[Latest] Psychology And Sports | Chapter 9 Notes | 2024

Last updated on July 24th, 2024 at 12:43 pm

Psychology And Sports

Psychology and sports deal with the positive behavior of sportspersons during training and competition period to increase performance.

It guides coaches and players to give individual attention regarding various method and various motivational techniques.


Personality is an organized set of characteristics possessed by a person that influence his/her cognitions, emotions, motivation and behaviour in various situations.

It is the enduring personal characteristics of individuals. It is much more than outer appearance.

Personality includes the combination of emotional, attitude and behavior response patterns of an individual.

People who have good Personalities are very likable, interesting, and pleasant to be with.

Personality has four dimensions:

  • Physical Dimension: It is with appearance, shape, size, structure, weight, height and skin colour
  • Mental Dimensions: It is related to thought, ideas, knowledge, etc
  • Social Dimensions: It is related to social Qualities like adjustment, cooperation, togetherness, discipline, leadership, etc.
  • Emotional Dimensions: It is related to anger, happiness, joyfulness, curiosity, etc.

Types of Personality

Type A: Individuals with this type of Personality are very competitive, self critical and high working involvement. 

They easily get excited, and quickly become impatient with delays. Such types of individuals can easily be aroused to anger, hostility and aggression.

Type B: Individuals with this type of Personality are not competitive in nature. They are easygoing and patient. They usually do not get angry, can express their emotions, and cope with stress effectively.

Type C: These people have a pleasing nature. They are unable to express their emotions. They are lethargic, passive, hopeless, and pessimistic.

Type D: These individuals usually suffer from high degrees of de-stress. They have a fear of rejection or disapproval. 

Traits and Types


Sheldon’s Classification of Personality

  • Endomorph
  • Mesomorph
  • Ectomorph

Jung Classification Of Personality

  • Introvert
  • Extrovert
  • Ambivert

Jung Personality

Introvert personality 
Introverts are described as people who share characteristics such as shyness, social withdrawal, tendency to talk less.

They have their own world of ideas, thoughts, behaviour, interest and attitude. Introverted people are self-centred, unable to adjust easily in social situations. 

Extrovert personality 
These people have the tendency to be outgoing, friendly, talkative, and social in nature. Their behaviour and action are concerned with interacting with others.

They prefer contacts, generous, supportive and courageous. 

Ambivert personality
There are only a few people who are pure introverts or pure extroverts. The remaining majority of people possessed both the quality or traits of introverts and extroverts.

Big Five Theory Personality

According to this theory, personality depends upon five dimensions or traits.

  • Openness
  • Conscientiousness
  • Extroversion
  • Agreeableness
  • Neuroticism
  • Openness to experience: These people like to learn new things, and new concepts and enjoy new experiences. Openness reflects curiosity and creativity.
  • Conscientiousness: They are self-disciplined, reliable and prompt. Such people are organised, systematic and complete in all respects
  • Extroversion: They have high energy, positive emotions, sociability and a tendency to seek stimulation in the company of others and be talkative.
  • Agreeableness: They possess the quality to be compassionate, cooperative towards others, helpful nature and trust others.
  • Neuroticism: They experience unpleasant emotions easily such as anger, anxiety and depression. Such individuals remain Moody and tense.


Motivation is one of the most important psychological factors, which inspires us to do something good.

Motivation has an immense effect on learning, in the absence of motivation the learning rate is lower. It is a kind of inner force that gives energy to a person to make a constant effort.

It increases the desire to perform better.

Types of Motivation

Internal Motivation

This motivation occurs within an individual and guides him to perform better. It is based on bodily needs, instinct, nature, emotional needs, social needs, etc. 

Intrinsic motivation depends upon goal setting, self-appraisal, auto suggestions and a positive attitude.

External Motivation

This motivation depends upon external factors. This external factor compels a person to perform better. 

External Motivation has a great impact on an individual’s performance. 

Motivation can be given in various way like rewards, punishment, praise, blame, cash prizes, feedback, etc

Techniques of Motivation

Goal setting: It is the most important technique of motivation. People should be encouraged to set achievable long-term goals based on their capacities.

