel over your nose. If bleeding continues for more than 15 minutes then consult a doctor or go to a nearby hospital.

Electric Shock

Electric injuries are caused by the effect of a high tension electric current or by atmospheric electricity during lightning. It may cause damage to nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Breathing, respiration or both may stop for some time. There may be unconsciousness to the victim. Electric current may cause deep burns of tissues. The effect of electric current on humans is always intensified by damp clothing and wet footwear and wet lands, which increase electric conductivity.

First Aid Steps: If the victim is still under the effect of electric current, the electric current supply must be switched off. Everything should be removed which has any contact with the victim. 

When the injured person has been freed from the contact with the current, Artificial Respiration (AR) should be given immediately and, if necessary, external Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) should be performed. 

These two measures should be done persistently and for quite a long time. If the body of the victim shows signs of stiffness, it means he is about to die. 

Preventing Electric Shock:

(i) All wiring, appliances and plugs should be kept in proper order.

(ii) Exact location of main switchboard should be known.

(iii) Lack of knowledge in using electrical gadgets should be avoided.

(iv) Standard and certified electrical gadgets should be used with instruction.

(v) Proper fuse wire and safety switches should be used.

(vi) Electrical gadgets should not be touched with wet hands.

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In today’s world, most of the individuals remain under stress and tension. That is why they do not hesitate in taking poison. The individual, who has consumed poison, never tries to vomit.

Such persons should be taken to hospital immediately for proper treatment. The vomiting is beneficial for certain types of poisons. Some instructions are always mentioned on the wrapper of insecticides or

pesticides. Vomiting can be induced by giving hot saline water (salty water).

Prevention from Poisoning:

(i) Keeping medicines, disinfectants, household cleaners, etc., out of the reach of children.

(ii) Bottles containing harmful substances and poison should be labeled with red pen and block letters.

(iii) While purchasing and consuming medicines, the expiry date should be checked.

(iv) Drugs should be poured from the opposite side of the label to prevent the destruction of the label.

(v) Harmful and dangerous drugs should be kept under lock and key.

(vi) The unused and expired drugs should be disposed of properly.

(vii) The medicines should be kept at appropriate places as instructed on the label.


If an individual becomes unconscious and we do not know the actual reason of his unconsciousness, then first of all his respiration should be checked properly. If he is not respiring properly, he should be given Artificial Breathing (AB). 

If his pulse disappears, his heart should be pressed along Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) with Artificial Respiration (AR). If the unconscious person vomits, his mouth should be kept downward. 

The first-aider should try to know about the unconscious person from his neighbors. Any type of fluid should not be given to the unconscious person.

First Aid Steps:

(i) Carry the person to a dry, shady and safe place.

(ii) Remove any foreign body from the mouth and remove any obstacle in respiratory passage.

(iii) Loosen the clothing from chest, neck and waist.

(iv) Lay the person in pro-line position and open his mouth. Take a deep breath.

(v) Now fix your mouth tightly over that of the patient, close his nostrils by your fingers and blow air into his mouth.

(vi) Now remove your mouth and place your car to hear any return rush of air indicating air exchange.

(vii) If there is no return rush, then administer a few quick blows on the shoulder blade to remove any obstacle in respiratory passage.

(viii) Continue the process of artificial respiration till normal breathing is restored.

Danger of LPG

LPG means Liquefied Petroleum Gas. This gas is used in our kitchens for cooking. This gas is highly inflammable. Leakage of LPG may cause disaster. So handling of LPG cylinders and its usage must be carefully done.

Precautions while Using LPG:

(i) Rubber tubes should be checked regularly for leakage.

(ii) Matchsticks should be properly extinguished before throwing.

(iii) Electric switches should not be switched on when there is leakage.

(iv) Matchstick should be ignited before switching on the gas stove.

(v) Doors and windows should be opened for cross-ventilation.

(vi) After use, switch off the knob of the regulator also.

(vii) No food particles should fall on the gas stove, burner and tube.

(vii) Person who is working on a gas stove should not wear synthetic clothes.

