Life Process MCQ | Class 10 Science | Chapter 6 | 2024

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Life Process MCQ

Below are some of the very important NCERT MCQ Questions of Life process Class 10 Science Chapter 6 with Answers. These Life process MCQ have been prepared by expert teachers and subject experts based on the latest syllabus and pattern of term 1 and term 2. We have given these Life process MCQ Class 10 Science Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science chapter 6 are very important for the latest CBSE term 1 and term 2 pattern.These MCQs are very important for students who want to score high in CBSE Board.

We have put together these NCERT MCQ Questions of Life process MCQ for Class 10 Science Chapter 6 with Answers for the practice on a regular basis to score high in exams. Refer to these MCQs Questions with Answers here along with a detailed explanation.

Life process mcq

MCQ 1 – 35

1. In which of the following group of organisms, food material is broken down outside the body and absorbed ?

(a) Mushroom, green plants, amoeba

(b) Yeast, mushroom, bread mould

      (c)    Paramecium, amoeba, cuscuta

      (d)    Cuscuta, lice, tapeworm

 2. A student covered a leaf from a destarched plant with a black paper strip and kept it in the garden outside his house in fresh air. In the evening, he tested the covered portion of the leaf for the presence of starch. By doing so the student was trying to show that:

(a) CO2 is given out during respiration

(b) CO2 is necessary for photosynthesis 

      (c) Chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis

      (d)    Light is necessary for photosynthesis

3. A few drops of iodine solution were added to rice water. The solution turned blue-black in colour. This indicates that rice water contains :

(a) Complex proteins 

(b) Simple proteins

(c) Starch   

(d) Fats

4. If salivary amylase is lacking in the saliva, which of the following events in the mouth cavity will not take place properly?

(a) Proteins breaking down into amino acids

(b) Starch breaking down into sugars

      (c) Fats breaking down into fatty acids and glycerol

       (d) Absorption of vitamins

5. Bile from the liver is received in which part of the alimentary canal?

(a) Stomach   

(b) Small intestine

      (c) Large intestine

      (d) Oesophagus

6. In which part of alimentary canal food is finally digested ?  

(a) Stomach           (b) Mouth cavity

      (c) Large intestine      (d) Small intestine

7. Choose the function of pancreatic juice from the following :

(a) Trypsin digests proteins and lipase digests carbohydrates

(b) Trypsin digests emulsified fats and lipase digests proteins

      (c)    Trypsin and lipase digests fats

      (d)    Trypsin digests proteins and lipase digests emulsified fats

8. The pancreatic juice does not contain one of the following enzymes.

     (a) Trypsin    (b) Amylase

            (c) Lipa«e    (d) Ptyalin

9. The kidneys in human beings are a part of the system for :   

(a) Nutrition          (b) Respiration

      (c)    Excretion    (d) Transportation

10. The opening and closing of stomatal pores depends upon 

(a) Oxygen

      (b)    Water in guard cells

      (c)    Concentration of carbon dioxide in stomata

      (d)    Temperature

11. In human digestive system the enzymes pepsin and trypsin are secreted respectively by :

(a) Pancreas and liver

(b) Pancreas and gallbladder

      (c) Stomach and pancreas

      (d)    Stomach and salivary glands

12. Which of the following is the correct statement regarding bile ?

(a) Secreted by bile duct and stored in liver

      (b)   Secreted by liver and stored in bile duct 

      (c) Secreted by liver and stored in gallbladder

      (d) Secreted by gallbladder and stored in liver

13. Which of the following components of our food is digested by an enzyme which is present in saliva as well as in pancreatic juice ? 

(a) Proteins          (b) Fats

      (c)    Minerals    (d) Carbohydrates

14. Where are proteins first digested in the alimentary canal ?  

(a) Small intestine

(b) Oesophagus

      (c)    Stomach   

      (d) Mouth

15. Which is the first enzyme to mix with food in the digestive tract ?  

(a) Amylase         (b) Pepsin

      (c)    Trypsin           (d) Cellulase

Click Below For Social Science Syllabus Chapterwise MCQs

16. Which of the following statements are correct ?

(i) Pyruvate can be broken down into ethanol and carbon dioxide by yeast

(ii) Fermentation takes place in aerobic bacteria

(iii) Fermentation takes place in mitochondria

(iv) Fermentation is a form of anaerobic respiration

(a) (i) and (iii)    (b) (ii) and (iv)

      (c)    (i) and (iv)    (d) (ii) and (iii)

17. Choose the correct statements that describe arteries.   

(a) They have thick elastic walls, blood flows under high pressure, collect blood from different organs and bring back to heart.

