Human Reproduction MCQ | Class 12 | Biology | Chapter 3 | 2024

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Human Reproduction MCQ Chapter 3

Below are some of the very important NCERT Human Reproduction MCQ Class 12 Biology Chapter 3 with Answers. These Human Reproduction MCQ have been prepared by expert teachers and subject experts based on the latest syllabus and pattern of term 1 and term 2. We have given these Human Reproduction MCQ Class 12 Biology Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept.

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 3 are very important for the latest CBSE term 1 and term 2 pattern. These MCQs are very important for students who want to score high in CBSE Board.

We have put together these NCERT Questions Human Reproduction MCQ for Class 12 Biology Chapter 3 with Answers for the practice on a regular basis to score high in exams. Refer to these MCQs Questions with answers here along with a detailed explanation.

Human Reproduction mcq

MCQ 1-60

1. Pouch in which testes are suspended outside the abdominal cavity is

(a) tunica albuginea
(b) inguinal canal
(c) epididymis
(d) scrotum

2. ‘Tested are extra abdominal in position.’ Which of the following is the most appropriate reason?

(a) Narrow pelvis in male
(b) Special protection for testes
(c) Prostrate gland and seminal vesicles occupy maximum space
(d) Require lower temperature than normal body temperature

3. Temperature of human testes is

(a) 2-2.5oC below body temperature
(b) 38oC
(c) 33oC
(d) 2.25oC above body temperature

4. Testicular lobules contain

(a) 3-5 seminiferous tabules
(b) 2-6 seminiferous tabules
(c) 5-7 seminiferous tabules
(d) 3-5 seminiferous tabules

5. Approximate length and width of testis are

(a) 4-5 cm and 2-3 cm
(b) 5-6 cm and 3-4 cm
(c) 6-7 cm and 4-5 cm
(d) 7-8 cm and 8-9 cm

6. The seminiferous tabules of the testis is lined on its inside by

(a) spermatocytes
(b) spermatogonia
(c) cells of Sertoli
(d) both (b) and (c)

7. Interstitial cells secretes

(a) androgen
(b) oestrogen
(c) FSH
(d) inhibin

8. The vas deferens recieves duct from the seminal vesicle and opens into urethra as

(a) epididymis
(b) ejaculatory duct
(c) efferent ductule
(d) ureter

9. The vasa efferentia exit the testis and open into the …A… located along the …B… surface.

Here, A and B refer to

(a) A-rete testis, B-epididymis
(b) A-epididymis, B-rete testis
(c) A-epididymis, B-posterior
(d) A-epididymis, B-anterior

10. Choose the correct option.


(a) A-Testis-possesses 3-4 testicular lobules
(b) B-Seminal vesicle-storage of sperm
(c) C-Vas deferens-helps in sperm transfer
(d) D-Prostrate gland-secretes seminal fluid

11. Read the following statements.

(I) Each testis has about 25 compartment called testicular lobules
(II) Each testicular lobule contains one to three highly coiled seminiferous
(III) Sertoli cells act as nurse cells of testicles
(IV) Sertoli cells are activated by FSH secreted

Which of the above statements are incorrect?

(a) I & III
(b) Only I
(c) II & IV
(d) III & IV

12. Select the correct sequence for transport of sperm cells in male reproductive system.

(a) Testis → Epididymis → Vasa efferentia → Rete testis → Inquinal canal → Urethra
(b) Seminiferous tubules → Rete testis → Vasa efferentia → Epididymis → Vas deferens → Ejaculatory duct → Urethra → Urethral meatus
(c) Seminiferous tubules → Vasa efferentia → Epididymis → Iquinal canal → Urethra
(d) Testis → Epididymis → Vasa efferentia → Vas deferens → Ejaculatory duct → Inquinal canal → Urethra → Urethral meatus

13. Urethral meatus refers to the

(a) urinogenital duct
(b) openings of vas deferens into urethra
(c) external openings of the urinogenital duct
(d) muscles surrounding the urinogenital duct

14. Given below diagram refers to the TS of testis showing few seminiferous tubules.


A, B, C and D in the above diagram represent.

