Solid State MCQ | Class 12 | Chemistry | Chapter-1 | 2024

Last updated on July 14th, 2024 at 05:47 pm

Solid State MCQ Chapter 1

A Solid is one of the three basic states of matter in this universe, along with the gas and liquid. A solid forms mostly when a gas or liquid is compressed because the energy of the particles decreases, and end up forming a 3-D structure.

Solids show a certain type of character that differentiates them from the liquids and gases. Some of them being like, they have a definite and rigid shape and their particles vibrate in their fixed positions.

Below are some of the very important NCERT Solid State MCQ of Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 1 with Answers.

These Solid State MCQs have been prepared by expert teachers and subject experts based on the latest syllabus and pattern of CBSE Term 1 examination.

We have given these Solid State Class 12 Chemistry MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept.

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Chemistry are very important for the latest CBSE Term 1 and Term 2 pattern. These MCQs are very important for students who want to score high in CBSE Board, NEET and JEE exam. 

We have put together these NCERT Solid State MCQ for Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 1 with Answers for the practice on a regular basis to score high in exams. Refer to these MCQs Questions with Answers here along with a detailed explanation.

? Also Read Chapter 1 Solid State detailed notes Click Here

Note : – Answers after every 10 questions

solid state mcq

Solid State MCQ (1-10)

  1. Isomorphous salts are
    1. Epsom salt, Green vitriol
    2. Blue vitriol, Gypsum salt
    3. Epsom salt, Green vitriol, White vitriol
    4. White vitriol, Blue vitriol, Green vitriol
  2. Glass is a
    1. Liquid crystal
    2. Crystalline solid
    3. Ionic solid
    4. Super-cooled liquid
  3. The smallest repetitive unit of the crystal structure is known as
    1. Atoms
    2. Compounds
    3. Unit Cell
    4. Lattice
  4. What makes molecular crystals solid at room temperature?
    1. Van der waal force
    2. Sharing of electron
    3. Transfer of electron
    4. All of the above
  5. Solid CO2 is an amorphous solid of which category?
    1. Ionic crystal
    2. Metallic crystal
    3. Molecular crystal
    4. Covalent crystal
  6. Crystalline solids do not have
    1. Definite latent heat of fusion
    2. Regular atomic arrangement
    3. Incompressibility
    4. Free movement of atoms
  7. Number of Bravais lattices present are?
    1. 10
    2. 7
    3. 14
    4. 21
  8. AB has NaCl type structure. If atoms from the edge centers along an axis connecting the opposite edge center on a face are removed, the empirical formula of the remaining solid would be?
    1. A8B5
    2. A7B8
    3. A3B5
    4. A3B
  9. In rock salt structure, the number of formula units per unit cell
    1. 2
    2. 4
    3. 6
    4. 8
  10. The ratio of number of atoms per unit cell in simple cubic, body centered cubic and face centered cubic is?
    1. 1:2:3
    2. 1:2:4
    3. 4:2:1
    4. 1:3:2

Answers (1-10)

1. (1)

Isomorphous substances are those which have the same crystal structure.

    Blue vitriol = CuSO4.5H2O

    Epsom salt = MgSO4.7H2O

    Green vitriol = FeSO4.7H2O   

White vitriol = ZnSO4.7H2O

As epsom salt, green vitriol and white vitriol have the same water of crystallization, they are isomorphous salts.

2. (2)

Glass is an amorphous supercooled liquid. As it has a tendency to flow, though slowly, it is called a supercooled liquid.

3. (3)

Crystal is built up of a regular arrangement of atoms in 3D, this arrangement can be represented by a repeated unit called unit cell, thus unit cell is defined as the smallest repeating unit which shows the full symmetry of the crystal structure.

4. (1)

Van der Waal forces make the molecular crystals, solids at low temperature. Its properties are dictated by the weak nature of these inter-molecular forces.

5. (3)

CO2 is an example of molecular solid

6. (4)

Crystalline solids have definite heat of fusion, regular atomic arrangement, incompressibility and the atoms are closely packed.

7. (3)

There are total 14 Bravais lattices present

8. (2)

In NaCl structure, Cl ions form FCC and Na+ ions are present at edge centres and body centres.

Let B form the FCC and A is present at body centre and edge centre.