(b) They have thin walle with valveo inside, blood flows under low pressure, carry blood away from    the heart to various organs of the body.

      (c) They have thick elastic walls, blood flows under low pressure, carry blood from the heart to various organs of the body.      

      (d) They have thick elastic walls without valves inside, blood flows under high pressure and carry blood away from the heart to different parts of the body.   

18. The autotrophic mode of nutrition requires : 

(a) Carbon dioxide and water

(b) Chlorophyll

      (c)    Sunlight

      (d)    All of the above

19. The breakdown of pyruvate to give carbon dioxide, water and energy takes place in :   

            (a) Cytoplasm      (b) Mitochondria

    (c) Chloroplast      (d) Nucleus

20. When air is blown from mouth into a test tube containing lime water, the lime lwater turned milky due to the presence of : 

    (a) Oxygen                 (b) Nitrogen

     (c) Carbon dioxide    (d) Water vapour

21. During deficiency of oxygen in tissues of human  beings pyruvic acid is converted into lactic acid in :

  (a) Cytoplasm    (b) Chloroplast 

  (c) Mitochondria    (d) Golgi body     

22. The correct path of urine flow in our body is :

(a) Kidney + Ureter + Urethra Urinary bladder  

      (b)    Kidney Urinary bladder Urethra Ureter

      (c)    Kidney Ureter Urinary bladder Urethra

      (d)    Urinary bladder Kidney + Ureter Urethra

23. During respiration exchange of gases takes place in :

(a) Trachea and larynx 

(b) Alveoli of lungs

      (c) Alveoli and throat 

      (d) Throat and larynx

24. The xylem in plants are responsible for :    

(a) Transport of water

      (b)    Transport of food

      (c)    Transport of amino acids

      (d)    Transport of oxygen

25. In the experiment to show that ‘CO2 is released during respiration’, the solution in the test tube is chemically:     

(a) NaOH (b) KOH

      (c) Naa    (d) KCI

26. Give the chemical equation for photosynthesis ?

27. In which form excess glucose molecules are stored as  reserve food in :

(i) Plants 

(ii) Animals

28. In which region of chloroplast does light reactions and dark reactions of photosynthesis Occurs ?

29. The leaves of a plant first prepare food A by photosynthesis. Food A then converts into food B. What are A and B ?

30. What is the source of oxygen produced during   photosynthesis ?

31. Why are dark reaction called 90 ?

32. Why do we perform the iodine test ?

33. Why do cricketers complain of cramps in their muscles during playing ?

34. Why do the walls of trachea not collapse when there is less air in it ?

35. Why is glottis guarded by epiglottis ?

Assertion and Reasoning MCQs

Directions: In the following questions, a statement of assertion is followed by a statement of reason. Mark the correct choice as:

(a) If both assertion and reason   are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

      (b)    If both assertion and reason are true, but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

      (c)    If the assertion is true, but the reason is false.

      (d)    If the assertion is false, but the reason is true.

 36. Assertion: Presence of HCI in the stomach is necessary for the process of digestion.

Reason: HCI kills and inhibits the growth of bacteria in the stomach.

37. Assertion: Left atrium possesses the thickest muscles. 

Reason: Left atrium receives oxygenated blood from   the lungs.

38. Assertion: The rate of photosynthesis will be lowered if the leaves are coated with oil.

Reason: Stomata gets blocked and thus gaseous exchange is affected.

39. Assertion: Doctors can tell by counting the pulse rate and listening to heart beats whether a person is well or not.

Reason: Pulse rate and heart beats change according to the condition of our heart.

40. Assertion: Urinary bladder and ureters are lined by transitional epithelium.

Reason: Ureters carry the urine to urinary bladder where it is stored temporarily.

41. Assertion: Aerobic animals are not truly aerobic.

Reason: They produce lactic acid anaerobically.

42. Assertion: The effect of root pressure in transport of water is more important at night.

Reason: During the day, stomata are open, transpiration takes place which helps in transport of water.