(a) A – Sertoli cells, B – Secondary spermatocyte, C – Interstitial cells, D – Sperms
(b) A – Interstitial cells, B – Spermatogonia, C – Sertoli cells, D – Sperms
(c) A – Sertoli cells, B – Spermatozoa, C – Interstitial cells, D – Sperms
(d) A – Sertoli cells, B – Spermatogonia, C- Interstitial cells, D – Sperms

15. Seminal plasma, the fluid part of semen, is contributed by

(I) Seminal vesicle
(II) Prostrate
(III) Urethra
(IV) Bulbourethral gland

(a) I and II
(b) I, II and IV
(c) II, III and IV
(d) I and IV

16. Function of bulbourethral gland is

(a) lubrication of penis
(b) to increase motility of sperm
(c) to enhance the sperm count
(d) all of the above

17. The ovaries are located one on each side of the …A… . Each ovary is about 2-4 cm in length connected to the …B… wall by …C… . Fill the suitable choices for A-C.

(a) A-inner medulla, B-peripheral cortex, C-ligaments
(b) A-lower abdomen, B-pelvic, C-ligaments
(c) A-pelvic wall, B-lower abdomen, C-ligaments
(d) A-inner medulla, B-peripheral cortex, C-lower abdomen

18. Identify A, B, C and D.


(a) A-Oviduct, B-Uterus, C-Cervix, D-Ovary
(b) A-Cervix, B-Uterus, C-Ovary, D-Tumour
(c) A-Uterus, B-Uterine Cavity, C- Oviductal Funnel, D-Ovary
(d) A-Cervix, B-Uterine Cavity, C-Fallopian Tube, D- Ovary

19. Human fallopian tube is about

(a) 8-9 cm long
(b) 9-10 cm long
(c) 10-12 cm long
(d) 12-17 cm long

20. Match the following.

(A) Ovaries1. Fertilisation
(B) Oviduct2. Ovulation
(C) Uterus3. Pregnancy
(D) Cervix4. Childbirth

(a) (A) – 2, (B) – 1, (C) – 3, (D) – 4
(b) (A) – 1, (B) – 2, (C) – 3, (D) – 4
(c) (A) – 4, (B) – 3, (C) – 1, (D) – 2
(d) (A) – 2, (B) – 3, (C) – 4, (D) – 1

21. The main function of fimbriae of Fallopian tube is

(a) help in development of ovary
(b) help in collection of the ovum after ovulation
(c) help in development of ova
(d) help in fertilisation

22. The external genitalia of female reproductive system are collectively called

(a) vagina
(b) vulva
(c) cervix
(d) clitoris

23. Identify the odd one out from the following.

(a) labia minora
(b) fimbriae
(c) infundibulum
(d) isthmus

24. Fleshy folds of tissue which extends down to the mons pubis and surround the vaginal opening is called

(a) labia minora
(b) labia majora
(c) hymen
(d) clitoris

25. Cushion of fatty tissue by skin and pubic hair is called

(a) mons pubis
(b) labia majora
(c) clitoris
(d) vagina

26. The uterus opens into the vagina by a canal called

(a) cervical
(b) canal
(c) ampulla
(d) oviduct

27.  Sectional view of mammary gland shows

(I) nipple and areola
(II) mammary lobes (alveolus) and duct
(III) ribs
(IV) ampulla and lactiferous duct

Choose the correct option

(a) I, II, III and IV
(b) I, II and III
(c) III, IV and II
(d) I, IV and III

28. Several mammary duct join to form a wider mammary ampulla, which is connected to

(a) lactiferous duct
(b) seminiferous duct
(c) seminiferous tubules
(d) lactiferous canal