Number of atoms of B = 4 (in unit cell)

Number of atoms of A = (14 x 12) + 1 = 3  + 1 = 4 (in unit cell)

If atoms from edge centers along an axis joining opposite edges on a face are removed then, 

    Effective number of atoms of A removed = 14 x 2 = 12

    Effective number of atoms of A present = 4 – 12 = 72

So, A : B ↠ 72 : 4 = 7 : 8

Therefore the formula becomes A7B8

9. (2)

Na+ atoms are at the edge centres and at the body centre = (12 x 14) + 1 = 4

10. (2)

ZSC = 8 x 18 = 1

ZBCC = (8 x 18) + 1 =  2

ZFCC = (8 x 18) + (6 x 12) = 4

Ratio = 1 : 2 : 4

Solid State MCQ (11-20)

  1. A compound having BCC structure has atomic mass 100 and edge length is 290 pm. Calculate the density.
    1. 13.6 g/cm3
    2. 136 g/cm3
    3. 1.36 g/cm3
    4. 0.136 g/cm3
  2. Which of the following has the largest void percentage?
    1. Body Centred Cubic
    2. Simple Cubic
    3. Face Centred Cubic
    4. End Centred Cubic
  3. In a cube, A atoms are present at corners and B atoms are present in the face centres of a cube. Number of A and B are?
    1. 8,8
    2. 6,8
    3. 8,6
    4. 6,6
  4. Packing fraction in CCP and BCC?
    1. 54% and 79%
    2. 74% and 68%
    3. 32% and 26%
    4. 48% and 48%
  5. What is a F-centre?
    1. Anion present in interstitial site
    2. Anion vacancy occupied by electron
    3. Cationic vacancy occupied by electron
    4. Anionic vacancy occupied by unpaired electrons
  6. What type of stoichiometric defect is shown by NaCl?
    1. Frenkel
    2. Schottky
    3. Both Frenkel and Schottky
    4. Non-Stoichiometric Defect
  7. Total number of octahedral and tetrahedral voids present in the bcc lattice respectively are?
    1. 2,6
    2. 6,4
    3. 2,4
    4. 4,6
  8. If R forms cubic close packing S occupy 2/3 of octahedral voids in it, then the general formula of the compound is?
    1. R2S3
    2. R3S2
    3. RS
    4. R3S
  9. Number of tetrahedral voids present in each body diagonal in a CCP unit cell is?
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
  10. Which of the following crystal systems is most unsymmetrical?
    1. Triclinic
    2. Orthorhombic
    3. Rhombohedral
    4. Monoclinic

Answers (11-20)

11. (1)


    Edge length ‘a’ = 290 pm = 2.9 x 10-6 cm

    Atomic mass ‘M’ = 100 g/mol-1

    ZBCC = 2

Density = (Z x M)/(a3x NA) = (2 x 100)/[(2.9 x 10-6)3 x 6.023 x 1023] = 13.6 g cm-3

12. (2)

Packing fraction in :-

Simple Cubic = 58%

Body Centred Cubic = 68%

Face Centred Cubic = 74%

Therefore, void fraction in :-

Simple cubic = 48%

Body Centred Cubic = 32%

Face Centred Cubic = 26%

Hence, Simple cubic has the highest percentage of voids

13. (3)

Number of corners present in a cube = 8

Number of face-centres present in a cube = 6


    A = 8, B = 6

14. (2)

Packing fraction in :-

Simple Cubic = 58%

Body Centred Cubic = 68%

Face Centred Cubic = 74%

15. (4)

When anions leave their site and form anionic vacancy, the electrons reach and occupy the anionic vacancy. When the crystal is heated, the electrons get excited and impart colour to the crystal.

16. (2)

NaCl shows a schottky defect. 

17. (3)

BCC has two atoms per unit cell. 

Thus, it has 2 octahedral voids and 2 x 2 = 4 tetrahedral voids.

18. (2)

In cubic close packing, there are six atoms per unit cell. Hence, R = 6 (no. of octahedral void = number of atoms per unit cell )
S = 2/3 of 6, S = 4

R : S = 6 : 4 = 3 : 2

Formula becomes, R3S2

19. (2)

Number of tetrahedral voids present in each body diagonal in a CCP unit cell is 2.