43. Assertion: Dark phase is independent of light, hence called light independent phase 

Reason: Dark phase takes place at night.

44. Assertion: Blood pressure of a normal adult is 120/80. 

Reason: Blood pressure is measured by a sphygmomanometer.

45. Assertion: Pancreatic amylase digests starch to maltose. 

Reason: Pancreatic amylase breaks the peptide bond of protein.

 Case Based MCQs

46. Look at the picture given below carefully and answer 46′ any four questions from Q 46 (i) to 46 (v).

Life Process mcq

(i) What is the name of the pigment that should be filled in box 1?

(a) chloroplast    (b) chlorophyll

      (c) chlorophyll    (d) chromoplast

(ii) What is the thing that plants absorb through their roots and should be filled in box 2 to complete the picture?

(a) water    (b) mineral nutrients

      (c) air    (d) chemicals

(iii) An appropriate entry for the box 3 shown in the   figure is:  

(a) oxygen              (b) air

      (c) carbon dioxide   (d) nitrogen

(iv) Final outputs from the photosynthesis, to be filled in boxes 4 and 5, are: 

(a) glucose and oxygen

(b) oxygen and glucose  

(a) glucose and carbon dioxide

      (d) energy and oxygen

(v) Overall, what is the energy conversion summary in the process of photosynthesis?

(a) Heat energy is converted into mechanical energy

      (b)    Heat energy is converted into chemical energy

      (c)    Light energy is converted into chemical energy 

      (d) Light energy is converted into mechanical energy

47. Refer to the figure given below carefully and answer any four questions from Q 47 (i) to 47 (v).

Life Process mcq

(i) The given picture shows a part of :

(a) human digestive system

(b) mouse digestive system

      (c)    human respiratory system

      (d)    mouse alimentary canal

(ii) Food taken in is processed to generate particles, which are small and of the game texture through: 

(a) biting

      (b)    churning the food with our teeth

      (c)    mixing with saliva in the mouth

      (d)    licking

(iii) Biological catalysts which help in food disintegration are also known as: 

(a) enzymes   (b) proteins

      (c)    fats          (d) nucleic acids

(iv) Digestion functions are taken care of by the gastric glands present in the wall of the stomach by releasing the following 

(a) hydrochloric acid, pepsin, and mucus

      (b)    hydrochloric acid, pepsin, and malic acid

      (c)    sulphuric acid, pepsin, and mucus

      (d)    hydrochloric acid, pepsin and mucus

(v) Protein, carbohydrate, and fat components of food are completely digested in the:

(a) stomach    (b) small intestine

      (c)    large intestine (d) esophagus

48. Read the passage carefully and answer any four questions from Q 48 (i) to 48 (v).

Traditionally the process of respiration is divided into   three phases: (1) ventilation of the gas exchange organs better known as breathing, (2) transport of respiratory gases and (3) cellular respiration.

We assimilate chemical energy from the environment and transfer it from molecule to molecule in a stepwise fashion within our cells. Although studied separately, these phases represent a continuum and processes of cellular respiration in all life forms is mostly common.

(i) The energy released during cellular respiration is immediately used to synthesise a molecule called  which is used to fuel all other activities in the cell.

(a) ATP    (b) GTP

       (c) AGI    (d) APP

(ii) The ultimate breakdown products of glucose in our body are:

(a) carbon dioxide and water

      (b)    carbon dioxide, water, and energy

      (c)    energy and water

      (d)    oxygen, water, and energy

(iv) Which one of the following statements is not true? 

(a) the release of energy in this aerobic process is a lot greater than in the anaerobic process

      (b)    build-up of lactic acid in our muscles during sudden activity causes cramps

      (c)    fermentation is a type of aerobic respiration

      (d)    breakdown of pyruvate using oxygen takes place in the mitochondria

(v) Air passages within the lungs terminate in structures called:

(a) bronchiole    (b) bronchi

      (c) alveoli                (d) ribs

49. Read the passage carefully and answer any four questions from Q 49 (i) to 49 (v)

A normal human heart is a strong, hard-working pump made of muscle tissue. It is about the size of a person’s fist, and the heart comprises four chambers. “The upper two chambers are known as atria, and the lower two are known as ventricles. 