29. The spermatogonia undergo division to produce sperm by the process of spermatogonesis.

(a) true
(b) false
(c) cannot say
(d) partially true or false

30. Which of the following cells of haploid number of chromosomes?

(a) 1o spermatocytes
(b) 2o spermatocytes
(c) Spermatid
(d) Both (b) and (c)

31. Which among the following has 23 chromosomes?

(a) spermatogonia
(b) zygotes
(c) secondary oocyte
(d) oogonia

32. Find out spermatid and sertoli cell in given below diagram.


(a) D and E
(b) E and F
(c) A and C
(d) B and E

33. Spermiogenesis or spermatiliosis is

(a) changing of spermatid to spermatozoa
(b) changing of spermatid to sperm
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) changing of spermatid to secondary spermatocyte

34. In the formation of spermatozoa, the spermatids attach to

(a) Leydig cells
(b) corona radiata cells
(c) sertoli cells
(d) first polar body

35. The difference between spermatogenesis and spermiation is

(a) in spermiogenesis, spermatozoa from sertoli cell are released into the cavity of seminiferous tubules, while in spermiation, spermatozoa are formed
(b) in spermiogenesis, spermatozoa are formed, while in spermiation, spermatids are formed
(c) in spermiogenesis, spermatids are formed, while in spermiation, spermatozoa are formed
(d) in spermiogenesis, spermatozoa are formed, while in spermiation, spermatozoa released through seminiferous tubules

36. The release of _________ leads to initiation of spermatogenesis.

(a) GnRH
(b) lactin
(c) testosterone
(d) oestrogen

37. Everytime copulation does not lead to fertilization and pregnancy because of failure of sperm to reach the

(a) ampulla
(b) cervix
(c) endometrium
(d) myometrium

38. What is the correct sequence of sperm formation?

(a) spermatid, spermatocyte, spermatogonia, spermatozoa
(b) spermatogonia, spermatocyte, spermatozoa, spermatid
(c) spermatogonia, spermatozoa, spermatocyte, spermatid
(d) spermatogonia, spermatocyte, spermatid, spermatozoa

39. Identify A, B & C in the diagram below.


(a) A – acrosome, B – tail, C – mitochondria
(b) A – plasma membrane, B – acrosome, C – mitochondria
(c) A – mitochondria, B – acrosome, C – plasma membrane
(d) A – mitochondria, B – plasma membrane, C – tail

40. Match the following.

(A) head(i) enzyme
(B) middle piece(ii) sperm motality
(C) acrosome(iii) energy
(D) tail(iv) genetic materia

(a) (A) – 2, (B) – 4, (C) – 1, (D) – 3
(b) (A) – 4, (B) – 3, (C) – 1, (D) – 2
(c) (A) – 4, (B) – 1, (C) – 2, (D) – 3
(d) (A) – 2, (B) – 1, (C) – 3, (D) – 4

41. Find the odd one out.

(a) spermatocyte
(b) polar body
(c) spermatid
(d) spermatogonium

42. Oogenesis is initiated during the embryonic development stage when a couple of million oogonia are formed within each fetal ovary; no more oogonia are formed and added after birth.

(a) true
(b) false
(c) can’t say
(d) partially true or false

43. Primary oocyte surrounded by a layer of granulosa cells is called

(a) secondary follicle
(b) ootid
(c) primary follicle
(d) tertiary follicle

44. At the time of birth, the oocyte is present in _______ stage of cell cycle.

(a) prophase-I
(b) prophase-II
(c) meiosis-II
(d) mitosis

45. At which stage of the development, ovum is released from the ovary of the human female?

(a) primary oocyte
(b) oogonium
(c) secondary oocyte
(d) ootid

46. The new membrane formed by follicular cells in secondary oocyte is called

(a) zona granulosa
(b) zona pellucida
(c) plasma membrane
(d) tertiary membrane

47. The membranous cover of the ovum at ovulation is

(a) corona radiata
(b) zona radiata
(c) zona pellucida
(d) chorion

48. Identify the wrongly labelled part.


(a) Primary follicle
(b) ovum
(c) Graafian follicle
(d) Corpus luteum

49. Match the following.

(A) Graafian follicle(i) mature tertiary follicle which ruptures during ovulation
(B) Secondary oocyte(ii) haploid cell formed after 1st meiotic division
(C) Antrum(iii) the fluid-filled cavity which found in tertiary follicle
(D) Tertiary follicle(iv) primary oocyte completes its 1st meiotic division inside it