20. (1)

 In triclinic, a ≠ b ≠ c and ɑ ≠ ꞵ ≠ γ

Solid State MCQ (21-30)

  1. Graphite is an example of which crystal lattice?
    1. Orthorhombic
    2. Trigonal
    3. Tetragonal
    4. Hexagonal
  2. Calculate number of atoms in a cubic unit cell having one atom on each corner and two on each body diagonal.
    1. 8
    2. 6
    3. 9
    4. 4
  3. Ortho-rhombic crystal can show how many possible variations?
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
  4. A tetrahedral void in FCC is formed by atoms at
    1. 3 face centres + 1 corner
    2. 2 face-centre + 2 corners
    3. 3 corners + 1 face centre
    4. 2 face-centre + 2 corners + 1 body centre
  5. What is the coordination number of a crystal having ABC ABC type layer?
    1. 8
    2. 12
    3. 6
    4. 4
  6. Element Y forms CCP and atoms of X occupy 1/3rd of tetrahedral voids. What’s the formula of the compound?
    1. X2Y3
    2. X3Y2
    3. XY
    4. X2Y
  7. Which of the following is an example of crystalline solid?
    1. Fused Silica
    2. Snowflakes
    3. Bakelite
    4. Pitch Tar
  8. Which of the following statements is not correct about amorphous solid?
    1. They are anisotropic
    2. They have a long range order
    3. They melt over a range of temperature
    4. They have an irregular pattern of atoms arranged
  9. In the structure of sphalerite
    1. Each S2- ion is surrounded by 6 Zn2+
    2. It has an FCC structure
    3. Zn ions occupy half of the tetrahedral site
    4. Each Zn2+ ion is surrounded by 6 S2- ion
  10. What is the volume occupied by atoms per unit cell in BCC?
    1. (1/6)πr3
    2. (4/3)πr3
    3. (8/3)πr3
    4. None of the above

Also read Chapter 1 Solid State detailed notes

Answers (21-30)

21. (4)

Graphite has a hexagonal crystal lattice.

22. (3)

Atoms at corner = 8 x (1/8) = 1

Atoms at the body diagonal = 2 x 4 = 8

Total atoms = 1 + 8 = 9 

23. (4)

Orthorhombic crystals have all four kinds of lattices which are primitive, body centre, face centre and end centre.

24. (1)

A tetrahedral void is formed by atoms at 3 face centres and at 1 corner.

25. (2)

Cubic close packing shows the ABCABC type layer and it has a coordination number of 12.

26. (1)

Effective number (Z) of Y (it forms CCP)= 4

X occupies 1/3 of tetrahedral voids

No. of tetrahedral voids in a unit cell = 2Z = 2 x 4 = 4

Effective number of X = (1/3) x 8 = 83

X = 8/3 and Y = 4

Ratio = X : Y = 8 : 12 = 2 : 3

Formula becomes X2Y3

27. (2)

Snowflakes have crystal-like structures.

28. (2)

 Amorphous solids have short-range order.

29. (3)

 In ZnS structure,

  • there are equal number of Zn2+ and S2- 
  • each Zn2+ is surrounded tetrahedrally by four S2- and each S2- is surrounded tetrahedrally by four Zn2+ ions
  • Zn2+ ions are arranged in CCP arrangement and S2- are arranged in the corners and face centres
  • only half of the tetrahedral voids are occupied by Zn2+

30. (1)

In SC, a = 2r

Volume = (4/3)πr3 = (4/)3π (a2)3 = (4/3)π(a3/8)= (πa3)/6

Click Below To Learn Chemistry Term-1 Syllabus Chapters MCQs

Solid State MCQ (31-40)

  1. Which of the following solids have the highest melting point?
    1. Metallic Solid
    2. Ionic Solid
    3. Molecular Solid
    4. Covalent Solid
  2. Copper crystallizes in a FCC lattice with a unit cell length of 361pm. What is the radius of a copper atom?
    1. 108 pm
    2. 157 pm
    3. 181 pm
    4. 128 pm
  3. Which element is used to make P-type semiconductor?
    1. Boron
    2. Phosphorus
    3. Carbon
    4. Tin
  4. What is the radius ratio of octahedral void?
    1. 0.155-0.225
    2. 0.225-0.414
    3. 0.414-0.732
    4. 0.732-0.999
  5. What is the coordination number of the ZnS structure?
    1. 8:8
    2. 4:4
    3. 6:6
    4. 2:2
  6. M crystallizes into FCC and BCC structure depending on the surrounding conditions. The ratio of densities in FCC and BCC structures is?
    1. 8/(3√6)
    2. 1/2
    3. 8/√6
    4. 16/(3√6)
  7. Number of unit cells in 117g of NaCl is approximately?
    1. 1.5 x 1023
    2. 3.011 x 1023
    3. 6.022 x 1023
    4. 0.24 x 1024
  8. A truncated tetrahedron has ________
    1. 12 vertices
    2. 8 faces
    3. 18 edges
    4. 3 hexagonal faces
  9. The packing with more efficiency in a layer is?
    1. Trigonal Close Packing
    2. Square Close Packing
    3. Hexagonal Close Packing
    4. None of the above
  10. Which of the following defects is seen in FeO?
    1. Metal excess defect
    2. Displacement defect
    3. Impurity defect
    4. Metal deficient defect