These chambers are separated by a wall of tissue known as the septum. Blood is pumped through the chambers, assisted by four heart valves.  valves open and close to allow blood flow in only one direction.

(i) Blood that is brought back to the heart is rich in :

(a) oxygen                (b) carbon dioxide

      (c) both (a) and (b) (d) carbon monoxide

(ii) Which one of the two, atria or ventricles, has thicker muscular walls?

(a) atria

(b) septum

      (c) ventricles

      (d)    both atria or ventricles have similar thickness of walls

(iii) Blood is pumped out to the body when:

(a) left ventricle expands

      (b)    left atrium relaxes

      (c)    left atrium contracts

      (d)    left ventricle contracts

(iv) Which one of the statements given below is not true?

(a) Valves ensure that blood does not flow backwards when the atria or ventricles contract 

(b) Amphibians or many reptiles have three chambered hearts, but they do not tolerate mixing of the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood streams

(c) Vertebrates have double circulation procedure

(d) Deoxygenated blood comes from the body to the upper chamber on the right 

(v) The force that blood exerts against the wall of a vessel is called

(a) ventricular pressure

      (b)    blood pressure

      (c) atrial pressure

      (d) septal pressure

50. Observe the picture given below carefully and answer any four questions from Q 50 (i) to 50 (v).

Life Process mcq

(i) Plant transport systems move raw materials from roots:

(a) raw matetials from roota

      (b) synthesized glucoqe to leavea

      (c)    raw materialQ to roote

      (d)    water from leave«

(ii) The    loss of water in the form of vapour from the aerial parts of the plant is known as

(a) respiration  

(b) transportation

(c) transpiration

      (d)    translocation

(iii) Tissues responsible for movement of water and minerals from roots to the other parts of plant are known as :

    (a) xylem    (b) chloroplast

    (c) phloem    (d) stomata

(iv) Phloem tissues transport

(a) products of photosynthesis, amino acids, and other substances

     (b)    glucose and amino acids

     (c)    products of photosynthesis only

     (d)    water and amino acids

(v) Which of the processes does not involve the use of energy?

(a) transport through xylem

      (b)    translocation through phloem

      (c)    transport of soluble products ofphotosynthesis

      (d)    photosynthesis

51. Observe the graph given below carefully and answer any four questions from Q 51 (i) to 51 (v).

The graph below shows the percent of undigested carbohydrates, proteins and fats as the food passes through the human digestive tract. X axis represents sequential structure that make up the digestive tract.

life Process mcq

(i) In humans, chemical digestion is accomplished by enzyme action that begins in the mouth and ends in the

(a) Oesophagus       (b) Stomach

      (c) Small Intestine   (d) Gallbladder

(ii) Which of the following is the correct order for the process of nutrition?

(a) Digestion, absorption, assimilation, egestion

(b) Absorption, assimilation, egestion, Ingestion 

(c) Ingestion, digestion, absorption, aqqimilation

      (d) Digestion, absorption, ingestion, egestion 

(iii) In which organ does the first digestion of starch occur in humans?

(a) Stomach    (b) Small intestine

      (c) Large intestine (d) Mouth

(iv) Which of the following converts starch to glucose, proteins to amino acids and fats to glycerol?

(a) Gastric juice    (b) Bile salts

      (c) Intestinal juice (d) Pepsinogen

(v) Bile juice does not contain any enzyme but bile salts are important for digestion and absorption of fats. Why?

(a) Bile is alkaline and contains salts which help to emulsify or break the fats (or lipids) present in the food.

      (b)    Makes the acidic food coming from the stomach alkaline so that pancreatic enzymes can act on it.

      (c)    Bile salts break the fats present in the food into small globules making it easy for the enzymes to act and digest them.

      (d)    All of the above.

52. Using the following information form a pathway  showing the flow of blood through the heart. And also include information that is not mentioned below to complete it.

Left ventricle, inferior vena cava, superior vena cava, tricuspid valve, left auricle, bicuspid valve, right auricle, lungs, right ventricle, and pulmonary vein.

53. Consider the following table given below and answer the questions with reasons:

SubstanceAmount filtered (grams) Amount reabsorbed
Amount in urine (grams)
Water180 L179 Ll L

(i) The urine is produced by which organ system?

(ii) What are nephrons?

(iii) Define the term urine.