Healthy environment: A healthy, clean and Hygienic environment motivates a player to participate.

Good quality Equipment and playfield: Both improve the performance of sportsmen

Reward and punishment: If players are informed in advance about what they get and what he lose, then their performance is better.

Coaching and guidance: Good coaching and guidance improve performance.

Spectators: Good and positive responses from spectators encourage the player to perform well.

Knowledge of results: Proper knowledge of results motivates learners to learn rapidly.

Cash prizes, certificates and trophies: These are good incentives to motivate a sportsman.

Competition: Healthy and good sports competition is a motivating factor for improving performance.

Exercise Adherence: Reasons, Benefits & Strategies for Enhancing it

Exercise adherence is the ability to maintain any exercise programme for an extended time. This is the period of time to get the desired results that help develop a passion and habit for the exercise.

Reasons to Exercise

1. Healthy Body Means Healthy Mind: People who exercise regularly are happier and more productive throughout the day. They also feel less tired. Exercise promotes a healthy body and helps positive thinking.

2. Look Good: Working out makes you look better, become more muscular and have a good shape.

3. Healthier Ageing: Regular exercise promotes healthy aging. Aging is invariable but quality of aging and life is based on physical fitness aided by regular exercise.

4. Boosts Self-confidence: Regular exercise helps increase our self-confidence. This, in turn, lets us express ourselves better among people and increases our self-esteem.

5. Mood Elevation: Exercise releases chemicals in the brain that make us feel good.

6. Better Sleep: The harder our bodies work during the day, the more soundly we sleep at night, allowing us the rest we need in order to repair our bodies.

7. Enhances Energy: Exercise improves the health of our internal organs, which makes our bodies more efficient with their normal functions such as breathing, circulation and digestion.

8. Reduces Stress: Exercise increases the production of endorphins, which are the feel-good chemicals that can help us manage stress better. These factors combined with improved sleep make exercise a powerful stress reliever.

9. Better Self-discipline: Regular exercise increases self-discipline which is beneficial to all aspects of our daily life.

10. Saves Money: Better health generally means fewer medical conditions and less hospital visits and medication and appointments, which saves both time and money.

Benefits of Exercise

Following are some of the benefits of regular exercise:

1. Mood Elevation: Exercise is a very potent mood elevator. Exercise releases feel-good hormones called endorphins. Exercise generates a positive outlook and also improves mental health.

2. Fights Depression: Regular exercise prevents symptoms of depression. Both aerobic and anaerobic exercises are beneficial. Boosted self-confidence and a feeling of success automatically reduce depression.

3. Enhances Mental Alertness: Mental skills develop better with regular exercise. Blood circulation improves and so does cognitive functions. Skills needed to indulge in sports or just being physically active also improve mental functioning.

4. Better Body Image: Besides indulging in exercise, many people learn dance and body movements to develop a better body image.

5. Boosts Memory: Regular exercise increases the ability to learn new things and boosts memory.

6. Positive Self-esteem: Negative self-esteem occurs when a person feels that their looks do what society, family and friends expect. Exercise neutralizes these feelings not measured and helps generate positive self-esteem by changing mental and physical attributes.

7. Overall Well-being: Exercise induces a feeling of happiness and well-being. The release of feel-good hormones like serotonin keeps the mood elevated and performance at peak level. Regular exercise is known to reduce the risk of many health problems.

8. Improves Sleep: Regular physical activity induces sound sleep.

9. Maintains Good Posture and Bone Strength: Regular exercise is a great way not only to maintain a correct posture by muscle toning but also to decrease the risk of osteoporosis condition where bones become weak.

10. Helps to Socialize: Community exercising at gyms and parks allows one to develop friendships and good relations with others. This helps develop a positive attitude.

Strategies for Enhancing Adherence to Exercise

It is important to understand the reasons and then develop strategies for exercise adherence.

Research suggests that 50% of the people who start an exercise programme drop out within the first 6 months.