50. The reproductive cycle in the female primate monkeys, apes and human beings is called

(a) menstrual cycle
(b) menarch
(c) menopause
(d) ovulation

51. The first menstruation that begins at puberty is called

(a) menopause
(b) ovulation
(c) gametogenesis
(d) menarch

52. In an ideal menstrual cycle, the menstrual phase last for 5 days

(a) true
(b) false
(c) cannot say
(d) partly true or false

53. Menstruation indicates the

(a) confirmation of pregnancy
(b) absence of pregnancy
(c) suppression of pregnancy
(d) maturity

54. Menstruation is caused due to

(a) breakdown of endometrium
(b) rupture of Graafian follicle
(c) releasing of progesterone
(d) none of the above

55. Mature Graafian follicle is generally present in the ovary of a healthy human female around

(a) 5-8 days of menstrual cycle
(b) 11-17 days of menstrual cycle
(c) 18-23 days of menstrual cycle
(d) 24-28 days of menstrual cycle

56. Which of the following events is related to the ovulation phase in human female?

(I) Decrease in oestradiol
(II) Full development of Graafian follicle
(III) Release of secondary oocyte
(IV) LH surge

(a) I and II
(b) I and III
(c) I, II and III
(d) II, III and IV

57. The below diagram decribes the changes that occur in the endometrium during a normal menstruation. Choose the option with correct description for points A, B, C and D.


(a) A-ovulation, B-menstruation
(b) A-ovulation, C-menstruation
(c) A-menstruation, C-ovulation
(d) B-ovulation, D-menstruation

58. Match the following.

(A) FSH(i) develops female secondary sexual characters
(B) LH(ii) prepares endometrium wall for implantation
(C) Progesterone(iii) development of corpus luteum
(D) Oestrogen(iv) maturation of Graafian follicle

(a) (A) – 4, (B) – 3, (C) – 2, (D) – 1
(b) (A) – 1, (B) – 3, (C) – 2, (D) – 4
(c) (A) – 4, (B) – 3, (C) – 2, (D) – 1
(d) (A) – 3, (B) – 1, (C) – 2, (D) – 4

59. During the ovulatory phase, the structure called corpus luteum is formed from

(a) ruptured Graafian follicle
(b) epididymis
(c) isogametes
(d) endometrium

60. Secretion from which if the following structures prepares the inner wall of the uterus for implantation?

(a) ovary
(b) pituitary gland
(c) corpus luteum
(d) ovarian follicle

MCQ Answers

1. (d)

2. (d)

In mammals scrotal sac acts as a thermoregulator and maintain the ambient temperature of the testes. It protects the sperms against relative high temperature.

3. (a)

Scrotum maintains the temperature of testis, which is 2-2.5oC below the body temperature.

4. (d)

5. (a)

Each human testis is oval in shape, with a length of about 4-5 cm and a width of about 2-3 cm

6. (d)

Each seminiferous tubule is lined on its inside by two types of cells called male germ cells and sertoli cells.

7. (a)

Interstitial cells secretes androgen (testosterone), i.e. male sex hormone.

8. (b)

The vas deferens enters the abdominal cavity through the inguinal canal where it passes over the urinary bladder, curves round the ureter and joints and duct from seminal vesicle and opens into urethra as the ejaculatory duct.

9. (c)

As the vasa efferentia leave the testis, they enter the larger, upper portion of the epididymis, located along the posterior surface. The vasa efferentia then join to form a single, coiled ductus epididymis, in the middle region of the epididymis.