(iv) What is the final part of the urinary system?

54. If the teeth are not cleaned regularly, they become covered with a sticky yellowish layer W of food particles and bacteria. Since layer W covers the teeth the alkaline liquid X secreted by glands Y inside the mouth cannot reach the teeth surface to neutralize the   acid formed by the action of organisms Z on sugary  food and hence tooth decay sets in.

(i) What is W known as?

(ii) What is X and Y?

(iii) What are organisms Z?

(iv) State one way of removing layer W from the teeth. 

55. A unicellular animal P have no fixed shape ingests food particles by forming temporary finger like projections Q. The food particle is engulfed with a little surrounding water to form a temporary stomach R inside it.

The chemicals S from surrounding cytoplasm enter into R and break down food into small and soluble molecules by chemical reactions. The digested food is directly absorbed into cytoplasm by process T. The undigested food is thrown out by the rupture of a cell organelle U in a process called V.

(i) Name the unicellular animal P.

(ii) What are Q and R?

(iii) Name chemical S and cell organelle U.

(iv) Name the process T and V

MCQ Answers

1.(b) Yeast, mushroom. bread mould

Explanation: Yeast. mushrcx)rns, and bread mould all exhibit a saprophytic mode of nutrition. They use digestive enzymes secreted outside their bodies to break down complex organic substances and absorb basic molecules as nutrition.

2. (d) Light is necessary for photosynthesis

Explanation: Only in the presence of sunlight can autotrophs convert carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates. By covering the leaf by black paper strip the leaf does not get sunlight in the covered part and no photosynthesis takes place and no starch will be present in the leaf thus light is necessary for photosynthesis.

3. (c) Starch

Explanadon: Due to the presence of starch, when iodine solution was added to rice water, the solution was blue black. Iodine forms a starch Iodide complex when it comes in contact with the amylose structure of starch. The blue-black colour comes from the starch iodide complex.

4.    (b) Starch breaking down into sugars

Explanation: Amylase is a starch hydrolase enzyme that catalysis the conversion of starch to simple sugars. As a result, if salivary amylase is lacking in saliva, starch digestion is hampered.

5.    (b) Small intestine

Explanation: Bile is a dark green to yellowish brown fluid produced by the liver. It is stored in

the gall bladder and it helps in the digestion of fats in the small intestine.

6.    (d) Small intestine

Explanation: Food is broken down in the small intestine by enzymes secreted by the pancreas and bile from the liver because it contains all of the enzymes required for the digestion of every type of food, the food is finally digested in the small intestine of the alimentary canal.

7.    (d) Trypsin digests proteins and lipase digests emulsified fats

Explanation: Pancreatic juice contains the digestive enzymes amylases, lipases, and trypsin, which are secreted by the pancreas. Amylase degrades starch, trypsin degrades proteins, and lipase degrades emulsified lipids.

8.    (d) Ptyalin

Explanation: The pancreas secretes pancreatic juice, which contains various enzymeq like hypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, elaataae, carboxypeptidase, pancreatic lipase, and amylase. Pancreatic juice does not include Ptyalin. It is produced by the gastric glands in the stomach.

9.    (c) Excretion

Explanation: Kidneys are the bean shaped reddish brown paired organs in human beings. These are a part of excretory system that helps in the process of urine formation. Thus kidneys help in excretion.

10.    (b) Water in guard cells

Explanation: The entry of water into guard cells aids in the opening of guard cells, the guard cell becomes turgid as a result of this, Water going out from guard cells aids in the closing of guard cells, as a result of this the guard cells become flaccid.

11.    (c) Stomach and pancreas

Explanation: Pepsin enzyme is secreted by the stomach that breaks down proteins into smaller amino acids. Trypsin enzyme is secreted by the pancreas that breaks down proteins.

12.    (c) Secreted by liver and stored in gall bladder Explanation: Bile juice is secreted by the liver and stored in gall bladder. It helps in the breakdown of fats into fatty acids.

13.    (d) Carbohydrates

Explanation: Salivary amylase, which is present in   saliva, digests carbohydrates such as starch. It is also digested in the pancreas by pancreatic juices.

14.    (c) Stomach

Explanation: Proteins are first broken down in the stomach. Pepsinogen is released by peptic cells in the stomach. Pepsinogen is a proenzyme which is converted into active pepsin. Pepsin breaks down proteins into smaller polypeptides.