Self-perception plays a major role in deciding whether people will start exercising or it will prevent some individuals from beginning a programme. Self-perceptions can be modified with the support and encouragement from others (particularly exercise professionals).

Future hopes may motivate people to exercise. For instance, a person who wishes to be independent in older adulthood may begin an exercise program and stay physically active to reach that goal.

Research shows that positive feedback (from exercise professionals), reinforcement (that exercise is worthy and beneficial) and social support (from spouse or friends and peers) improve self-perception to start an exercise programme.

What motivates people to continue to exercise?

1. Demographic and Biological Factors. It is found that men are more physically involved in physical activity as compared to women. Unfortunately, being overweight or obese consistently proves to be negatively associated with exercise adherence. 

2. Psychological, Cognitive and Emotional Factors: The most important factor associated with exercise adherence is a person’s confidence in her or his ability to do exercise and be consistent with workouts. This is particularly important for exercise adherence among women.

3. Self-worth is also a key factor in exercise adherence for women: The more people think they can successfully do exercise, the more likely they are to adhere to an exercise programme.

4 Behaviors/Attributes and Skills: Behaviors (such as diet, sleep, smoking, alcohol use, etc..) influence exercise adherence. There is a direct link between a healthy diet and exercise adherence. 

5. Social and Cultural Support: Social support from the spouse and close friends is highly associated with exercise adherence. This is the reason people are encouraged to have an exercise buddy or do the workout in a group of supportive exercise enthusiasts. 

6. Physical Environment and/or Physical Activity Characteristics: Easy access to exercise facilities is a great help in encouraging exercise adherence. Satisfaction with the workout facility including the users’ perception that the equipment are safe and the facility is user-friendly is also very helpful to ensure exercise adherence. 


Aggression refers to a range of behavior that can result in both physical and psychological harm to oneself, others, or objects in an environment. 

This type of social interaction harms another person, either physically or mentally. 

According to Richardson: Any form of behaviour directed towards the goal of harming or injuring other’s lives.


  • In Children: Poor relationship skills, underlying health conditions, stress, or frustration.
  • In Teens: Unhealthy relationship with family or others
  • In Adults: Job or Business stress, relationship with family or friends, ego, to prove dominance, socio-economic problems, poor health, etc

Types of Aggression

  • Impulsive Aggression
  • Instrumental Aggression
  • Assertive Behavior Aggression

Impulsive Aggression:
It is characterized by strong emotions of anger. It is often instant and not planned. This aggression takes place in the heat of the moment.

Instrumental Aggression:
It is also known as predatory aggression. It is marked by intended behavior to achieve a large goal. This is often done with careful planning.

Assertive Behaviour Aggression:
It is the behaviour that involves the legitimate Physical or verbal force to achieve one’s purpose. Such as sledding in cricket causes psychological discomfort.

Psychological Attributes In Sports

Self Esteem, Mental Imagery, Self Talk, Goal Setting

Psychological attributes are related to the mental balance of individuals enclosed in their social interactions, as robust attractors within complex dynamic processes with emergent properties, distinct from physical entities located in precise areas of the brain.

Self Esteem

Self-esteem is used to describe a person’s overall subjective sense of personal worth or value. In other words, self-esteem may be defined as how much you appreciate and like yourself regardless of the circumstances. 

Your self-esteem is defined by many factors including:

  • Self-confidence
  • Feeling of security
  • Identity
  • Sense of belonging
  • Feeling of competence
  • Other terms that are often used interchangeably with self-esteem include self-worth, self-regard, and self-respect.

Self-esteem is lowest in childhood and increases during adolescence, as well as adulthood, eventually reaching a fairly stable and enduring level. 

It impacts your decision-making process, your relationships, your emotional health, and your overall well-being. 

Self-esteem also influences motivation, as people with a healthy, positive view of themselves understand their potential and may feel inspired to take on new challenges. 