Answers (31-40)

31. (1)

Metallic solids show the highest melting point because the bonds between the molecules are the strongest compared to other bonds.

32. (4)

 In FCC, √2a = 4r

r = (√2a)/4 = (√2 x 361)/4 = 128 pm

33. (1)

P-type semiconductors are formed by the 13 group elements which include elements Boron, Aluminum, Gallium,Indium and Thallium.

34. (3)

Radius ratio of :-

Triangular planar void= 0.155 – 0.225

Tetrahedral void = 0.225-0.414

Octahedral void = 0.414-0.732 

Cubic void = 0.732-0.999

35. (2)

ZnS has 4:4 coordination.

36. (1)

In FCC, a = (4r)/√2

In BCC, a = (4r)/√3

Ratio of density = d1/d2= (Z1/Z2) x (a2/a1)3 = (4/2) x (4r/√3)3 x (√2/4r)3 = (4√2)/(3√3) = 8/(3√6) (after rationalizing)

37. (2)


Edge length = a

Radius of each atom = r

As the atoms touch along the face diagonals, i.e,

Face diagonal = √2a = 4r

a = 4r/(√2)= 2√2 x 124 pm = 350.7 pm

Hence, edge length of the unit cell is 350.7 pm

38. (1)

A truncated octahedron has 12 vertices.

39. (3)

Hexagonal Close Packing has the most efficient packing.

40. (2)

FeO shows metal deficiency defect.

Solid State MCQ (41-50)

  1. Lattice energy of an ionic compound depends on?
    1. Packing of ions only
    2. Size of the ion only
    3. Charge on the ion only
    4. Charge on the ion and size of the ion
  2. AgBr shows both Schottky and Frenkel defect because
    1. Size of Ag >>> Br
    2. Size of Ag <<< Br
    3. AgBr is highly ionic
    4. Both B and C
  3. Atomic radius of nickel is 124 pm. Nickel crystallizes in a face-centred cubic lattice. What is the length of the edge of the unit cell expressed in pm?
    1. 350.7 pm
    2. 420 pm
    3. 268.3 pm
    4. 359.2 pm
  4. Which arrangement of the electrons describes ferrimagnetism?
    1. ↑↑↑↑↑↑
    2. ↑↓↑↓↑↓
    3. ↑↑↓↓↓↑
    4. None of the above
  5. An example of a body-centred cube is
    1. Magnesium
    2. Sodium
    3. Zinc
    4. Copper
  6. The interionic distance for caesium chloride crystals will be?
    1. a
    2. a/2
    3. (a√3)/2
    4. (2a)/√3
  7. Which of the following is not true about hexagonal close packing?
    1. They have 26% empty space
    2. They have ABABAB arrangement
    3. Coordination number is 8
    4. None of the above
  8. What is the approximate number of unit cells present in 1 g of gold. Given that gold crystallizes in FCC lattice.
    1. 5.68 x 109
    2. 8.94 x 1010
    3. 3.57 x 109
    4. 7.64 x 1010
  9. Which of the following metal oxide is antiferromagnetic in nature?
    1. MnO2
    2. TiO2
    3. VO2
    4. CrO2
  10. A semiconductor of Ge can be made p-type by adding
    1. trivalent impurity
    2. tetravalent impurity
    3. pentavalent impurity
    4. divalent impurity

Answers (41-50)

41. (4)

Lattice energy of an ionic compound depends on both charge on the ion and size of the ion.

42. (1)

AgBr shows both Schottky and Frenkel defect because the size of Ag ion is very big in size compared to Br ion.