15.    (a) Amylase

Explanation: Amylase is the first enzyme in the digestive tract to mix with food. It is secreted in the mouth and acts on starch to break it down into smaller molecules.

16.    (c) (i) and (iv)

Explanation: Fermentation is an anaerobic process in which sugar is converted to acids or alcohol in the absence of oxygen. This process occurs in yeast, bacteria, and oxygen-depleted muscle cells in the same way that lactic acid fermentation does, but it takes place in the cytoplasm rather than in the mitochondria 

17.    (d) They have thick elastic walls without valves inside, blood flows under high pressure and carry blood away from the heart to different parts of the body. Explanation: Arteries are thick-walled blood that pumps blog away from the heart at a high pressure because tier walls are highly muscular, they do not have valves.

18. (d)

19. (b)

20, (c) 

Calcium hydroxide solution is the lime water when it reacts with carbon diovide, it forms insoluble calcium carbonate, which remain, suspended in water and gives it a milky white colour

21. (a) Cytoplasm

Explanation: Tlte pyruvate produced during glycolysis usually enters the Kreb’s cycle as acetyl coenzyme A in the mitochondrial matrix, where it provides a reservoir of chemical energy (ATP, NADH and FADH2). Pyruvic acid can be transformed to lactic acid as one of its potential  fates in cellular respiration. Under stressful conditions, this often occurs in the cytoplasm of muscle tissue.

22 (c) Kidney – Ureter – Urinary bladder -Urethra

Explanation: Urine from the nephron is transported to the collecting duct, where it enters the ureters. Ureters open from the kidney into the urinary bladder.

The urinary bladder holds urine, and as the volume of urine collected increases, so does the size of the bladder. When the CNS sends a voluntary message to the bladder, the bladder muscles contract and the bladder sphincter relaxes, allowing urine to pass through the urethra.

23.    (b) Alveoli of lungs

Explanation: The air sacs in lungs are known as alveoli. The alveoli are where exchange of the  gases takes place. The concentration of oxygen gas  in the alveoli is higher than in the blood during  inhalation, therefore it diffuses into the blood.

Concentration of carbon dioxide is more in the blood than in the alveoli during exhalation, thus it diffuses into the alveoli.

24.    (a) Transport of water

Explanation: In vascular plants, xylem is a type of tissue that transports water and some nutrients from the roots to the leaves.

The other type of transport tissue is phloem, which is responsible for transporting sucrose and other nutrients throughout the plant. The xylem acts as a conducting tibsue to transport water and some soluble nutrients such as minerals and inorganic ions from the roots to the rest of the plant.

25.    (b) KOH

Explanation: For the experiment where C02 is given out during respiration, KOH solution or pallets are taken in a test tube and placed in the conical flask KOH absorbs carbon dioxide and prevents it from being utilised by the plant for the process of photosynthesis.

27. (i) In plants excess glucose are stored in the form of starch.

(ii) In animals glucose molecule are stored in the form of glycogen 

28. Light reactions occur in grana and dark reactions occur in stromata of chloroplast.

29. Food A is glucose and Food B is starch,

30. one source of oxygen produced during photosynthesis is water.

31. Dark reactions are independent of light i.e., they do not requitv any light energy and hence are named so.

32. Iodine test is performed to test the presence of starch.

33. During playing there is conversion of pyruvate to lactic acid in muscles under anaerobic conditions which leads to formation of cramps in their muscles.

34. Trachea is surrounded by C-shaped cartilaginous rings which prevents the trachea from collapsing when there is less air in it.

35. Epiglottis is a flap like structure that guards the glottis and prevents the entry of any food particles during swallowing of food.

36. (b) Presence of HCI in the stomach is necessary for digestion because the acidic medium activates the action of gastric juice. HCI maintains a strong acidic pH, of about 1-2 in the stomach. HCI helps to activate Pepsinogen to pepsin which digests proteins to peptones and proteases. 

HCI inhibits the growth and also kills the germs that may have entered the stomach along with the food. So, thus it can be said that HCI kills bacteria but that does not help in digestion. Thus, both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.

37. (d) Left ventricle has thickest muscles because it pumps the blood to the whole body. Thus, assertion is false but reason is true.