Disaster Preparation

A disaster is a man-made or natural event which results in widespread human loss. It is accompanied by loss of livelihood or property causing human suffering and loss in a specified area.

There are many causes of disaster. It may be due to natural cause like floods, earthquakes, landslides, storms, cyclones, etc. Man-made disasters like fire, epidemics, accidents (road, train, etc.), gas leakage, etc, are also a curse to human beings. 

Disaster causes great damage to the ecosystem and health of human beings. There is a threat of epidemics, health problems, diseases, etc. At that time, a healthy environment must prevail back to normal, otherwise it leads to many serious health problems. 

Thus, the preventive and curative aspects must be considered well in advance to deal with such situations. Healthy, safe and hygienic environment must be brought back to normal quickly to prevent further problems. 

Such preparedness is considered in four steps:

(i) Preparedness (P)

(ii) Relief Response (R)

(iii) Recovery and Rehabilitation (R)

(iv) Planning and Preventions (P)

Disaster Management

Government has recognized four elements of disaster management: Preparedness, Response, Recovery and Prevention (PRRP).

(i) Preparedness (P): These are the measures to ensure that community services are capable in reducing the effects of disaster after its warning, such as:

(a) Community awareness and education.

(b) Preparation of disaster management plans for community or schools or family.

(c) Mock drills training and practice of disaster skills.

(d) Proper warning system.

(e) Mutual aid management.

(f) Identifying the vulnerable groups.

(ii) Relief Response (R): These are measures in anticipation of immediate help to minimize the effects of disaster, such as:

(a) Activate the emergency operation center.

(b) Implementing disaster management plans.

(c) Setting up a community kitchen, using local groups to provide food to victims.

(d) Medical camps, mobile relief camps, rescue teams for victims.

(e) Issuing updated warnings.

(iii) Recovery and Rehabilitation (R): These are the measures which support emergency affected areas for reconstruction of physical infrastructure and restoration of economic and emotional well being, such as:

(a) Providing safe water, food to the victims.

(b) Communication links to near and dear ones of the victim.

(c) Providing safe shelter to the affected ones.

(d) Providing financial support to affected ones.

(iv) Planning and Prevention (P): These are the pre-measures to reduce the incidence of severity of disasters, such as:

(a) Land use planning.

(b) Preventing habitation in risk zones.

(c) Disaster resistant buildings.

(d) Finding ways to reduce the risk of disaster.

(e) Community awareness and education.

Disaster Management Steps By Community

In simple words, the following steps should be followed by the community to manage disasters. These disasters cause great damage to the ecosystem and human beings. 

There is a threat of epidemic, health problems and diseases, etc. At that time, a healthy environment must prevail back to normal, otherwise it leads to many serious health problems. 

Thus, the preventive and curative aspects must be considered well in advance to deal with such emergency situations. First aid and rehabilitation must be given quickly during such situations. Healthy, safe and hygienic environment must be brought back quickly to prevent further problems. 

Such steps are :

(i) Homes and localities must be developed keeping in mind the safety and preventive aspects. They must be strongly and safely constructed with all modern techniques. Roads must be wide with lots of trees around. Emergency needs of water, food, medicines, etc., must be easily available.

(ii) People must be psychologically prepared to manage the panic of disasters. They must be practically trained to deal with emergency situations comfortably with full safety and care.

(iii) People must be practically trained to provide first aid to the injured person.

(iv) Everybody must be practically trained for safe escape from fire and the use of fire extinguishers in a proper way. They must be educated to move in queues/lines for safe exit in mass.

(v) People must be made aware of swimming and safe escape from drowning of self and others.

(vi) Each person should be trained so that he can provide some safety measures to earthquake victims.

(vii) After disaster everybody must cooperate to bring a safe, clean and healthy environment by proper cleaning, removal of dead bodies and proper disposal of wastes, etc., and to prevent epidemics.

Final Words

In the above article you have read about isc class 12 physical education chapter 6 Sports Injuries And First Aid in details, if you have any problem please feel free to comment.

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Chapter 1: Sociological Aspects of Physical Education

Chapter 2: Career Options In Physical Education

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