43. (1)


Edge length = a

Radius of each atom = r

As the atoms touch along the face diagonals, i.e,

Face diagonal = √2a = 4r

a = (4r)/√2= 2√2 x 124 pm = 350.7 pm

Hence, edge length of the unit cell is 350.7 pm 

44. (3)

The substance in which the magnetic moments of domains are aligned parallel and antiparallel directions in unequal numbers, are ferrimagnetic substances.

    Their domains are arranged as:- ↑↑↓↑↓↓↑↑↑↓

45. (2)

Metals like sodium, potassium, chromium, barium, vanadium etc. have body centred-cubic structure.

46. (3)

CsCl has a body-centred structure, i.e. its diagonal length is (a√3)/2.

47. (3)

HCP has coordination number 12

48. (4)

1 mole of gold = 197 g = 6.022 x 1023 atoms

Therefore, the number of atoms present in 1 g of gold = (6.022 x 1023)/197 x (1/4) = 7.64 x 1020

Hence, 7.64 x 1020 unit cells are present in 1 g of gold.

49. (4)

CrO2 is antiferromagnetic in nature.

50. (1)

P-type semiconductors are prepared by adding group 13 elements also called trivalent impurity.

Assertion/Reasoning MCQs


(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

(b) Both A and R are true and but R is not a correct explanation of A

(c) A is true but R is false

(d) A is false, but R is true

1 . Assertion (A) Quartz glass is crystal is solid and Quartz is an amorphous solid 

Reason (R)  Quartz glass has no long range order 

2. Assertion (A)  Graphite is a good conductor of electricity however Diamond belongs to the category of insulators 

Reason (R)  Graphite is soft in nature on the other hand diamond is very hard and brittle 

3. Assertion (A) In crystalline solids the value of resistance is different in different directions

Reason (R) Crystalline solids are isotropic in nature 

4. Assertion (A)  Glass panes fixed to windows or panes of old building are found to be slightly thicker at the bottom 

Reason (R)  Amorphous solids have a tendency to flow 

5. Assertion (A)  Face centred cubic cell has 4 atoms per unit cell 

Reason (R)  In FCC unit there are 8 atoms at the corner and six atoms at face centres 

6. Assertion (A) CsCl has body-centered cubic arrangement 

Reason (R)  CsCl has one Cs ion and 8 Cs in its unit cell 

7. Assertion (A)  In crystal lattice the size of the tetrahedral hole is large then an octahedral hole 

Reason (R)  The cation occupy less space than anions in crystal packing 

8. Assertion (A) On heating ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic substances, they become paramagnetic 

Reason (R) The electrons change their spin on heating

9. Assertion (A) The total number of atoms present in a simple cubic unit cell is one

Reason (R) Simple cubic unit cell has atoms at its corner, each of which is shared between 8 adjacent unit cell 

10. Assertion (A) The packing efficiency is maximum for the FCC structure 

Reason (R) the coordination number is 12 in FCC structure

Assertion / Reasoning MCQ Answers

1. (d)

The structure of quartz is crystalline and that of quartz glass is amorphous. The two structures are almost identical yet in case of amorphous quartz glass, there is no long range order.

2. (b)

Diamond is a bad conductor of electricity because cell valence electrons of carbon are involved in bonding. In graphite however three out of four valence electrons are involved in bonding and the fourth electron remain free between adjacent layers which makes it a good conductor. Graphite is soft because parallel layers are held together by weak Vander waal’s force. However, diamond is hard due to compact 3D network of bonding.

3. (c)

Crystalline solids are anisotropic in nature that is, some of their physical properties like electrical resistance show different values along different directions due to different arrangement of particles in different directions.

4. (a)

Solids have a tendency to flow, though very slowly. Glass is sometimes called a supercooled liquid because it does not form a crytalline structure, but instead forms an amorphous solid that allows molecules in the material to continue to move.

5. (a)

The face centered cubic structure has atoms located at each of the corners and the centres of all the cubic faces. Each of the corner atoms is the corner of another cube so the corner atom is shared among eight unit cell.

6. (c)

CsCl has one Cs+ and one Cl in its unit cell.

7. (d)

Tetrahedral holes are smaller in size than octahedral voids. Cations usually occupy less space than ions.

8. (a)

All magnetically ordered solids transform to the paramagnetic state at high temperature due to the randomisation of the spins.