10. (c)

11. (b)

Each testis has about 250 compartments called testicular lobules.

12. (b)

13. (c)

The urethra originates from the urinary bladder and extends through the penis to its external opening called urethral meatus.

14. (d)

15. (b)

The male accesory gland include paired seminal vesicles, a prostate and paired bulbourethral glands. Secretion of these glands constitute the seminal plasma which is rich in fructose, calcium and certain enzymes. Urethra is the duct that extends through the penis in male reproductive system and serves a common passage for both sperm and urine.

16. (a)

Bulbourethral gland secretes mucus, which lubricate penis during intercourse. This reduces friction during copulation.

17. (b)

18. (d)

19. (c)

20. (a)

21. (b)

22. (b)

23. (a)

Fimbriae, infundibulum and isthmus are parts of the fallopian tube, while labia minoria is the female external genitalia.

24. (b)

Labia majora are two large fleshy folds of skin, which form the boundary of vulva. There are partly covered by pubic hair and contain large number of sebaceous glands.

25. (a)

Mons pubis is anterior most portion of the external genitalia.

It is covered by skin and pubic gland. It acts as a cushion during intercourse.

26. (a)

The cervix is the part of uterus which joins the anterior wall of the vagina and opens into it through cervical canal.

The cervix communicates with the body of the uterus on top by an aperture called internal os and with the vagina below by an opening the external os.

27. (a)

28. (a)

Near the nipple mammary duct expand to form mamamry ampullae where some milk may be stored before going to lactiferous duct.

29. (a)

30. (d)

Primary spermatocytes are diploid in number. Secondary spermatocytes and spermatids are haploid in number.

31. (c)

Secondary oocyte has 23 chromosomes as it is a product of meiotic division of primary oocyte during oogenesis in the ovary.

32. (d)

33. (c)

The transformation of spermatids into spermatozoa is called spermiogenesis or spermatiliosis.

34. (c)

The spermatids attach to the sertoli cell during spermatogenesis because sertoli cell produce testicular fluids, including a protein that binds to and concentrates testosterene. It is essential for the development of the spermatozoa.

35. (d)

36. (a)

37. (a)

38. (d)

38. (b)

40. (b)

41. (b)

Polar body is formed during oogenesis whereas other three structures are formed during spermatogenesis.

42. (a)

43. (c)

Primary oocyte surrounded by a layer of granulosa cell is called primary follicle, which are 2n in number.

44. (a)

Oogenesis starts in the foetal stage . Till the time of birth, they remain in the prophase-I stage. Oogenesis resumes at the time of puberty when GnRH is produced by hypothalamus.

45. (c)

46. (b)

47. (c)

The secondary oocyte forms a new membrane called zona pellucida around it and starts its second meiotic division, but remains suspended in metaphase-II, till the sperm enters it.

48. (c)

49. (a)

50. (a)

The rhythmic series of changes that occurs in the reproductive organs of female primates (monkeys, apes and humans) is called menstrual cycle.

51. (d)

52. (c)

53. (b)

Menstruation indicates the absence of pregnancy as it occurs when secondary oocyte is not fertilized.

54. (a)

Breakdown of uterine endometrium in the absence of fertilisation and decreased level of progesterone causes menstruation.

55. (b)

In humans, the menstrual cycle last for28/29 days. During 11-17 days of the menstrual cycle a mature Graafian follicle is seen in healthy human female.

56. (d)

Decrease in oestradiol is not associated with ovulation in human females. Oestradiol is also called oestrogen which is the primary sex hormone in females. During the ovulation in human females, level of oestrogen increases. Its main function is to mature and maintain the reproductive tract.

57. (c)

58. (a)

59. (a)

Corpus luteum develops from a ruptured Graafian follicle after the release of secondary oocyte from it.

60. (c)

Secretion from corpus luteum prepares the inner wall of the uterus for implantation.

Assertion-Reason Based MCQ


  1. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of the Assertion (A).
  2. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of the Assertion (A).
  3. Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
  4. Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.