People with high self-esteem:

  • Always have a firm understanding of their skills
  • They are able to maintain healthy relationships with others because they have a healthy relationship with themselves
  • They have realistic and appropriate expectations of themselves and their abilities
  • They understand their needs and are able to express them

People with low self-esteem:

  • They tend to feel less sure of their abilities and may doubt their decision-making process. 
  • They don’t feel motivated to try novel things because they don’t believe they’re capable of reaching their goals. 
  • They may have issues with relationships and expressing their needs. 
  • They also experience low levels of confidence and feel unlovable and unworthy.

People with overly high self-esteem:

  • They may overestimate their skills and may feel entitled to succeed, even without the abilities to back up their belief in themselves. 
  • They may struggle with relationship issues and block themselves from self-improvement because they are seeing themselves as perfect.

Mental Imagery 

It enables us to reactivate and manipulate internal representations when the corresponding stimuli are absent. In the case of visual mental imagery, this process gives rise to the experience of ‘seeing with the mind’s eye.’ 

Mental imagery represents a very relevant part of mental life. Because of its, internal status, and complexity, its study raises a series of methodological problems and requires differentiation and specifications.

Mental imagery involves the athletes imagining themselves in an environment performing a specific activity using their senses (sight, hearing, feel and smell). The images should have the athlete performing successfully and feeling satisfied with their performance.

Mental Imagery can be used to:

  • Familiarize the athlete with a competition site
  • Motivate the athlete by recalling images of their goals for that session, or of success in a past competition 
  • The perfect skills or skill sequences the athlete is learning or refining
  • It reduces negative thoughts by focusing on positive outcomes
  • It refocuses the athlete when the need arises, e.g. if performance is feeling sluggish, the imagery of a previous best performance or previous best event focus can help get things back on track
  • It sees success where the athlete sees themselves performing skills correctly and the desired outcomes
  • It sets the stage for a performance with a complete mental run-through of the performance’s key elements to set the athlete’s desired pre-competition feelings and focus.

Self Talk

When you talk to yourself, or your inner voice it is called self-talk. You might not be aware that you’re doing it, but you almost certainly are. This inner voice combines conscious thoughts with inbuilt beliefs and biases to create an internal monologue throughout the day.

Self-talk refers to our inner dialogue, it is the statements that we say to ourselves, either in our mind or out loud. It’s like giving ourselves a pep talk before a job interview, a date, or before any competition. 

This practice certainly helps us appraise and regulate our thoughts and emotions and can help reduce stress and anxiety in certain situations. 

Athletes also engage in self-talk during training and in competition, saying things like, “Keep going” “Focus on form”, or “I’m feeling strong”. In sports, self-talk can serve two functions:

Boosting an athlete’s motivation and encouraging them to put in more effort.

It directs attention to the relevant actions that the athletes must execute (“pass the ball”, “go faster”) to improve the quality of their movement or performance. This is thought to be more beneficial for sports requiring fine motor control, such as basketball, rather than gross motor control, such as running.

Goal Setting

A  goal is something you are trying to accomplish; it is the object or aim of an action. It can function at an unconscious level.

The aim of goals and the practice of goal setting are well-known and established where performance enhancement is the objective.

Goal setting is simply the development of an action plan that is designed to motivate and guide a person or group toward a goal. Proper setting of goals means that a person has committed thought, emotion, and behavior toward attaining the goal.

It is a powerful process for thinking about your ideal future, and for motivating yourself to turn your vision of this future into reality. It helps you to choose where you want to go or what you want to achieve in life. By knowing this you can concentrate your efforts, also you can quickly spot distractions.

Goal setting focuses on increasing individuals’ motivational levels to achieve success by applying energy levels to achieving the overall goal

In sports goal setting can be one of the most important skills to help athletes to optimize their performance. It can help athletes to focus on what is important and give them a sense of control and positive self-direction. 

SMART goals always help athletes gain confidence and believe in their ability to succeed. Goal setting with proper follow-up, can improve performance, influence motivation, and help athletes reach their potential.

How To Set Smart Goals?