9. (a)

In the simple cubic unit cell, the total number of atoms is 8 x (1/8) = 1

10. (b)

In FCC unit cell, CCP arrangement is present with packing efficiency of 74.01% (max).

Case Study Based MCQ 

1. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions 

Point defects play an important role in determining the physical properties of most crystalline substances, most notably those controlling the transport of matter and the properties that stem from it.

Even a crystal of high purity under conditions of no irradiation contains point defects in thermal equilibrium some.

Some lattice sites are vacant and some atoms are displaced from their normal lattice sights into interstitial positions or onto ‘wrong’ lattice sites. 

For stoichiometric compounds of high purity the concentrations of these point defects are very low, even at temperatures up to melting point. 

A meaningful model, then, is to consider the crystal as a solvent containing a very dilute solution of simple, individual vacancies and interstitials.

Long range in fractions among the defect and with impurity atoms and short range interactions that produce pair or other clusters can be produced in a first-order approximation. 

The following questions are multiple choice questions. Choose the most appropriate answer 

i) Which one of the given below statement is wrong about frenkel defect 

  1. It is a combination of vacancy and interstitial defect
  2. Cation leave their actual lattice site and occupy the interstitial space in the solid 
  3. Density remains the same 
  4. Density of the Crystal increases 

ii) Which one of the following is an interstitial void? 

  1. Octahedral void 
  2. Tetrahedral void 
  3. None of the above 
  4. Both a and b 

iii) This type of defect arises due to absence of equal number of cations and anions from lattice sites in the crystalline solid of the type A B  and it lowers the density of the Crystal. 

  1. Vacancy defect 
  2. Schottky defect 
  3. Interstitial defect 
  4. Frenkel defect 

iv) Which one of the following cannot be called as a non-stoichiometric defect 

  1. Metal excess defect due to anion vacancies 
  2. Metal excess defect due to presence of extrication 
  3. Metal deficiency due to absence of cations 
  4. Combination of vacancies and  interstitial defects

2. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions 

Unit calls are comprised of empty spaces existing between spheres. This is called void space or hole. Two types of interstitial voids are present in a three dimensional close packing system.

Tetrahedral voids and octahedral voids. All the atoms in a crystal lattice passes vibrational energy and at temperature above absolute zero, a finite number of atoms acquire sufficient energy to break their bonds and get free from their positions.  

Thus, point defects are created. There are mainly two types of stoichiometric point defects present – Schottky defects and frenkel defects. 

In three questions, a statement of assertion followed by a statement of reason is given. Choose the correct answer out of the following choices. 


(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

(b) Both A and R are true and but R is not a correct explanation of A

(c) A is true but R is false

(d) A is false, but R is true

i) Assertion (A) The number of tetrahedral void is double the number of octahedral void

Reason (R) The size of the tetrahedral void is half of that of octahedral void 

ii) Assertion  (A) In BCC arrangement coordination number is 8 

Reason (R) In BCC arrangement atoms occupy cubic void 

iii) Assertion (A) Due to Frenkel defect there is no effect on density of a solid 

Reason (R) Ions shift from lattice sites to interstitial sites in frenkel effect 

iv) Assertion (A) Schottky defect is generally shown by the compound with high coordination number 

Reason (R) In schottky defect is equal number of cations and anions are missing from their lattice sites 

v) Assertion (A)  In NaCl crystal, the Na+ ions occupies the octahedral void while Cl  ions occupy the vertices of octahedron 

Reason (R)  The radius ratio of an Na+:Cl minus ions lies between 0.4 to 0.7

Case Study Based Answers

1. i) 4 ii) 4 iii) 2 iv) 4

2. i) d ii) c iii) c iv) c v) d

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Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

Q1. Why is glass considered an amorphous solid?

Glass is a supercooled liquid which has a tendency to flow (though quite very slowly). As glass also doesn’t have a long range order, it is considered to be an amorphous solid.

Q2. Why ferromagnetism is found in solids only?

Ferromagnetism occurs when the magnetic domains align in a specific direction. In the case of fluids, the domains will be randomised in different direction and thus, ferromagnetism occurs only in the solids.

Q3. Which is the largest void?

Octahedral void is the largest void.

Also read Chapter 1 Solid State detailed notes

Final Words

From the above article, you have practiced Solid State MCQ of Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 1. We hope that the above mentioned latest MCQs for Term 1 of Chapter 1 Solid State will surely help you in your exam.

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