1. Assertion The testes are situated outside the abdominal cavity within scrotum.

Reason Muscles in scrotum helps to maintain low temperature of testes necessary for spermatogenesis.

2. Assertion In the testis, spermatogenesis occurs in the seminiferous tubules and testosterone secretion takes place from the Sertoli cells.

Reason Testosterone brings growth and maturation of secondary sex organs and also the development of accessory sex characters.

3. Assertion The bulbourethral gland is a male accessory gland.

Reason It secretion helps in the lubrication of the penis, thereby facilitating reproduction.

4. Assertion Fimbriae are finger like projections of infudibulum part of oviduct which is closest to ovary. 

Reason They are important for the collection of ovum after ovulation from ovary.

5. Assertion The sertoli cells are present in seminiferous tubules.

Reason Sertoli cells provide nutrition to the germ cells and spermatozoa.

6. Assertion Ovum retains most of the contain of content of the primary side and is much larger than a spermatozoa. 

Reason Ovum needs energy to go about in search of spermatozoa for fertilization.

7. Assertion In Graafian follicles, the primary oocyte and the follicle cell may be regarded as sibling cell. 

Reason Both arise from the same parent cell the oogonium by mitotic division.

8. Assertion Menstrual phase is also compared to shedding tears for the lost ovum. 

Reason In the menstrual phase loss of endometrial lining takes place due to reduced titre of progesterone.

9. Assertion Production of FSH and LH increases in the ovulation phase.  

Reason Due to decrease in the level of LH, ovulation takes place.

10. Assertion Progesterone is essential for maintenance of the endometrium. 

Reason Endometrium is essential for implantation of fertilized ovum.

Assertion-Reason Based MCQ Answers

1. (a)

The testes are situated outside the abdominal cavity within a pouch called scrotum. The scrotum helps in maintaining the low temperature of the testes (2-2.5oC) lower than the normal internal body temperature necessary for spermatogenesis.

2. (d)

In the testis, spermatogenesis occurs in the seminiferous tubules and testosterone secretion takes place in interstitial cell.

3. (a)

The bubourethral gland is a male accessory gland. It secretion helps in lubricating the penis to facilitate reproduction.

4. (b)

Fimbrae are finger like projections of infudibulum of the oviduct which is closest to the ovary. Fimbrae collect the oven released from ovary and move it down into the fallopian tube.

5. (b)

Seminiferous tubule is lined on its inside by two types of cell called male germ cell and sertoli cell. The male germ cells form sperm and sertoli cells provide nutrition to the germ cells.

6. (c)

It is the sperm, which need energy to move about in female reproductive tract in search of ova, so that fertilization can take place.

7. (b)

8. (a)

Menstrual phase is the phase of menstrual flow which continuous for three to five days and involves discharge of blood along with shedding of endometrial lining due to reduced level of both oestrogen and progesterone hormones. As such menstrual phase is also called funeral of unfertilized egg for shedding tears of lost ovum.

9. (c)

In menstrual cycle, rapid secretion of LH leads to its maximum level during mid cycle. It is called LH Surge. It induces rupture of Graafian follicle thereby releasing ovum.

10. (a)

Large amount of progesterone is essential for the maintenance of the endometrium, to which fertilised ovum gets attached.

Case-Study Based MCQ

1. Observe the given figure about the male reproductive system and answer the questions accordingly.


(i) Prostrate gland is a

(a) digestive gland
(b) sperm producing gland
(c) semen secreting accessorry gland of male
(d) hormone producing gland of the ovary

(ii) Bulbourethral gland is also known as

(a) prostrate gland
(b) Cowper’s gland
(c) perineal gland
(d) salivary gland

(iii) Seminal vesicle is present between

(a) prostrate gland and urethra
(b) urinary bladder and rectum
(c) above the testis
(d) near epididymis

(iv) How many compartments (approx.) are there in each testis?