1. Make your goals specific, observable and measurable

2. Always clearly identify the time constraints 

3. Use moderately difficult goals rather than easy goals.

4. Write down the goals and regularly monitor progress

5. Make short-range goals to achieve long-range plans

6. Set practice as well as competition goals

7.  Consider personality and individual differences in goal-setting

9. Set positive goals as opposed to negative goals

10. Identify a goal-achievement strategy

11. Seek support for your goals

12. Set team as well as individual performance goal

When you talk to yourself, or your inner voice it is called self-talk. You might not be aware that you’re doing it, but you almost certainly are. This inner voice combines conscious thoughts with inbuilt beliefs and biases to create an internal monologue throughout the day.

Self-talk refers to our inner dialogue, it is the statements that we say to ourselves, either in our mind or out loud. It’s like giving ourselves a pep talk before a job interview, a date or before any competition. 

This practice certainly helps us appraise and regulate our thoughts and emotions and can help reduce stress and anxiety in certain situations. 

Athletes also engage in self-talk during training and in competition, saying things like, “Keep going” “Focus on form”, or “I’m feeling strong”. In sports, self-talk can serve two functions:

Boosting an athlete’s motivation and encouraging them to put in more effort.

It directs attention to the relevant actions that the athletes must execute (“pass the ball”, “go faster”) to improve the quality of their movement or performance. This is thought to be more beneficial for sports requiring fine motor control, such as basketball, rather than gross motor control, such as running.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Which one is not a part of Big Five personality theory?

a. Agreeableness

b. Neuroticism

c. Ambiversion

d. Extroversion

2. One of Sheldon’s Personality Theories is

a. Introvert

b. Ectomorph

c. Extrovert

d. Ambivert

3. Which is not a technique of extrinsic motivation?

a. Reward

b. Punishment

c. Self-appraisal

d. Audiovisual aids

4. How many types of aggression are there in sports?

a. 5 b. 3 c. 4 d. 6

5. Which is not a type of motivation?

a. Intrinsic motivation

b. Social motivation

c. Extrinsic motivation

Short Answer (SA) Type Questions

1. What is the role of psychology in sports?

Ans. Psychology plays a vital role in enhancing the performance of players to a great extent. Psychological factors like learning, interest, attitude, motivation, emotion, stress, etc., largely affect the performance of players. 

With the help of psychology, players as well as instructors can understand the weak areas and devise ways to bring improvement.

Therefore, the knowledge of psychology helps physical educators and coaches to understand the behavior of players and how desirable changes and modifications can be brought into their behavioral patterns to improve the level of their performance.

2. Explain the meaning of personality with the help of definitions.

Ans. Personality is basically a set of characteristics like attitude, habits, traits, etc., possessed by a person which greatly influences his motivation, emotion and behavior in different situations. 

It reveals the psychological makeup of an individual through his behavior. Personality is a dynamic and continuous process of learning in which an individual acquires different psychological characteristics. 

The word ‘personality’ is also used to represent all the factors inherited or acquired, which make up an individual. 

Some definitions of personality are as follows

According to Warren, “Personality is the entire organization of a human being at any stage of development.”  

According to Guildford, “Personality is an individual’s unique pattern of traits which distinguishes one individual from the other.” 

3. What are the types of personality as given by Sheldon?

Or Discuss the Sheldon types of personality in detail. (CBSE 2020)

Ans. The personality type on the basis of physical attributes is given by William Herbert Sheldon. These are as follows

(i) Endomorphs. They have a pear-shaped and rounded physique. They have short arms and legs. They are more inclined to become obese.

They are most suitable for activities in which great strength is required. Sports like weight-lifting and power-lifting are most suitable for endomorphs.

(ii) Ectomorphs. They are usually referred to as slim persons because their muscles and limbs are elongated. They have great difficulty in gaining weight.

They have flat chest and have less muscle mass. They are best suited for games and sports like gymnastics.

(iii) Mesomorphs. They are somewhere between endomorph and ectomorph.

They have broad shoulders, narrow waist (wedge shaped), muscular body, strong limbs and average body fat.

They are well proportioned. They are physically capable of doing a lot of activities and tend to be athletically aggressive. They are adventurous, energetic and competitive.     