38. (a) Stomata is a tiny pore in leaves that help in gaseous exchange, so if the stomata gets blocked due to oil, gaseous exchange will be affected and hence rate of photosynthesis gets lowered. Thus, both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.

39. (a) Pulse rate is the number of heart beats per minute. So, by counting the pulse rate we can understand the heart beat and in turn understand the working condition of the heart. Thus, both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.

40. (b) Ureters function is to carry urine from kidney to the bladder, it does not depend on what lining it has. Thus, both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.

41. (a) In most animals, tissue oxidation are carried out by aerobic respiration. But sometimes in aerobically respiring organisms, anaerobic metabolism takes place in certain tissues like skeletal muscles which do not get as much as required oxygen and produce lactic acid. Thug both assertion and are true and reason is the correct explanation Of the a«ertion 

42. (a) During the day transpiration becomes the main driving force for pulling up water. But at night since there is no sunlight transpiration does not take place, so water is pulled up due to root pregqure. 

Thus, both assertion and roaqon are true and reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.

43. (c) Dark phase does not take place at night, it takes place independent of light, so light is not a mandatory factor here. Thus, the assertion is true but the reason is false.

44. (b) Sphygmomanometer is the instrument used to measure blood pressure. Whatever, be the value it will be obtained after measuring with this. This has no relation with the normal adult blood pressure. Thus, both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.

45. (c) Pancreatic amylase is a starch splitting enzyme like salivary amylase, so it cannot digest proteins.

Thus, the assertion is true but the reason is false.


(i) (c) Chlorophyll

(ii) (a) water

(iii) (c) carbon dioxide

(iv) (a) glucose and oxygen

(v) (c) Light energy is converted into chemical energy


(i)  (a) human digestive system

(ii) (b) crushing the food with our teeth

(iii) (a) enzymes

(iv) (a) hydrochloric acid, pepsin, and mucus

(v) (b) small intestine


(i) (a) ATP

(ii) (b) carbon dioxide, water, and energy

(iii) (c) fermentation is a type of aerobic respiration

(iv) (c) alveoli

(v) (b) they avoid collapse of air passage


(i) (b) carbon dioxide

(ii) (c) ventricles

(iii) (d) left ventricle contracts

(iv) (b) amphibians or many reptiles have three chambered hearts, but they do not tolerate mixing of the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood streams

(v) (b) blood pressure


(i) (a) raw materials from roots

(ii) (c) transpiration

(iii) (a) xylem

(iv) (a) products of photosynthesis, amino acids, and other substances

(v) (a) transport through xylem


(i) (c) Small Intestine

(ii) (c) Ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation

(iii) (d) Mouth

(iv) (c) Intestinal juice

(v) (d) All of the above.

52.    Right side of the heart:

Inferior + superior vena cava — brings deoxygenated blood from the body — enters right auricle — through bicuspid valve enters right ventricle through pulmonary artery enters lungs for purification of blood. 

Left side of heart:

Oxygenated blood enters from lungs left auricles via pulmonary vein — left ventricle via bicuspid valve  aorta — rest of the body.


(i) The formation of urine takes place in the kidney, which is a part of the urinary system.

(ii) Nephron is the first part of the urinary system present inside the kidneys. The wastes and water from blood plasma move to the nephron through hollow tubules. Nephron produces urine and urine has all the wastes.

(iii) The waste fluid produced during metabolic activities is known as urine. The wastes and toxins are removed out of the body through urine.

(iv) Urethra is the final part of the urinary System. The function of this part is to remove urine out of the body. It is a single tubular structure that is functional when urinary bladder expands and gets filled with urine.


(i) W is known as dental plaque.

(ii) X is saliva and Y is salivary glands.

(iii)  Organisms Z are bacteria.

(iv)  Dental plaque can be removed by brushing teeth twice daily.

55. (i) Amoeba is the unicellular organism P.

(ii)    Q is pseudopodia. R is food vacuole.

(iii)    Chemicals S are enzymes. Cell organelle U is cell membrane.

(iv)    The process T is diffusion and V is egestion.

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Final Words

From the above article, you have practiced Life process MCQ of class 10 Science chapter 3. We hope that the above-mentioned MCQs for term 1 of chapter 6 Life process will surely help you in your exam. 

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