(a) 250
(b) 300
(c) 350
(d) 400

2. Read the following passage and answer accordingly.

The average period of menstrual cycle is 28-29 days, but this can vary between women and from one cycle to the next. The menstrual cycle is controlled by many different glands and the hormones that these glands produce. The menstrual cycle is a biofeedback system, which means each structure and gland is affected by the activity of the others.

Menstruation is the elimination of thickened lining of the uterus from the body through vagina, menstrual fluid contains blood cells from the lining of the uterus and mucus.

(i) The shortest phase in menstrual cycle is

(a) menstrual phase
(b) ovulatory phase
(c) secretory phase
(d) proliferative phase

(ii) Main function of corpus luteum is

(a) facilitate fertilisation
(b) facilitate ovulation
(c) secrete progesterone
(d) facilitate passage of ova in oviduct

(iii) Which hormone level reaches peak during luteal phase of menstrual cycle?

(a) Lutenising hormone
(b) progesterone
(c) Follicle stimulating hormone
(d) oestrogen

(iv) The area that experiences the greatest change during menstrual cycle is

(a) vagina
(b) permetrium
(c) cervix
(d) endometrium

3. Read the following passage and answer accordingly.

The human pregnancy last for about 9 months. During this embryo undergoes various development changes. In human beings, after one month of pregnancy, the embryo heart is formed. The first sign of growing foetus can be noticed by listening to the heart sound carefully. By the end of the second month of pregnancy the foetus develops limbs.

By the end of 12 weeks most of the major organs are formed. For example, the limbs and external genital organs are well developed. The first movement of the foetus and appearance of hair on the head are usually observed during the fifth month. By the end of about 24 weeks, the body is covered with fine hair, eyelids separate and eyelashes are formed. By the end of 9 months of pregnancy the foetus is fully developed and is ready for delivery.

(i) The three germ layers gives rise to

(a) tissues
(b) placenta
(c) hormone
(d) limbs

(ii) During the development of embryo these occurs first

(a) differentiation of organs
(b) differentiation of tissues
(c) differentiation of organ system
(d) differentiation of cells

(iii) Vigorous contraction of the uterus at the end of pregnancy causes

(a) lactation
(b) placenta formation
(c) cleavage
(d) delivery of foetus

(iv) In human adult female, Oxytocin the major hormone produced during pregnancy to

(a) stimulate pituitary to secrete vasopressin
(b) cause uterine contraction during parturition
(c) secrete hormone from anterior pituitary
(d) stimulate growth of mammary glands

4. Observe the schematic representation of oogenesis in human female and answer the following questions accordingly.


(i) Choose the correct match.

(a) A – oogonia
(b) B – primary oocyte
(c) C – secondary oocyte
(d) All of these

(ii) One oogonium forms

(a) 1 ovum + 3 polar bodies
(b) 1 ovum + 1 polar body
(c) 1 ovum without centrioles + 3 polar bodies
(d) single ovum and no polar body

(iii) A human female has the maximum number of primary oocytes in her ovary.

(a) at birth
(b) just prior to puberty
(c) early in her fertile years
(d) midway through her fertile years

(iv) What is the role of polar bodies during oogenesis?

(a) Polar bodies ensure that the ovum contains the most cytoplasm
(b) They rid the body of defective sets of chromosomes, leaving the ‘good’ set within the ovum
(c) They are merely the byproduct of meiosis and serve no function
(d) They prevent the development of most sets of multiple births

Case-Study Based MCQ Answers

1. (i)(c) (ii)(b) (iii)(b) (iv)(a)

2. (i)(b) (ii)(c) (iii)(b) (iv)(d)

3. (i)(a) (ii)(d) (iii)(d) (iv)(b)

4. (i)(d) (ii)(c) (iii)(a) (iv)(a)

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Final Words

From the above article, you have practiced Human Reproduction MCQ of Class 12 Biology Chapter 3. We hope that the above-mentioned MCQs for term 1 of chapter 3 Human Reproduction MCQ would will surely help you in your exam. 

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