4. Write any three personality types that are formulated by Carl Jung.

Ans. The types that are formulated by Carl Jung are described as follows

(i) Extroverts-Introverts An extrovert is more open as the direction of energy is derived and expressed in the external world, environment and surroundings. On the other hand, an introvert is mainly confined to the internal world.

(ii) Sensing-Intuition Sensing means that the person perceives information that he receives through the senses or external world.  

On the other hand, intuition means that the person believes mainly the information that he receives  through the inner self or imaginary world.

(iii) Thinking-Feeling Thinking means a person processes or makes a decision by logical reasoning.

On the other hand, feeling means that a person  processes information based on emotions.

5. Differentiate between Extroverts and Introverts.

Ans. The differences between extroverts and introverts are as follows:

They are very outgoing, confident, lively and make friends easily.  They are reserved, too self-conscious and more interested in their own thoughts and ideas.
Actors politician group leaders are extrovertsActors politicians group leaders are extroverts
Extroverts are more open as the direction of energy is derived and expressed in the external world, Introverts are mainly confined to their internal world i.e. their own self.

6, Extrinsic motivation may sometimes kill intrinsic motivation Justify?

Ans. Intrinsic motivation is within the individual and guides him to perform better. It is based on needs, interests, nature, emotions, social needs etc.

Sometimes extrinsic motivation may kill intrinsic motivation because the physical appearance of something

i.e. reward or punishment has more influence on the mind of an athlete than his own desire to succeed. Therefore, it is important to encourage students to achieve excellence rather than rely on rewards and punishments only.

7. What is meant by motivation? Explain any two techniques of motivation for higher achievement in sports.    (All India 2017)

Ans. Motivation means a process through which an individual is inspired or stimulated to act in a particular fashion or manner towards a particular direction. Techniques of  motivation for higher achievement in sports are as follows

(i) Active Participation: Active involvement of the coach/teacher develops healthy competition and interaction between the students. Teachers are able to identify the problems and explain how to solve those problems.

(ii) Rewards Announcing. Rewards that will be given, once the tasks are completed successfully, has a great effect on a person’s performance.

For example, parents give chocolates to their children for good performance. Rewards are of various types and help in achieving the goal, like cash, prize, job, professional security, honor, social status, etc.

8. Discuss in detail any three techniques of motivation.    (CBSE 2020)

Ans. The three techniques of intrinsic motivation are as follows 

(i) Knowledge of the Goal. It is one of the most important techniques of motivation. A person should be made aware of the attainment of the goal. The player should be acquainted well with the aim and objectives of the goal.

For example, telling the player that the goal is to cover a 100 m distance in the shortest time. In this, knowledge of the goal helps the player to reach it,

(ii) Equipment and Surroundings. Modern equipment and healthy surroundings like well-maintained playgrounds, the latest sports equipment, etc., act: as motivating factors for high performance.

(iij) Positive Attitude. A positive attitude enhances the level of intrinsic motivation and helps in accepting external motivation, Sportsperson with a positive attitude gives his/her best to win the game.

Such people always show confidence in themselves despite having difficult situations. Coaches and trainers also play an important role in imparting a positive attitude. 

9. What are the types of aggression? (CBSE 2020)

Ans. There are three types of aggression in sports. They are as follows

(i) Instrumental Aggression. The main aim is to achieve a goal by using aggression. For example, a footballer uses aggression to tackle his opponent by high-intensity play without harming anyone.

(ii) Hostile Aggression. The main aim is to cause harm or injury to the opponent. It is usually an unplanned, impulsive reaction. For example, a bowler throws a bouncer to deliberately injure the batsman.

(iii) Assertive Behavior. It is also referred to as assertive aggression. It is generally seen as a positive form of aggression. On the ground, it simply means to stand up for your values in an unthreatening manner and involves the use of legitimate physical or verbal force to achieve one’s goals.

10. Explain Assertive behavior in detail.

Ans. Assertive behavior is also referred to as assertive aggression. It is generally seen as a positive form of aggression. On the ground, it simply means to stand up for your values in an unthreatening manner and involves the use of legitimate physical or verbal force to achieve one’s goals.

For an act to be assertive, it must be a goal-directed with no specific intention to harm along with the use of legitimate force with no rules broken.

Thus, assertive behavior should include four components tiz. it should be goal-oriented, should not be intended to harm, should use only legitimate force and should not break any rule of the sport. 

11. Why do players show hostile aggression on the field?

Ans. Players who want to achieve success quickly or are not able to manage their emotions, show hostile aggression towards another player.

Sometimes players lose their self-control or are not able to manage humiliation and feel hurt and insulted, then they show hostile aggression as a form of revenge. 

Usually, new players show greater hostility than experienced players. Such aggression is against the spirit of the game. Hostile aggression may also arise as a result of bad feelings, jealousy, insecurity, and threats. 

Here, the aim is to harm the player who becomes the reason for bad feelings. However, hostile aggression may be planned or unplanned to cause injury to the intended player on the field.

12. Distinguish between instrumental and hostile aggression.

Ans. The differences between instrumental and hostile aggression are as follows:

Instrumental AggressionHostile Aggression
It is a positive kind of aggression as the aim is to achieve a goal/target.It is a negative kind of aggression as the aim is to cause harm or injury to others.
It arises from the need to excel and to do better.It arises from insults, hurt feelings, jealousy and threats.
Here, the aim is to excel by improving their own performanceHere, the aim is to excel but devising ways to reduce the performance of others.

 Long Answer (LA) Type Questions

1. Explain the structure of personality. Describe the role of sports in developing the personality. (Delhi 2016)

Ans. The word ‘personality’ is derived from the Latin word ‘persona’ meaning ‘the mask’. In ancient Greece, the actors used to wear masks to hide their identities while portraying their roles in a theatrical play.

To an ordinary person, the word ‘personality’ conveys the meaning of one’s physical appearance, his habits, his ways of dressing, his reputation, his manners and other similar characteristics. 

Sports plays an important role in developing the personality in the following ways

(i) Development of Physique. A good physique can be developed by regular training which becomes simple by participation in sports. A well-built physique exhibits a good personality that is attractive and impressive.

(ii) Relieves stress. Stress can be relieved by playing any type of sport. Sports help one combat anxiety, depression and stress. When the stress is relieved from the person, it improves the personality of that person,

(iii) Social Skills. Sports help in developing social skills as players play together. bond with each other, share their problems and worries as well as cooperate with each other.

(iv) Discipline. Sports help in making a person disciplined as it is essential to practise, and complete all the tasks on time without fear of failure. This helps in making a good personality.

2. What is a personality trait? Explain the related theory in detail.

Or Elaborate any three components of the Big Five Theory of personality. (CBSE 2020)

Ans. Personality trait refers to the qualities or characteristics that describe a personality. In order to classify different personalities, they are divided into five parts which is known as the Big Five personality model.

Each part of the model describes a personality trait which is as follows

(i) Openness. Refers to how a person is inclined to face cultural norms. Its characteristics are imagination, and insight. creativity, adventurous and abstract thinking. They are open to change.

(ii) Conscientiousness. Refers to a dutiful and disciplined life. The characteristics include a high level of thoughtfulness, good impulse control, goal-directed behaviors and risk-taking ability.

(iii) Extroversion. It refers to the type of emotional expression and attitude. It’s characteristics include sociability, talkativeness and assertiveness. It shows how social a person is, or how loving, caring and warm.

(iv) Agreeableness. Refers to attributes like cooperation, kindness, trust, affection and other social behaviors. It also shows a dependable, trustworthy and caring personality.

(v) Neuroticism. Refers to nervousness, worrying nature and anxiety. The characteristics are sadness, moodiness, emotional instability and irritability.

3. Discuss the psychological benefits of exercise in detail.

Ans. The psychological benefits of exercise are as follows

(i) Enhanced Mood. Exercise increases the supply of certain neurotransmitters in the brain that keep one happy as well as boosting endorphins which are ‘feel-good’ chemicals. These chemicals help in uplifting the mood, thereby reducing depression.

(ii) Reduces Anxiety and Stress. Exercise is correlated to a reduction in anxiety as exercise stimulates anti-anxiety. It removes the build-up of stress hormones in the body. Exercise also improves sleep which helps in reducing stress.

(iii) Improved Self-Esteem. Exercise has a positive influence on our perception of ourselves, providing a sense of accomplishment as we master skills, and improve our body image and self-worth. It is a part of a positive coping strategy.

(iv) Emotional Control. Exercise helps to control various emotions such as depression, anger and anxiety. It also helps to channel the emotions in a positive way. This helps in the overall development of an individual.

(v) Keep Mentally Fit. Regular exercise prevents degenerative diseases that occur with age. This prevents cognitive decline by keeping the brain healthy. As a result, a person doing regular exercise is mentally fit.

4. What are the reasons behind doing exercises?

Ans. The main reasons behind doing exercises are as follows

(i) Longevity People who are physically active live longer. Regular exercise habits reducesÅhe risk of dying prematurely.

(ii) Weight Control. Regular physical activity helps to reach and maintain a healthy weight. Exercises speed up the rate of energy usage, resulting in increased metabolism. When metabolism increases,  the body weight remains under control.

(iii) Bone Strength. An active lifestyle benefits bone density. Regular weight-bearing exercise promotes bone formation, delays bone loss and protects against osteoporosis (a form of bone loss associated with aging).

(iv) Strong Immune System. Regular exercise is beneficial for the immune system. Exercise or physical activity may help flush bacteria out of the lungs and airways.

This increases the immunity of the body and reduces the chance of getting a cold, flu, or other illness.

(v) Cholesterol Lowering Effect. Physical exercise favorably influences blood cholesterol levels in our body. Exercise positively alters cholesterol metabolism by increasing the production and action of several enzymes in the body.

(vi) Improves Psychological Health. Exercise plays a vital role in improving and maintaining our psychological or emotional health as it releases chemicals like endorphins into our brain which makes us feel happier,

It also helps in combating the problems of anxiety, depression and stress. It can help in improving the self-esteem and self-confidence of an individual.

(vii) Enhanced Physical Appearance. Exercise can enhance our physical appearance and help us to maintain a healthy physical appearance for a healthy life.

Case-Based Questions

1. Carl Lewis is a renowned long jumper. Whenever he is going to jump in a competition, he asks the audience to clap their hands till the completion of his jump. (CBSC Question Bank 2021) 

(i) What do you understand by motivation?

Ans. Motivation means inspiration, an inner urge to do something or to achieve a target or a goal.

(ii) How many types of motivation are there?

Ans. There are two types of motivation. These are intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic means internally motivated and extrinsic means motivation from outside.

2. Vijay is a football player at Kennedy School. He is famous for his aggressive play on the field. Because of his aggression, he scored many goals. At the same time, he was punished for his aggressive behavior with his opponent.

(i) In what ways do players show aggressive behavior?

Ans. Players show aggressive behavior by hitting or using abusive language. They may also push, insult, or threaten other players.

(ii) What kind of aggression is shown by Vijay?

Ans. The land of aggression shown by Vijay is hostile aggression. He may have insulted, hurt, or used abusive languages against other players and he was punished for the same.

3. The knowledge of psychology helps the physical educators and the coaches to understand the behavior of players and how desirable changes and modifications can be brought into their behavioral patterns to improve the level of their performance. Based on this passage, answer the questions.

(i) What is sports psychology?

Ans. It is the branch of psychology that deals with the study of human behavior on the playing field, both under Preeti and in competitive situations, to bring out qualitative improvement.

(ii) Which psychological factors affects the players ?

Ans. Factors like interest, attitude, stress, motivation, aggression, jealousy, anxiety, etc, affects players.

Final Words

From the above article you must have learnt about ncert cbse class 12 Physical Education notes of chapter 9 Psychology and sports. We hope that this crisp and latest Physical Education class 12 Term 2 notes will definitely help you in your exam.

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